

Lord Nagafen Raider
make sure you guys don't give dabamf any invites to trackers that are actually difficult lol


Just get a seedbox. $6 a month from if you don't want to spend much. Leave the torrents on 24/7 and you'll have no problems with hit and runs or ratio. If you want complete anonymity, have cheap seedboxes and they accept bitcoins.


<Gold Donor>
I'm at 1.5 radio on IPT with ~130 gigs uploaded and have 5 hit and run warnings. I'm just waiting for the day I get banned for getting another. The system is flat out dumb. 6 days without seeding, as if no one goes out of town or has busy weeks and can't be bothered to think about seeding for a short period of time. Oh but you can notify them to avoid that. What are they, my god damn parents? I have to check in? It's ridiculous. At 130 gigs and 1.5 ratio, I think I've made it pretty damn clear that I seed back what I download.

I can seed a god damn torrent for 3 weeks, go out of town for a week and come back to a hit and run warning because in those 3 weeks it seeded 30% of the damn torrent.

It's like, buy plane ticket, plan trip, arrange transportation to and from airport, get days off work/school, get approval from IPT to stop seeding temporarily...which of those doesn't belong?
I get your point, to an extent, but if you seeded that torrent for 3 weeks, you'd have gained far more than enough bonus points to spend the 50 to zap it. So just seed each torrent for as long as you feel is appropriate, and then let each one lapse and zap them. There's pretty much nothing else to spend those bonus points on anyway. Some torrents are never going to seed back 1:1 no matter how long you leave them up, so eventually you'll have to zap them due to their retarded new system, it's just a matter of how many bonus points you want it to accumulate for you first. I go through once a week or so and delete the oldest ones and do just that. I figure it is worth it to me to spend a couple of minutes every week since I save $150 a month by not having cable plus however much more I save due to all the movies I don't pay to rent anymore.


Their HnR system is entirely counter productive...

So I set RSS to download stuff I want... if I happen to go on vacation for a week or god forbid two weeks... and I dont leave my computer on, BAM HnR warning on all things that havent seeded fully yet...

So to get around this... you download the smallest torrents you can find and seed them frequently to accrue points. Download the file you actually want... then immediatly when it is finished... remove the torrent from your torrent client. Go to the HnR page and spend 50pts to ZAP the HnR.

Thus not getting banned for having vacations and not giving back to the community even though you want to because doing so will get you banned. Hurray!


<Gold Donor>
Oh yeah, their system is beyond retarded, no doubt. But I'll manipulate the system just like you are until they realize how dumb it is. I'd rather have the account than not.


I have 50 torrents seeding whenever I leave client up... Combined size of those torrents: 3.9megs... For which I receive 5 points per hour... meaning I seed for 10 hours to clear one torrent I download...

I guess I could seed more stuff but not sure how my computer would like it...


lol @ those measures to fix the ridiculous system

I try to seed something to 1:1 before removing it from my client because I appreciate having these files available and I don't want to be a leach. I'd be happy to zap it but continue seeding, but that doesn't work unless you first remove it from your client and then re-add it. It appears the best way to avoid getting banned (pretty sure I'm 1 HnR away) is do what Df~ does. That's so ridiculous though


..Or just get a fucking seedbox. It'd fix all your problems in one fell swoop, and a cheap one only costs a paltry $5-$7.50 a month. If you can't afford that, then end yourself. You're already saving so much money from pirating shit anyway - just pay for the convenience.


Molten Core Raider
I use ipt for everything beside tv series for which I use a local private tracker. Main reason I'm doing this is because they archive everything on ipt and I hate that. I never paid attention to how upload credits and stuff works, whenever I noticed a red hit & run warning, I'd just go in there and zap everything.

These are my current stats : .


Molten Core Raider
..Or just get a fucking seedbox. It'd fix all your problems in one fell swoop, and a cheap one only costs a paltry $5-$7.50 a month. If you can't afford that, then end yourself. You're already saving so much money from pirating shit anyway - just pay for the convenience.
I easily justified the price of my $15 a month seedbox from by not subscribing to premium cable channels. I used to spend $30+ a month just for HBO and Showtime, a seedbox is a bargain in comparison, with obviously MUCH more content at your disposal from torrents.

And if you are having problems getting ratio on IPT, that can be easily fixed on Sunday nights. Hit up IPT on any Sunday night around 9-10pm Eastern time, and snag whatever the current HBO/Showtime series is (right now its True Blood and Dexter, a few months ago it was GoT) and seed the first 720p upload that you find. I'd regularly get ratios of 20:1 or higher within the first 24 hours seeding Game of Thrones, True Blood, Dexter, etc. Easy way to build upload credit. Works well with big game releases too. I don't even own a PS3 but I snagged Last of Us the day of release and seeded it. It's at like a 40:1 ratio now, and still building every day, even this long after release.


