Tom Clancy's The Division


FPS noob
now that my pc has a 970 in it i'm sorta tempted, but then think about this: ubisoft has virtually no experience with online multiplayer games, they always outsource that shit to their tiny studios (assassins creed, far cry, etc). Hackers are going to own this game early and I don't really have any trust in ubisoft being able to stomp it out. So you're gonna see people rolling around invincible, with infinite credits/bullets/etc, wall hacks, duping items, etc. While no doubt some exploits will be possible on consoles, it won't be nearly as bad as its gonna get on PC.

if its a good game i'll get it on PC for a cheap uplay key, but at launch i'll be getting it from best buy since its part of the $10 pre order program. $40, can trade it in for that much in 2-3 weeks if it turns out to be another vanilla destiny


Pathetic Reaction Bot
now that my pc has a 970 in it i'm sorta tempted, but then think about this: ubisoft has virtually no experience with online multiplayer games, they always outsource that shit to their tiny studios (assassins creed, far cry, etc). Hackers are going to own this game early and I don't really have any trust in ubisoft being able to stomp it out. So you're gonna see people rolling around invincible, with infinite credits/bullets/etc, wall hacks, duping items, etc. While no doubt some exploits will be possible on consoles, it won't be nearly as bad as its gonna get on PC.

if its a good game i'll get it on PC for a cheap uplay key, but at launch i'll be getting it from best buy since its part of the $10 pre order program. $40, can trade it in for that much in 2-3 weeks if it turns out to be another vanilla destiny
Usually the problem isnt hacks with their online games. It's sheer lack of functioning multiplayer. Splinter Cell:CT and Double agent were awesome but pure nightmares to get to work. 90% of the online PC community disappeared because if anyone loaded faster than the host, they would be disconnected with a time out error. Took them about 4 months to fix, so everyone gave up. Or some random people's connections would completely prevent others from joining, as soon as they drop, everyone else can get in.

I kinda swore off buying Ubi games before EA even because of shit like that being a standard occurrence.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
From the few youtube videos i've seen, the game looks like nothing compared to what was shown at last E3. Graphics appear average, nowhere near that realistic look as previously shown. The open world seems very limited and instanced. The gameplay looked meh to say the least: dmg spongey enemies with shitty AI and like no variety. The PvP dark zone mode looked somewhat fun, but the fun factor highly depends on how big that instance is and how many players can enter and how broken the mechanics are at release.


At E3 it was still a tech demo more than a game. Now that it's a third person RPG/shooter, be happy it even has real game play and supposedly interesting story and planned future content. Would you be wholly content if it it was still struggling for an identity, but didn't sacrifice graphics for gameplay development?


Vyemm Raider
Considering the pc version hasnt been alpha'd or beta'd yet i dont get the visual complaints - Consoles were never going to look like they did in the tech demo to begin with and the console version look good as they are anyways, much better than any youtube video has shown unless theyve downgraded since the recent alpha. The PC version has its own enhancements apart from the console versions, and that should be no surprise. PC beta is just 11 days out anyways so best to hold off and wait to see if Ubi screwed the pooch again.


Tranny Chaser
Sensible to reserve the other boroughs as fodder for DLC / expansion content...otherwise they'd be left with either Long Island or Jersey.


The more I watch the more jarring it is to watch someone get shot 10+ times and not go down (especially when most aren't wearing ballistic armor) or to take a shotgun at pointblank and not even stagger. Also not seeing any localized combat modifiers (limping, 1 armed shooting, stunning, etc). That's enough for me to lose a bit of interest with how easy it is to change with rebalancing weapon design and turn the game into something actually resembling chaotic and very dangerous post-apocalypse instead of an amusement park of waiting on CD's, picking up ammo/medpacks like candy, and watching the AI that doesn't appear to be smarter than the average lapdog (in terms of tactics or cover). Still looks like it's worth a play through (especially with friends), but definitely not something I would consider a candidate for game of the year - was hoping for something closer to a more focused Ghost Recon: Wildlands, but looks like it's more of a modern Diablo.

Rebalancing the gunplay could do so much for this game. I've played plenty of games where guns are used as the primary power scaling factor where it still only takes 1-3 shots to put someone down with a base weapon. Seeing someone take 5+ 5.56/7.62 without flinching in a AAA title seems comical for something that was supposed to be somewhat dark or serious of a storyline. I know you can relate it to the different swords/weapons to pickup along the way as a fantasy RPG, but seems like adopting weapon mods and gear upgrades as premier items for effectiveness/ease of life on weapons could replace the notion of +better weapon dmg that rebalancing would get rid of. Bleh. What happened to Tom Clancy being a moniker for purported realism?


