Thief (2014)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well, at least they aren't still calling it Thi4f, and haven't cancelled it outright. It was actually announced ages ago, sometime in the middle of Deus Ex: HR's development, but has been in dev hell ever since DX:HR's release.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
All I can say is



Silver Baronet of the Realm
hope they (game developers) don't screw us again.
no QTE,no sutpid story,no bullshit


Trakanon Raider
Evidently someone's got their hands on the print article from GI;Linkto a summary of the info from it.

Comparisons being made between Thief and Dishonored are inevitable, but you still would've thought they'd start by showing off a level other than the brothel level.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
My Game Informer just came in. I haven't read the whole article yet, but it looks like the reason they dropped THI4F is because they're rebooting the series. I loved the original Thief, but by the time we got to Thief 3 the lore was a hot mess. I honestly can't remember a single character's name outside of Garrett. Given how successful the Tomb Raider reboot was (also published by Square Enix), I'm looking forward to this reboot.

Edit: Finished reading the article. They said they spent nearly three years in the concept phase, testing out mechanics, messing with the camera, etc. At one point it was going to be like Assassin's Creed with a third person camera and Garrett vaulting across rooftops. Ultimately they decided to keep it first person and add a "focus" mechanic (it won't be infinite but they haven't decided exactly how they want it to work yet; atm it is consumed and replenished by pickpocketing and/or stealing petty things in the environment). While using focus interactable objects in the environment are highlighted and time is slowed. The slow time works with lock picking and it opens up what sounds like a contextual in-combat quick time event where you can choose how you want to disable the guard you're in combat with.

Staying true to the original Thief, they don't want the average player to just be able to fight their way through everything. They're trying to find a balance between Garrett being too weak to fight off four guards at once and being so strong that a player can just rush through everything without regard to the security. There will be item and ability upgrades via a hub between missions and anything collected as a bonus objective (like an expensive necklace you heard about while eavesdropping on some nobles chatting with each other) will be displayed in his hideout. All in all I liked everything I read.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Staying true to the original Thief, they don't want the average player to just be able to fight their way through everything. They're trying to find a balance between Garrett being too weak to fight off four guards at once and being so strong that a player can just rush through everything without regard to the security.
This is definitely my biggest concern. Dishonored's stealth gameplay was ruined for me because Corvo was a god no matter what difficulty you played it on, and I would not want to see that happen to Thief as well. On the hardest difficulty, which is the only one you should ever consider when playing a Thief game, Garrett needs to have the defenses of a wet paper sack and not be able to kill much of anything unless it's a surprise attack.


Garrett needs to have the defenses of a wet paper sack and not be able to kill much of anything unless it's a surprise attack.
This is the main reason I never really liked the Thief line. I don't mind being sneaky etc but if one or two guys see me I should be able to win. I do agree that towards the end of dishonored I was too powerful and it felt like a waste of time to sneak because you could fight a wall of guys though. Has to be a nice balance. I don't want to have to reload everytime a board creeks.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I don't want to have to reload everytime a board creeks.
I thought this was probably the most interesting pull quote from the article:

"Eidos Montreal's experimentation with Thief's DNA helped the studio find what it now believes to be the magic formula for designing a great stealth game: Force players into a series of impossible situations and then give them the tools to escape."

They talked about how players these days don't want to reload and replay the same segment over and over so if you get caught by a guard they want you to be able to have a reasonable chance to escape. Some of the tools include focus (with the presumably quick-time-event like mechanic), smoke bomb type arrows, and obviously straight up combat. They don't rule out combat as a viable means of getting out of a sticky situation, but they do say that the average player shouldn't be able to do it, whatever that means.


The reload thing wouldn't be nearly as bad if the checkpoints or however it saves are often but going through a huge level painstakingly slowly making sure everything lines up right and then sneeze and have to start it all over again is not my idea of fun especially if it is just one lone guy. Disorienting smoke bomb which lets you lose them or small number of sleep darts etc is fine. I don't need to be able to fight every guard in the palace at once like in Dishonored.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Dandai, did you not play Thief 1 or 2? The combat while doable absolutely was difficult - the "must fight" sections of 1 still give me nightmares.


While the melee combat in Thief drove me nuts, it was also scary as hell because you were so fragile. And that's how it should be. It's called Thief, not Ninja Master Assassin.

I hope his bow has a variety of arrows to use, water, moss, distraction.. I really like Garret's tools. They seemed unique and not overpowering.


Trakanon Raider
The original thief was one of my favorite games, never played 2-3, hoping this is good.


Trakanon Raider
Thief 3 really had it's moments. Shalebridge Cradle is still fucking terrifying.


Golden Squire
WTF they didn't hire Stephen Russel for the voice of Garrett?
He's obviously still in the industry because he just voiced Skyrim, too. Fuck.

I do hope they keep the original style cutscenes instead of the usual overdone CGI that's in every game nowadays. They were part of the charm.



A nice asshole.
They said no supernatural stuff in the article of game informer, so no zombies or spiders etc.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well, they said it would be light on supernatural; I don't think they altogether ruled it out. Thief 1-3 had some pretty over-the-top high fantasy stuff. I could be misreading it, but I took it to be more like the beginning of Game of Thrones (Song of Ice and Fire) where magic is around but not overt and largely rumored rather than in your face with giant spiders, zombies, and dinosaurs like in the previous Thiefs.