Tom Clancy's The Division


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You can have basically 100% uptime on any skill you want with proper health management using strke back (cooldown reduction on reaching low health). Anyone not using that talent is mostly wrong at this point, especially if you're soloing at all. You're damn near immortal vs npcs if you run first aid and the 40% bonus heal/overheal mod for it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So power leveling works pretty well. I couldn't find anything all that definite online about how it works or if it even does so has a couple level 30 friends group with me while I'm level 10.

All rioters in game scale up to about 25. But this is ok, because they were easy for my friend and give instead of normal 20-40 exp, they give 250+ exp! Really adds up in a mission. Then that's the other awesome thing. Missions give tons more exp. Was running the story missions and each one was giving 30-50k experience. Was getting over a level per mission ran.
I figured the best way to powerlevel would just be run side missions. Run the last few areas worth where they're like 50k+ exp each, and they only take like a minute.


FPS noob
bullet king is dead, long live Hutch the new bullet king

tl;dr: run the first mission (outside the BoO) until you get to the boss at the end, kill him before he jumps down, let his adds kill you, repeat. 1-3 pC per kill and purples takes like 60 secs/run I guess


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I don't get it, still far less efficient than just grinding challenge missions I'd wager. Do people just not do challenge missions or what? It's not like ungeared people can even pull this one off reliably.


Bronze Squire
Some people prefer to be self sufficient I suppose. I can be this way at times where I just don't feel like grouping even if it is more efficient. I use to be this way in WoW since I was always ahead of the curve if I had to run something old and they weren't pulling a bajillion things at a time or healing me so I could stand in shit and just blow shit up (which was usually easy to heal me through anyway) it would just frustrate me so I would figure out alternative means where I could watch TV and auto pilot shit. I could easily see me getting a bad group the first challenge mission I do and then being pissed off and falling back to something like above.


Golden Squire
I don't get it, still far less efficient than just grinding challenge missions I'd wager. Do people just not do challenge missions or what? It's not like ungeared people can even pull this one off reliably.
Hard mode is ridiculously easy compared to challenge mode.


Tranny Chaser
You can have basically 100% uptime on any skill you want with proper health management using strke back (cooldown reduction on reaching low health). Anyone not using that talent is mostly wrong at this point, especially if you're soloing at all. You're damn near immortal vs npcs if you run first aid and the 40% bonus heal/overheal mod for it.
I think this right here is why a couple people Ive been playing with are feeling done with the game even though not having reached max level. The distinctions between Talents and Gear are not very differentiated unless you do something like this where you manage your health bar rather than avoiding / preventing damage. At level 1 they are hiding behind a box and shooting people in the head and at level 24 they are hiding behind a box and shooting people in the head. They liked getting the turret or First Aid, but the Signature Skill didn't wow them and there isnt sufficient visceral distinction in player power as you level up.

My best friend I think summed it up best : "If I play more I just get weaker and not stronger". Since the bad guys scale with level if you don't manage to keep your gear upgraded or have a low level purple that you end up replacing with a higher level blue it takes longer and longer to kill the same guy.


Per's a photo of the snoring beast you guys are hearing


a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
It's kind of disgusting how fast you gear your character out, but like Diablo 3, the gear grind happens steadily but then screeches to an anticlimactic halt once you start needing Division Tech to craft ilvl31, DZ50 gear. I can craft several ilvl31 items that you get patterns using Phoenix Credits with using only regular mats, which is nice, but all of my pieces are already fairly decent and the ilvl31 Sniper is a DZ recipe and requires 3 yellow Division Tech, which don't exactly drop like candy in the DZ. The amount of farming you have to do to craft one piece of shit item is such a kick in the dick. I crafted 6 of the DZ50 Sniper rifles and they were all bloody terrible compared to the PHX credit sniper recipe.

The Talent on yellow items, "Perceptive", is the only one that increases drop rates and coin drops. 25% flat increase, stacks on Scavenging. Not sure if the talent itself stacks (don't see why not, though). Though honestly Scavenging seems to do fuck-all for drop rates right now. I have nearly 200% and drop rates for me literally haven't changed, while a team mate who has no scavenging seems to get a yellow every 20 fucking minutes. #rage

BTW, if you need tips on leveling... the first Talent you should get is the XP on under Security.

After that, just go through the main missions, skip most everything else. Maybe finish a side-mission or encounter in-between that's actually on your route. Once you've actually started a mission, you can even bring in a high-level buddy who can carry you through and it doesn't impede your xp gain.

Once you reach level 30, immediately hit the DZ until everything you're wearing is capped out with good purples.

MAX OUT YOUR BASE. So many perks, talents, and skill mastery, plus the three signature skills rely on this. Should only take a day once you're level 30.

Do the daily Hard modes, even run them multiple times for an addition 15 PHX credits.

Buy the Vector 45 ACP recipe first thing. Literally everyone on my team uses this weapon now. Once you get a solid Vector roll, I'd highly suggest you start farming Lincoln Tunnel and Lexington Event Center on Challenge mode. A group of four in full yellows can clear both in 20 minutes each. Your first couple runs might take 35-40 minutes in good purples with a decent Vector, but you're guaranteed a yellow when you finish it. Each successive run I promise you will go faster and faster. Also, Lincoln Tunnel can be cheesed by using the platforms effectively, while Lexington has a few choke points where you can get pushed up a wall and bombarded with grenades, so I generally suggest Lincoln over Lexington. You'll get 50 PHX if its the daily, and 30 credits each time after that. 1 credit per minute, and a guaranteed ilvl30 yellow per run ain't bad. Fuck the General Assembly suggestion. 1 out of 4 players will get a yellow once that's finished, and it takes longer than Lincoln.

