Tom Clancy's The Division


Buzzfeed Editor
Thought we had lv 10 stuff, but even if it is 8. If you scale 8 out of 30, to 30/30, the items I saw would still be pretty small looking numbers. Unless things went sorta exponential, kinda like after expansions in WOW vs between new raids was more incremental. Keep in mind I said a few items, others even low level were actually almost crazy seeming. (50% ROF, crit dmg etc)

Yes calc is there, using it and seeing what's actually useful in practice is another.

I dont expect a ton, I expect a sampling. Yknow make sure there are not obvious huge duping bugs and the like. Again give prospective buyers a taste of why they should buy the game?

These days, people expect more than some dev who has a financial interest in the game making vague statements about "more" and "suprises". People been burned too many times by Triple A titles that suck hard. (Battlefront) or green light/kickstarter type games that also fail to deliver.


Vyemm Raider
Heh Battlefront seemed good at first but after beta i knew it wasnt going to be something for me. Games that dont have enough variation quickly dwindle in interest to me. Battlefront had too few options and choices much like Titanfall did with guns and mechs. The experience of Titanfall was unique but short-lived and easily replaced and forgotten. From what ive seen in this beta im fairly optimistic i will get my $60 worth just like i did with Destiny even if in the end i feel Destiny didnt quite live up to its own potential. I still sunk over 200 hours into it so for $60 its fair enough.


If they were smart they would do the Diablo model of seasonal reset servers.

People actually love the whole aspect of reseting in these type of games especially if it gives them fluff rewards for their main accounts.


Vyemm Raider
If they were smart they would do the Diablo model of seasonal reset servers.

People actually love the whole aspect of reseting in these type of games especially if it gives them fluff rewards for their main accounts.
I dont grasp the reasoning behind starting over for a chance at a couple new pieces of gear if in the end you will be doing the same thing all over again. I tried seasons for the first time last week and after the 3rd day i was over it, really just no desire to level again just to do the same shit.


Yeah, but you are the exception. That type of gaming is extremely popular, and addicting especially if your game will be abit on the shallow size for the first year.

Day Z, Diablo, and even the Destiny betas were built on that.

Even stuff like Everquest you can see the influx of people on a fresh server ready to do it all over again.

We all want a game that has years of content at launch, but it's just not practical so you fill peoples time while your game does grow.

The worst thing you can hear from the player base is I logged in ,and there was nothing to do


Vyemm Raider
Heh yeah i suppose, ive seen players see a new server or progression server and flock to it and im like "but,...we already did all that". Seriously who the fuck wants to open AQ gates in WoW all over again? The only time id even consider any form of progression server would be WoW for old school TM/SS pvp.

However Destiny? The Division? How would something like that be applied to these type of games? There isnt any progression(or story!) in Destiny, and the pvp i guess could support it for Trials/IB if it had an actual board system oh who was top dog etc, but I could see people being salty real quick.


They just do it like Diablo 3, which is the game they are copying anyway.

Have people grind out for season rewards that they show off on their main characters in the regular game.

Leader boards is definitely a plus


Potato del Grande
Heh Battlefront seemed good at first but after beta i knew it wasnt going to be something for me. Games that dont have enough variation quickly dwindle in interest to me. Battlefront had too few options and choices much like Titanfall did with guns and mechs. The experience of Titanfall was unique but short-lived and easily replaced and forgotten. From what ive seen in this beta im fairly optimistic i will get my $60 worth just like i did with Destiny even if in the end i feel Destiny didnt quite live up to its own potential. I still sunk over 200 hours into it so for $60 its fair enough.
I agree in regards to Battlefront. I played the beta a few hours and knew that was hot garbage. I still bought it through a Mexican VPN at launch for like 25 bucks, just because I'm a sucker for Star Wars, but I played probably 15 hours in beta in The Division and I can't wait to get more. I have no doubt it will be worth my $42 I paid to preorder it from GMG. Not to mention I've got some friends that are going to play, so it should be even more fun with a group. My only big concern is cheating.