Vyemm Raider
The more I watch the more jarring it is to watch someone get shot 10+ times and not go down (especially when most aren't wearing ballistic armor) or to take a shotgun at pointblank and not even stagger. Also not seeing any localized combat modifiers (limping, 1 armed shooting, stunning, etc). That's enough for me to lose a bit of interest with how easy it is to change with rebalancing weapon design and turn the game into something actually resembling chaotic and very dangerous post-apocalypse instead of an amusement park of waiting on CD's, picking up ammo/medpacks like candy, and watching the AI that doesn't appear to be smarter than the average lapdog (in terms of tactics or cover). Still looks like it's worth a play through (especially with friends), but definitely not something I would consider a candidate for game of the year - was hoping for something closer to a more focused Ghost Recon: Wildlands, but looks like it's more of a modern Diablo.

Rebalancing the gunplay could do so much for this game. I've played plenty of games where guns are used as the primary power scaling factor where it still only takes 1-3 shots to put someone down with a base weapon. Seeing someone take 5+ 5.56/7.62 without flinching in a AAA title seems comical for something that was supposed to be somewhat dark or serious of a storyline. I know you can relate it to the different swords/weapons to pickup along the way as a fantasy RPG, but seems like adopting weapon mods and gear upgrades as premier items for effectiveness/ease of life on weapons could replace the notion of +better weapon dmg that rebalancing would get rid of. Bleh. What happened to Tom Clancy being a moniker for purported realism?
Any and every boss fight created or set of elites in any said game that has not been giant in scale(physically) has never died from 1-2 hits/shots/fireballs you pick which one. Just because they are human indeed doesnt mean this should be any different - Youre letting the RL aspect overcome the fact that it is still a game and it doesnt have Aliens/Unicorns/Kobolds/Trump in it to make it so that you can reasonably expect it to be a bullet sponge. Also MM Rifles and point blank shot gun hits do considerably more dmg than the ARs and LMGs basically bc its mainly either headshots or upfront spray dmg. You could compare their toughness to nightfall elites on Destiny if you would.


You're both right and wrong on the thematic genre issue. It is definitely a contributing factor, but I've also seen it done elsewhere to not be jarring. Aside from ME1-3 (which isn't jarring because of visible armor/shields/barriers), every game that I play with a modern element/firearms involves a 1-5 shot kill threshold, elites/bosses included. A game can be an RPG and still have realistic kill windows and use other ways for power advancement/difficulty. TC use to be a trademark for tactical/realism - why not add actual game play mechanic variety encouraging dynamic tactics/faction dynamics/terrain advantages/etc to create difficulty and challenge - things that should be connected with a TC title. Instead you have a gameplay mechanic that is visibly jarring because devs decided to make Diablo: Modern Warfare that has a visible disconnect between trying to sell a setting with grounds in realism up until you get to the meat of the game - the combat - where the realism is dropped entirely and you have guys in hoodies with no armor taking a shotgun blast and turning to try and gun you down with smgs without even moving to clearly available cover (Hospital Clearing mission).

I can't comment on the Destiny piece as I've never played it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm surprised no sjw had jumped on the amount of hoody wearing fine up standing citizens you more down.


They are all on youtube also -

Tom Clancy's The Division: Agent Origins (Escape)
Tom Clancy's The Division: Agent Origins (Pursuit)
Tom Clancy's The Division: Agent Origins (Conspiracies)
Tom Clancy's The Division: Agent Origins (Ashes)

No order except Escape should be watched last. Also lazy so didn't link them.


FPS noob
I'm surprised no sjw had jumped on the amount of hoody wearing fine up standing citizens you more down.
most of the hoodie people i killed in the xbox alpha last month were white. a lot of the civvies and friendly NPCs were black. now that you mention it though i don't think I saw any female looters... that is sexist, yo

i'll be in early pc alpha starting tomorrow i think in prep for wide pc beta next week. PC download is 24 gigs and a 28 gig install, all through uplay


Buzzfeed Editor
The 3 vids I watched seemed to be all crips but could just be facemasks as I wasn't full screen.


Seeing more videos of people complaining about the gunplay being uninspired and repetitive. No one outright saying whether or not the story is worth slugging through means I'm leaving it in the wishlist to drop below 50%. Sadness.


Vyemm Raider
Gunplay is typical across all Tom Clancy games, id say guns feel closer to BF than CoD or Destiny LMGs have high recoil and ARs have light/moderate but keep in mind you mod your guns for increased stability etc. Gunplay overall isnt bad, its just not Destiny which imo should be the standard, but cant have every game just c/ping from Destiny.