Thor: The Dark World.


First movie was much better than I expected.

Trailer makes me tingle in my no-nos.

I am quite pleased, and a bit surprised, they got everyone (looks like everyone?) back.


<Prior Amod>
Tuco and hammers.

First one was watchable albeit the romance was pathetic. He should have given her a taste of the hammer. Looking forward to the next one. Can't be worse than Hulk or Avengers
First of all, the newest Hulk was pretty decent.

And did you just say The Avengers was bad? wtf?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They've also hit KAT, heet and some other site I don't recall since then, it's a UK court directive making them do it along with BT and all the other big ISPs.

Everyone just uses proxied sites now, for piratebay this has worked for a good while
Can just post magnet links right?

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1af91a00e76ba97b57145242e1fa22 9d286cd998&dn=THOR+-+ANCIENT+ASGARD+TRILOGY&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.ope 9&

For the file in question.


Tranny Chaser
First of all, the newest Hulk was pretty decent.

And did you just say The Avengers was bad? wtf?
Well...Hulk can now control his rage? Canon wtf? So much could have been better in The Avengers. Not bad as such, but the nerd in me raged a bit. Felt like the B-team of heroes :-S


<Prior Amod>
I can get being annoyed over the hulk, I'm super annoyed over what they are doing to The Mandarins rings in Iron Man. But saying it wasn't a good movie is boarderline silly.


Tranny Chaser
I can get being annoyed over the hulk, I'm super annoyed over what they are doing to The Mandarins rings in Iron Man. But saying it wasn't a good movie is boarderline silly.
As long as we can agree that the Avengers wasn't exactly bring the A-team of the heroes we all love

I'll give Hulk another shot when I get the chance. What is it you think is great about the latest Hulk? I was never a fan of the green rage head, a tad simple, I donno. Is Hulk misunderstood?


<Prior Amod>
I didn't say it was great, just pretty decent.

Hulk is hard to make into a movie I think simply because he really is a huge rage monster in all the stuff they show him in. Avengers actually started to touch a bit that he actually has a personality, I have hopes we get a Planet Hulk/World War Hulk type Hulk at some point. He's far from being simple it's just in all previous movies all we've got is simple.

With The Avengers movie, I disagree with them being a B-team in the movie. I thought the movie did a great job touching on all of their strengths and weaknesses. I'm not about to rage at you for thinking otherwise, I just persoanlly don't get why you'd think that.


Problem with the hulk is, he's not a hero, nor a villain, it's really hard to portray a good hulk.

If you think hulk was able to control his rage, you're partially wrong....hulk showed various levels of rage in the avengers, andcpersonally i think they did that right...if he was uncontrollable rge, he would have fucked up betty ross as well. So there's your canon. He CAN control his rage, always could, to some extent. Banners deep subconscious can keep things in check for a bit until hulk goes into overdrive.

They did a great job showing his levels of control in the avengers. You treat banner with respect, hulk will be somewhat ok with you ( cap and iron man). You mistreat banner, show you are afraid of him, or trick him in some manner, hulk will try to fuck you up.( hi black widow) you punch hulk, well.....Thor.....

Hulk in his lower level of anger is Banner in some form of control, even in the comics, but as he gets angrier, hulk takes over more and more and eventually becomes a mindless unstoppable force without a known limit.

Trust me on 1 thing, they will never do planet hulk.....never......IF they get a wild hair up their ass and go fuck it let's do will be awesome...but they won't. The story just doen't lend itself to translate well to the big screen for various reasons. Next to some other issues...

Too much hulk, and next to no banner. And yes that is a bad thing.
The illuminati xavier strange richards stark and black bolt agree to shoot him into space.....
Half of those are not marvel property, and you cannot have hero of heroes tony stark make such a decision....not after his buddy moment with banner in the avengers.
No Banner means no Ruffalo, who to me, made Banner work.
Planet hulk fights and nearly killls silver surfer in the arena....not marvel property. In the animated movie he nearly kills beta ray bill, and try to explain that guy to the non comic readers, before you say fuck them, realise that a vast majority of the moviegoers are non comic book readers, aka the reason these movies make money.

This is the big risk they also took with Thor, in that respect they totally nailed it in the first movie....introduce a god of thunder to a non comic reading audience in the marvel universe. And now that that problem is taken care of you can make thor 2 a fun kickass movie.

Those that complain about the "b" team in the avengers movie.....are you fucking kidding me? Who are the A team to you guys then? Ant man? Wasp? Falcon? Vision? I can go on for about 3 paragraphs with avengers that cant even stand in cap's shadow....let alone be called the A team of the avengers.

There's only a few superheroes that fit the bill to be called "A" members of the avengers that were not in the movie. Ms. Marvel, dr. Strange, black panther and luke cage. Luke Cage won't be an avenger anytime soon because you already have a powerhouse with the hulk. Ms. Marvel would be an awesome addition because avengers could use a Few more titties in spandex. Dr. Strange would be panther for a bit of racial diversity i guess, but black panthers real strength is his intelligence and you already have 2 super intelligent men in the team.

Now some will say, yeah but i meant hawkeye and black widow being the B listers....not really. Black widow and hawkeye are long serving members of the avengers, and the only 2 next to tony stark ho dont have superpowers. And you need a few muggles to ground the rest of the team a least for a movie...

In the comics hawkeye is afucking badass, not to mention black widow. Although the goofy arrows can be a bit of a letdown but he hasnt used the really cringeworthy ones in quite a while.


I seem to recall in Planet Hulk and World War Hulk, Hulk was coherent most of the time and Hulk talked to Banner a lot in his head during Planet Hulk.


<Prior Amod>
I seem to recall in Planet Hulk and World War Hulk, Hulk was coherent most of the time and Hulk talked to Banner a lot in his head during Planet Hulk.
Yeah, which touches on my point that the character is far from simple.

I also agree with you Sceleris that it would be super hard to translate it into film. Fuck Planet Hulk was good.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah trying to nerd rage about the hulk having control is stupid since he has done it numerous times over the years, either they dont read the comics or are just trying to find something to complain about.


Vyemm Raider
Surely you have all seen the Planet Hulk Movie they made 3 years ago.

I really liked the Hulk in the Avengers, was my Fav on screen so far. The Avengers was great, i will admit Hawkeye and Widow seemed a little B team but all the expected A's were present imo cept maybe Vision but i never liked him anyway.

I though the first Thor was just OK, so lets hope they step it up for this one.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Planet hulk cartoon was good, I do remember a few changes from the comics like getting rid of silver surfer and something with the ending. a Bloody live action would be a wet dream but that will never happen. Sadly the a lot of the DC/Marvel cartoons are better than the live action movies


Trakanon Raider
Looks good, Will be cool that it's based in Asgard, as I was wondering how they would do it on earth with all the other heroes around.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Problem with the hulk is, he's not a hero, nor a villain, it's really hard to portray a good hulk.
Hulk is an impossible character whose specifics of control are twisted by the author to fit the plot line. The variance in control exhibited is nothing more than the expression of an author's whim. There is no system, no mechanics, no ruleset, just what the author feels like doing at the time.