Vyemm Raider
I agree in regards to Battlefront. I played the beta a few hours and knew that was hot garbage. I still bought it through a Mexican VPN at launch for like 25 bucks, just because I'm a sucker for Star Wars, but I played probably 15 hours in beta in The Division and I can't wait to get more. I have no doubt it will be worth my $42 I paid to preorder it from GMG. Not to mention I've got some friends that are going to play, so it should be even more fun with a group. My only big concern is cheating.
People will likely get it cheap on PC from ebay in a week or so from people who buy/sell video cards thanks to the new promo. I will be on xbox1 first since majority of friends are console gamers but at some point i plan to jump ship. On battlefront i just cant even consider it, even it being offered for free was turned down just bc i dont know anyone else who would even bother to play it too. If it had a campaign and more variety in......everything then sure.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It's difficult and unfair to judge the game by open beta (I did not play closed beta). I'm not gonna lie. I'm fairly disappointed in what I've seen thus far. The PVP is fun, but I found the PVE to be lacking. It will be interesting to see what the game is like upon release. I'm in no rush to buy it or pre-order it. I'll wait til after the full release and watch some videos and talk to friends that are playing it. But after one day with the open beta, I'm not really confident about this game at all.


Vyemm Raider
I played through again just to see the other mission, but was displeased i couldnt put it on hard. I noticed they tweaked enemy AI a bit, just enough to punish you a bit more for not using cover. The last boss on hard mode no longer drops a blue and 2 greens along with the reward for doing the mission to begin with. I did find a door on the medical mission that could not be accessed before but can now and it has a crate with a blue weapon in it, not sure if you can open it each run tho.

You cant be lame and run into the "red" area to be teleported to the safe room, it now just kills you outright which is a good thing. PVP is still fun, and people are even more ballsy it seems but thats likely because there were more people in general. NPCs in DZ are a bit tougher but i didnt notice "more" of them like they said, if anything they may have increased the respawn timers on them.

LMGs still suck, MM still top dmg, AR best all around.

If they have 15ish missions on release that you can replay on challenge mode that will be a decent number. I am curious if we will start the game @ L1 or 4 upon release - seems weird to keep starting[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */


Vyemm Raider
The door could be accessed before, you just had to have a lockpick on you, and it's a one-off reward from the crate.


Vyemm Raider
The door could be accessed before, you just had to have a lockpick on you, and it's a one-off reward from the crate.
Oh? never noticed it - interesting and i didnt realize i even had a lock pick at the time. So you can only do it once regardless of how many times you run it?


Tranny Chaser
Since each story mission is a "dungeon" which presumably has a level 30 difficulty in addition to normal and hard there would seem to be a decent chance of having group content other than Dark Zone to do with your pals at level 30.

The much reduced size of the overall sandbox means that there is less chance of the original reveal scenario of a dynamically changing open world, but I think we all knew that was never gonna happen. Gone too seems to be the "drone support" character who plays on an iPad or phone and provides overwatch targeting and buffs.

Hopefully they do have a variety of the Open world missions that change from day to day and even a decent number of missions being continually injected into the mix, but that may be asking for too much.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's difficult and unfair to judge the game by open beta (I did not play closed beta). I'm not gonna lie. I'm fairly disappointed in what I've seen thus far. The PVP is fun, but I found the PVE to be lacking. It will be interesting to see what the game is like upon release. I'm in no rush to buy it or pre-order it. I'll wait til after the full release and watch some videos and talk to friends that are playing it. But after one day with the open beta, I'm not really confident about this game at all.
I've seen way too many comments like this. It makes me a bit nervous.

My brother in law is super hyped about this game (from closed beta) and I don't want to play if it's garbage.


Vyemm Raider
Oh? never noticed it - interesting and i didnt realize i even had a lock pick at the time. So you can only do it once regardless of how many times you run it?
Yes, at least that's the way it was last beta. It was also an infected area, that required a level 2 mask, I think, which we didn't have, so you had to suicide run it. Don't know if that's changed.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Heh yeah i suppose, ive seen players see a new server or progression server and flock to it and im like "but,...we already did all that". Seriously who the fuck wants to open AQ gates in WoW all over again? The only time id even consider any form of progression server would be WoW for old school TM/SS pvp.

However Destiny? The Division? How would something like that be applied to these type of games? There isnt any progression(or story!) in Destiny, and the pvp i guess could support it for Trials/IB if it had an actual board system oh who was top dog etc, but I could see people being salty real quick.
I'm with you man, the same content is the same content. I would rather just play a different game if I am starting over.


Trakanon Raider
I've seen way too many comments like this. It makes me a bit nervous.

My brother in law is super hyped about this game (from closed beta) and I don't want to play if it's garbage.
At the current state I would describe this as Destiny with a present time focus with a better loot system.

