

<Gold Donor>
Nice, the Messican thing worked! Sweet, thanks for the tip. I hope my shit does not get banned now. $48 for the whole deal.


its shows as $499 but its actually 499 pesos, when you go through paypal it translates to USD at the end, should be $37-39 (depending on daily currency exchange / fees) or ~$45 for premium.

preload started today too, just finished downloading mine. its goddamn 50 gig download but i was humming at 6 MB/sec so took less than an hour.
You guys are my heroes! This still works just got deluxe for 46 bucks. Crashed on me a few times in the cart phase but finally went through to paypal and converted to US. Thx again yall rock. If they end up banning me it's the perfect excuse for me to never touch an EA game again. Only reason I have origin at all is bf4 and now this game anyway.


FPS noob
playing right now using the exe off west coast servers, they added a bit more polish - more voice over stuff before/after that sort of builds a story/campaign, but the core MP game seems about the same. feels a bit harder rodeo'ing titans but that may be just not being used to play, i keep killing myself throwing grenades when I mean to do melee attacks

already level 3 after 1 game


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Origin store keeps throwing 10048 errors at me trying to buy as a Mexican =\

I wonder if it works just billing to a credit card? Or do I need to change my Paypal address to Mexico or what?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I ended up giving in and getting the Mexican Deluxe pack. Entire game and all DLC for $50 isn't too bad.

Origin store keeps throwing 10048 errors at me trying to buy as a Mexican =\

I wonder if it works just billing to a credit card? Or do I need to change my Paypal address to Mexico or what?
I just used the Hola extension on firefox, and went the origin website using a Mexican proxy. Bought it, used Paypal (which shouldn't be used with proxy). I used my US address with no issues. Then returned to origin store for confirmation.

Was pretty simple.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea it won't even make it to Paypal for me, it throws an error the second I click proceed with Paypal. Hrm.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Can I just pay with a credit card, or will it lose its mind over Pesos?


Every time i try to join a server I keep getting "connection initializing" then nothing else happens so i'm not even getting to the lobby. Anyone else run into this?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Every time i try to join a server I keep getting "connection initializing" then nothing else happens so i'm not even getting to the lobby. Anyone else run into this?
You have to be invited to a game, or join on a friend in a game.
I'm playing now. Add my Origin..


I'll try to get one or two people invited when people leave my current game. Oh, mention you're
from Rerolled/FoH.

Took me several hours constantly mashing play/cancel to get in a successful game. General
consesus is to play on US West if you're trying to get it. But yes, most people just get invited
from existing games now.

I've seen a couple rank 29's already, tons of 15ish, etc. I'm ~9.


FPS noob
yeah playing right now already seen some level 45s, jesus. there are tweaks to make it go higher than 60 fps and play without borders or intro videos, ill post em tomorrow when the retail exe unlocks

i would say play regular mode (same as beta) not campaign for now, campaign matchmaking is a bit more wonky. the new maps are pretty damn awesome, including flying dragons you can kill and massive turrets you can hack


FPS noob
game is ready to play if you use a VPN connection to unlock (no hacked exe's needed). pretty simple with windows 8.x

go toVPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers List

scroll down to Korea Republic Of
click MS-SSTP Connect Guide on right, follow instructions (dont need any new software installed all Microsoft setup). You need to copy the long vpngate address and the user/pw is vpn/vpn

I logged into Origin first, then setup/connected to the korean VPN with the instructions above (took under 2 mins), opened a cmd window, did a tracert to to make sure I was on the VPN, ran Titanfall, it unlocked (said something about sync'ing local data to cloud data I said ok), disconnected and deleted VPN, and now I am able to play launching inside Origin.

Servers all seem to be up and lots of people.