Tom Clancy's The Division


Vyemm Raider
Its basically Destiny or even Guild Wars 2 (launch) I'd argue with slightly better matchmaking tools, a cover combat system, a far inferior gun combat system, a different (remains to be seen better/worse) talents/perks/gear system. taking place in a more open and larger world but constrained by the fact that all your enemies are human.

The only really unique thing it does compared to other games is the dark zone, which is a chunk of the game carved out where all the game rules are still in place except you fight mostly other players in there for points, and you can get really good gear in there for points (from vendors). Its a 24 player FFA zone, you can group up for it (there is even a matchmaking tool for it in the hub) but end of the day it is a PVP zone, while there are PVE enemies in there the spawn times are still way too long and trying to grind points against PVE mobs in the DZ is just insane. It took me ~5 hours to get 2k DZ points from mobs in an empty DZ (alpha tester), it takes around 1 hour to get 5k points just hunting rogue agents, solo. This was with this weeks open beta build too, so not an old build or anything. I got nothing but garbage from all the chests I could loot (level 10 DZ), again its pretty much not even worth the time to loot anything in the DZ, just grind points and buy vendor gear its always better. Maybe at 30 its better?

Just like Destiny (almost) everyone is gonna enjoy it for at least 15-30 hours, but 3-4 months in only a small group of super hardcore grinders will still be playing. There isn't really that much content and I am 99% certain there is going to be a single build / loadout that is far superior to everything else, Ubisoft has no real experience balancing and even at level 8 its pretty obvious A is way, way, way better than B. The turret for example is pretty much garbage compared to heal and scan+extra damage.

Just like Destiny too its obvious there is another years worth of work to finish content that shoulda been in at launch, which you will pay with Division v2.0 the Taken Division.
Just to ponder, but you said there isnt that much content so you've played beyond L8? Just curious how many missions there are and i dont mean side missions i mean main story missions. Also in pretty much every mmo or rpg there is almost ALWAYS a superior build for each role so thats nothing new and likely will never change but doesnt mean you always have to go with the optimal spec/build its like when sub rogues sucked but people still played sub *shrug* its still an option.

The only thing i really disagree with is the gunplay complaints - its not inferior its just different, and not unlike the other clancy series games. Sure Destiny gunplay is better but its also very unrealistic and does not use realistic guns or gun names(or recoil, handling, etc etc). Its like comparing CoD gunplay to BF gunplay.

Ut...there is 1 melee move, why is that even mentioned :p


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
That's the biggest problem with this game though, the "realism". I seriously cannot get over the fact that all the Tyrones and Jamals I'm gunning down are such bullet sponges. Oh shit, a guy with a vest on and a yellow name? That's like 5 full clips of spamming ammo in to him, and it just doesn't work at all. Don't even get me started on how many random rioters/thugs/gangbangers/whatever you gun down constantly in your apparently infinite murder spree of anyone that looks at you cockeyed.

This whole game really feels like they sat down with a focus group or some shit, picked out a bunch of popular gameplay hooks that work well in other games, cobbled it all together and slapped some random madeup theme over it. None of the elements fit together at all. It's a "reaslistic cover shooter" except for the part where everything in the game can soak bullets for days. It has massive random loot generation for no other reason that I can tell besides...people like Diablo style loot systems? The "story" appears to be fabricated only to meet the requirements of the gameplay elements they wanted to use. Wait, there's RPG elements too, kids like RPGs right?

I don't know, I'm just rambling now. The whole thing just feels artificial and really forced somehow. Like they actually had no idea what kind of game they wanted to make besides their main directives of "it's a cover shooter with diablo loot, make it happen".


Vyemm Raider
That's the biggest problem with this game though, the "realism". I seriously cannot get over the fact that all the Tyrones and Jamals I'm gunning down are such bullet sponges. Oh shit, a guy with a vest on and a yellow name? That's like 5 full clips of spamming ammo in to him, and it just doesn't work at all. Don't even get me started on how many random rioters/thugs/gangbangers/whatever you gun down constantly in your apparently infinite murder spree of anyone that looks at you cockeyed.

This whole game really feels like they sat down with a focus group or some shit, picked out a bunch of popular gameplay hooks that work well in other games, cobbled it all together and slapped some random madeup theme over it. None of the elements fit together at all. It's a "reaslistic cover shooter" except for the part where everything in the game can soak bullets for days. It has massive random loot generation for no other reason that I can tell besides...people like Diablo style loot systems? The "story" appears to be fabricated only to meet the requirements of the gameplay elements they wanted to use. Wait, there's RPG elements too, kids like RPGs right?

I don't know, I'm just rambling now. The whole thing just feels artificial and really forced somehow. Like they actually had no idea what kind of game they wanted to make besides their main directives of "it's a cover shooter with diablo loot, make it happen".
Well theyve said first and foremost it is an RPG and even in the video spronk linked you see on atleast the purple guys you can 1-2 shot most with MM rifle if headshots - the yellow named people i guess are the highest ive seen and doesnt seem to be the case for them. Im not sure how you had to empty so many bullets in the beta - even on the boss in medical mission you can kill him pretty quickly w/ MM rifle np - hell he can be dead before the waves are done.