I played Destiny solo the first time, was a fun 50+ ish hours, then stopped until I replayed it co-op with a friend, which was more fun than playing it alone (which isn't surprising since most games are more fun with friends).

If you have someone to play this co-op with from the start, I don't think it will be anywhere near garbage status. I doubt it will be a game that makes an industry impact, but even at its current state I think it will be a very enjoyable experience to explore and play from start to finish + dabble in the PvP (I am not a big PvPer). If it has 10-15 missions that includes a hard more + level 30 mode, along with the side missions and random events, it will probably end up the same as Destiny was at the start. 40-50 hours of gametime before you start outright just grinding/repeating content for loot. I have no problem paying full price for that.

Highly doubt it will have any staying power for me, but rather be a game that I will play for a month until Dark Souls 3 comes out. Discard the hype and see it as a casual RPG/loot third person shooter that you can play with friends, and I think you will enjoy it (if you enjoy that type of game).


FPS noob
Its basically Destiny or even Guild Wars 2 (launch) I'd argue with slightly better matchmaking tools, a cover combat system, a far inferior gun combat system, a different (remains to be seen better/worse) talents/perks/gear system. taking place in a more open and larger world but constrained by the fact that all your enemies are human.

The only really unique thing it does compared to other games is the dark zone, which is a chunk of the game carved out where all the game rules are still in place except you fight mostly other players in there for points, and you can get really good gear in there for points (from vendors). Its a 24 player FFA zone, you can group up for it (there is even a matchmaking tool for it in the hub) but end of the day it is a PVP zone, while there are PVE enemies in there the spawn times are still way too long and trying to grind points against PVE mobs in the DZ is just insane. It took me ~5 hours to get 2k DZ points from mobs in an empty DZ (alpha tester), it takes around 1 hour to get 5k points just hunting rogue agents, solo. This was with this weeks open beta build too, so not an old build or anything. I got nothing but garbage from all the chests I could loot (level 10 DZ), again its pretty much not even worth the time to loot anything in the DZ, just grind points and buy vendor gear its always better. Maybe at 30 its better?

Just like Destiny (almost) everyone is gonna enjoy it for at least 15-30 hours, but 3-4 months in only a small group of super hardcore grinders will still be playing. There isn't really that much content and I am 99% certain there is going to be a single build / loadout that is far superior to everything else, Ubisoft has no real experience balancing and even at level 8 its pretty obvious A is way, way, way better than B. The turret for example is pretty much garbage compared to heal and scan+extra damage.

Just like Destiny too its obvious there is another years worth of work to finish content that shoulda been in at launch, which you will pay with Division v2.0 the Taken Division.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Its basically Destiny or even Guild Wars 2 (launch) I'd argue with slightly better matchmaking tools, a cover combat system, a far inferior gun combat system, a different (remains to be seen better/worse) talents/perks/gear system. taking place in a more open and larger world but constrained by the fact that all your enemies are human.

The only really unique thing it does compared to other games is the dark zone, which is a chunk of the game carved out where all the game rules are still in place except you fight mostly other players in there for points, and you can get really good gear in there for points (from vendors). Its a 24 player FFA zone, you can group up for it (there is even a matchmaking tool for it in the hub) but end of the day it is a PVP zone, while there are PVE enemies in there the spawn times are still way too long and trying to grind points against PVE mobs in the DZ is just insane. It took me ~5 hours to get 2k DZ points from mobs in an empty DZ (alpha tester), it takes around 1 hour to get 5k points just hunting rogue agents, solo. This was with this weeks open beta build too, so not an old build or anything. I got nothing but garbage from all the chests I could loot (level 10 DZ), again its pretty much not even worth the time to loot anything in the DZ, just grind points and buy vendor gear its always better. Maybe at 30 its better?

Just like Destiny (almost) everyone is gonna enjoy it for at least 15-30 hours, but 3-4 months in only a small group of super hardcore grinders will still be playing. There isn't really that much content and I am 99% certain there is going to be a single build / loadout that is far superior to everything else, Ubisoft has no real experience balancing and even at level 8 its pretty obvious A is way, way, way better than B. The turret for example is pretty much garbage compared to heal and scan+extra damage.

Just like Destiny too its obvious there is another years worth of work to finish content that shoulda been in at launch, which you will pay with Division v2.0 the Taken Division.
Aside from all that, the mechanics, gunplay, melee, movement - everything is clunky as shit.