<Gold Donor>
Man, you don't even want to see my stats
The benefits of having business internet with no bandwidth cap, and a computer I can run 24/7 doing nothing but seeding. I realize that isn't normal, however, which is why I try to be realistic when answering people that are having issues with ratio/HnR. It isn't necessarily commonplace to be seeding over 1000 torrents at a time like I am.

However, it should be noted that it doesn't really take much more in the way of resources to seed a larger quantity either. Aside from the obvious storage space required to hold onto torrents, having 100 in my client isn't much different than having 1000, except for the massive delay in startup time for uTorrent. Once it is loaded it isn't a big deal, and since I reboot that computer once or twice a month at most, the startup time isn't a big deal. So if you've got the space, just set your upload speed to something low so you don't blow out any bandwidth caps you have, and it will still show as seeding all of those torrents even if you're doing a piddly amount. The bonus points skyrocket just from time seeded. I have almost 45,000 bonus points, so I could just zap every single one for years and not worry.


I haven't tried to build up my ratio or anything and I think my stats are already quite ridiculous. This is how my IPT stats look after 6 months of being on the site -


I just load up a torrent on my seedbox, leave it on for as long as possible, and delete old torrents when my box gets full. I've had zero problems keeping my ratio up and I don't think I've had a single hit and run infraction.


I'm not gonna pay $5 or $10 a month because IPT's system is retarded. My one and only computer is used for games and school, and to game I have I to shut down every other program for maximum performance. My hdd doesn't have enough space to store more than 100gigs at a time.

Despite all of that, I seed as much as possible and have a ratio of 1.5. My gripe is why the fuck am I on the verge of getting banned because I don't ask daddy if I'm allowed to pretty please stop seeding for a week while I have a life. I've clearly demonstrated that I'm not a leech. Hnr shouldn't trigger for like a month for people over a certain upload amount with >1 ratio.

It's all a ploy to squeeze donations out of people. That and the "just 2 more days for double points for donations!!" which has been there for 8 months.


So, let me get this straight. You come on here, bitch and moan about the most pedestrian of problems: I present you with an inexpensive solution that would make your life easier, and you're not going to take it because you're too much of a cheapskate to reach into your pocket and pay $5? Jesus fucking christ, man. You'll get no sympathy from me. You're doing this to yourself. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Every day a man picks the lock to your window and releases 5 mosquitos into your bedroom for no reason. He'll stop for just $5 a month.

You won't pay that? Fuckin cheapskate


<Gold Donor>
Hey, I agree with you Dabamf. If I suddenly had to go away for awhile and my computer shut off, I'd end up with hundreds of HnR's all of a sudden and I'd probably be fucked. Personally I feel I should be able to disappear for a year if need be and not worry about my account, but they'd ban it for HnR's or even outright delete it for inactivity far earlier than that, and I'd lose my 7TB of buffer for no real reason. But there isn't much we can do about the system except give feedback on their forums about it, and in the meantime just work within it. If you're just frustrated by that and wanted to vent, I can understand that.

EDIT: Although you posted that terrible analogy while I was posting, which hurts your case a little
A better analogy would be that someone gives you free movies, porn, games, and tv shows, all you want, an endless supply...but then releases 5 mosquitos into your bedroom and wants $5 for him to stop doing that. If I couldn't get those free items anywhere else, or as easily, then yeah, I would pay the $5. Of course, in this case you also have the option of spending these magical bonus points on a bug zapper every so often too, which doesn't prevent the mosquitos but still deals with them 100% effectively, and doesn't cost a cent of real money.


If you can't keep ratio or points at ipt you aren't trying. Simple as that.
Disagree. I download all high demand stuff, just for the points/ratio. They've now made 10GB upload credit 120 points (previously 50) and if you're a single user and don't have a seedbox, you're not even going to get a sniff on uploading credit. I've had Sundays Dexter episode since the second it came out and I have uploaded 100MB of it where others are currently rolling at 5GB.


Every day a man picks the lock to your window and releases 5 mosquitos into your bedroom for no reason. He'll stop for just $5 a month.

You won't pay that? Fuckin cheapskate
What do you need to for? I can still access IPT while on suspension, get the file names of the good quality shit, and then just go get it from PirateBay. I don't need IPT but I find their format, organization, and availability great.


Silver Squire
Disagree. I download all high demand stuff, just for the points/ratio. They've now made 10GB upload credit 120 points (previously 50) and if you're a single user and don't have a seedbox, you're not even going to get a sniff on uploading credit. I've had Sundays Dexter episode since the second it came out and I have uploaded 100MB of it where others are currently rolling at 5GB.
Download 20 tiny files and seed them forever and enjoy the points.