I do however feel you on the variety of mobs or lack there of but its the same shit Destiny did and i guess since they did it others will as well. How many times have you heard "shit hey killed Alex"...fuck how many n!gg@$ named Alex are in this shit? There will be some legit bullet sponges im sure, ive not really encountered any in beta, but ive seen some on the video spronk posted for sure. However that MM wasnt going for many headshots on those guys he was trying to ignite them so there is that.

If you bother to min/max in beta(for whatever reason) you will notice that everything dies pretty quick even the yellow shielded guys, and by the time people are decked out i dont really see it being much different at 30 outside of the challenge versions of the missions.


Sparkletot Monger
That level 25 video Sponk posted looked reasonable as far as mob health. 4 to 6 shots per kill it seemed.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah when you realize that the firearm trait ups your overall dps and you focus on that and maybe 1 other its easy to start downing mobs. By the end of the last beta my dps was almost at 6k and everything was melting. If your role is security you will ofcourse likely go for more health and if youre support you will do power. In the end its just like any other game, if youre weak shit will die slow and seem like a sponge.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
So, what console is everyone going to be playing this on? PC seems to be the go-to but I am afraid that even with their "anti-cheat" engine bullshit, there will still be quite a few people cheating on the PC that'll make it miserable. I think I am aiming to play this on the PS4 even though the graphics are a great deal less than the PC.


Vyemm Raider
Fuck playing this solo. Upping the npcs damage like 5x was a retarded move.
Heh yeah the damage went crazy - Not to mention they are all nearly crack shots and dont miss. - The first evac spot when you zone into DZ spawns thugs when you use it now, and with the dmg inc its a pita to solo that to avoid the shitfest on the other end. DZ chest were giving 300 currency instead of 1k it used to but thats ok bc its farmable anyways.


Am I forced to group on the story missions? Is anything really solo in this game? I tried the beta earlier today but the two missions i tried required more people and I gave up waiting after 10 min in the que


Vyemm Raider
Heh yeah the damage went crazy - Not to mention they are all nearly crack shots and dont miss. - The first evac spot when you zone into DZ spawns thugs when you use it now, and with the dmg inc its a pita to solo that to avoid the shitfest on the other end. DZ chest were giving 300 currency instead of 1k it used to but thats ok bc its farmable anyways.
I'm only in DZ1 atm, and I was trying to extract at the top of the parking garage. Fucking purples that I used to just be able to wade through without worrying much about cover, now I poke my head out of cover to shoot and get shredded. They needed a buff, but not that damn much.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea trying to extract solo currently is pretty rough. The construction site will spawn named elites on you which are pretty much instant death if you're alone. It gets better once you have dark zone weapons, but it's a bit of chicken and egg problem when you start out.

The real issue with being solo in darkzones though isn't mobs, it's the 4man death squads. I would highly, highly advise against taking darkzone even remotely seriously unless you have a group to roll with, as without one you're basically at the whim of those who do.


Vyemm Raider
Yea trying to extract solo currently is pretty rough. The construction site will spawn named elites on you which are pretty much instant death if you're alone. It gets better once you have dark zone weapons, but it's a bit of chicken and egg problem when you start out.

The real issue with being solo in darkzones though isn't mobs, it's the 4man death squads. I would highly, highly advise against taking darkzone even remotely seriously unless you have a group to roll with, as without one you're basically at the whim of those who do.
Eh, rogues don't bother me. I played a shit ton last beta and held my own well enough. Most of the time, rogues are just a fast source of dz bucks. I only extract blues, til I've got a decent setup. Then, you just stop extracting, cuz vendor purples are way better. Sucks that the safezone guns doubled in price though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I sunk some hours into the previous beta and am sinking a few more hours into the current open beta, and I for one am pretty intrigued by the game. Enjoying the setting a lot, and coming from Destiny, which has gotten pretty stale for me, I feel like giving this game a shot and am confident I'll be entertained for a while. At least until the next anticipated game(s) comes out!

If anybody else is picking this up for the PS4, feel free to add me: RatamaDK


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
I played a lot of this yesterday, and the dark zone reminds me of the frontiers in dark age of Camelot, which is a good thing. It's so tempting to chase down the guy or guys who ganked you at extraction points, even when their rogue timer is up. I'll definitely be picking this up on release


Ssraeszha Raider
Heh yeah the damage went crazy - Not to mention they are all nearly crack shots and dont miss. - The first evac spot when you zone into DZ spawns thugs when you use it now, and with the dmg inc its a pita to solo that to avoid the shitfest on the other end. DZ chest were giving 300 currency instead of 1k it used to but thats ok bc its farmable anyways.
God damn that pisses me off. Trying to finish off a close by enemy by reaching my hand around cover and shooting blindly, only to get owned by everyone shooting my hand immediately


Vyemm Raider
God damn that pisses me off. Trying to finish off a close by enemy by reaching my hand around cover and shooting blindly, only to get owned by everyone shooting my hand immediately
Yeah THAT has gotten out of control, isnt the purpose to lessen the chance of dmg and death? now its like FUCK YO HAND!!! and you lose like 1/3rd health instantly.


Tranny Chaser
My guess is that they are doing craz-ay balance swings during this Open Beta to gather data on different use cases. Mostly the Open Beta is for marketing and network testing, but there's no reason the game design team can't get some useful stuff out of it too.