Buy the Magazine recipe for PHX credits. This will easily add 20k to your dps while doubling your magazine capacity.

Get all of the other PHX recipes.

Get level 50 in the DZ. Buy DZ ilvl31 recipes from safe houses in DZ5 and DZ6. DZ4 and under have redundant, ilvl30 recipes to the PHX recipes. There's a nice farming route in the DZ that spans between DZ1 and DZ4, and if you do it right, you're essentially running from encounter to encounter (plenty of guides online suggest the same path). Once you've got all yellows, I suggest just leaving everything on the ground except yellows if you're grinding for DZ50. Taking time to extract consumes a ton of valuable XP gain.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Someone needs to record Cad's dog's snoring, dying to hear this shit now that people are talking about it. Never heard that dog snore during Destiny grping with Cad.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's kind of disgusting how fast you gear your character out, but like Diablo 3, the gear grind happens steadily but then screeches to an anticlimactic halt once you start needing Division Tech to craft ilvl31, DZ50 gear. I can craft several ilvl31 items that you get patterns using Phoenix Credits with using only regular mats, which is nice, but all of my pieces are already fairly decent and the ilvl31 Sniper is a DZ recipe and requires 3 yellow Division Tech, which don't exactly drop like candy in the DZ. The amount of farming you have to do to craft one piece of shit item is such a kick in the dick. I crafted 6 of the DZ50 Sniper rifles and they were all bloody terrible compared to the PHX credit sniper recipe.

The Talent on yellow items, "Perceptive", is the only one that increases drop rates and coin drops. 25% flat increase, stacks on Scavenging. Not sure if the talent itself stacks (don't see why not, though). Though honestly Scavenging seems to do fuck-all for drop rates right now. I have nearly 200% and drop rates for me literally haven't changed, while a team mate who has no scavenging seems to get a yellow every 20 fucking minutes. #rage

BTW, if you need tips on leveling... the first Talent you should get is the XP on under Security.

After that, just go through the main missions, skip most everything else. Maybe finish a side-mission or encounter in-between that's actually on your route. Once you've actually started a mission, you can even bring in a high-level buddy who can carry you through and it doesn't impede your xp gain.

Once you reach level 30, immediately hit the DZ until everything you're wearing is capped out with good purples.

MAX OUT YOUR BASE. So many perks, talents, and skill mastery, plus the three signature skills rely on this. Should only take a day once you're level 30.

Do the daily Hard modes, even run them multiple times for an addition 15 PHX credits.

Buy the Vector 45 ACP recipe first thing. Literally everyone on my team uses this weapon now. Once you get a solid Vector roll, I'd highly suggest you start farming Lincoln Tunnel and Lexington Event Center on Challenge mode. A group of four in full yellows can clear both in 20 minutes each. Your first couple runs might take 35-40 minutes in good purples with a decent Vector, but you're guaranteed a yellow when you finish it. Each successive run I promise you will go faster and faster. Also, Lincoln Tunnel can be cheesed by using the platforms effectively, while Lexington has a few choke points where you can get pushed up a wall and bombarded with grenades, so I generally suggest Lincoln over Lexington. You'll get 50 PHX if its the daily, and 30 credits each time after that. 1 credit per minute, and a guaranteed ilvl30 yellow per run ain't bad. Fuck the General Assembly suggestion. 1 out of 4 players will get a yellow once that's finished, and it takes longer than Lincoln.

Buy the Magazine recipe for PHX credits. This will easily add 20k to your dps while doubling your magazine capacity.

Get all of the other PHX recipes.

Get level 50 in the DZ. Buy DZ ilvl31 recipes from safe houses in DZ5 and DZ6. DZ4 and under have redundant, ilvl30 recipes to the PHX recipes. There's a nice farming route in the DZ that spans between DZ1 and DZ4, and if you do it right, you're essentially running from encounter to encounter (plenty of guides online suggest the same path). Once you've got all yellows, I suggest just leaving everything on the ground except yellows if you're grinding for DZ50. Taking time to extract consumes a ton of valuable XP gain.
Good gearing/leveling guide. Thanks. I'm level 13 right now, and so will use this. Friends run me through the story missions super quick when they have time, then I go back and clear out side missions and stuff for the credits. Up to 50% on the med wing and 30% on the other 2.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Still thinking about buying this on the PS4. Worth buying even if I am way behind everyone else?
I'd hold off for a while to see if they actually get their shit together. Unless you really want to be running the same route as everyone else in the Dark Zonestryingto get crafting materials.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I did some rerolling of gear last night, up to 167k dps and 51k hp. Still need HE gloves and holster, plus a few weapon mods (grip, scopes...uh, I guess just those two?). I also want the HE stamina gear mod, as I'm using purple garbage ones. I'd really be happier at like 140k dps and 70k+ hp.

I was really hesitant to run challenge mode, but I did Lincoln Tunnel a few times yesterday and it wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined. I've done it only with random matchmaking, and the people I get grouped with usually have garbage skills they're using. But otherwise it's not terrible.