

<Gold Donor>
Do I need to know any Linux for something like, or can I pretty much do everything via the web interface?


Lord Nagafen Raider
you can do everything in the web interface. you can download through an ftp client.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
5,915 is awesome, yes. I wasn't sold on a seedbox until I tried them for a month, and it's so effortless to maintain a ratio now. It's also a good way to obfuscate whatever you're downloading from prying eyes.


FPS noob
On a completely different, but torrent related, topic, if you can see the Invites forum on What.CD, the owner of BTN is offering unlimited invites. I know a lot of people were looking for BTN invites, so this is your chance. You might check any other torrent sites you are a member of as well if you can't see the What.CD one. I'm not certain if that forum is user class restricted or not, it used to be Power User and up I think but it isn't obvious anymore.

BTN is TV shows only, and all it requires is a couple of days of seeding per episode, and I think a week for an entire season pack. Ratio and upload still count for things like raising your user class, but if all you really care about is downloading shows and not worrying about Hit & Runs, zapping, etc. this system is for you. The only limitation I know of that will take people time to achieve is the ability to use RSS feeds, but if you donate one time (I want to say I gave $10), you get that ability forever after.
yeah btn is the shit, its almost impossible to get invites now since you have to be the top class to send it out (7tb data transferred, lol). You only need to seed for 24h a regular TV show, 5 days for a TV pack. They only do TV shows, no games/movies/etc. But I get all my TV shows from it, seed for 36 hours, then remove it. Doesn't matter how much you seeded, only thing that matters is time.

I'm just glad my IPT account is old school, I have so much extra points and upload I don't really give a shit, I just download something and immediately delete and zap it. It is pretty funny how their entire system is built around getting newbies to donate so they can avoid getting suspended. I try to avoid using IPT as much as possible now though, with how much money they must be making and how big they are its only a matter of time before the feds stomp in and get everyones download history.


El Presidente
I still have 3 invites to give away It's the romanian tracker I'm using that sounds just like BTN (free rss, no archives, no dumb h&r rules) and it has pretty much every tv series ever aired. Considering everyone around here has 100mbps or better, speed shouldn't be a problem and ofcourse it has an english interface (and it's sometimes faster than ipt with new episodes).

Let me know if any of you want an invite. Please ask for one if you know you're gonna use it, not just create an account and forget about it.
I have an invite to this as well to give out if anyone wants it. I'll also state that it is in fact much better than IPT for television in general. They tend to get the episodes faster and like he said no stupid H&R rules. Just maintain a decent ratio and don't be a shithead and it's all good.


<Gold Donor>
I think I'm going to give a Whatbox a try, since there's no real penalty if I want to quit in a month.

I have one thing I'm not seeing a way to accomplish though, so perhaps someone can help me with a solution. I love that my RSS feed will get all the shows I want automatically, or that I can download a torrent file to my Dropbox at work and have it automatically start torrenting at home, so that they are just there when I get home and want to watch them. With a seedbox though, now when I get home I still have to download them to my computer. My internet isn't slow, but it isn't blazing fast either, and it might be half an hour or more before a show downloads, depending upon the size. A movie could be an hour or two.

I can't think of a way to make it so that anything I torrent on the seedbox can be waiting for me when I get home. Aside from skipping the seedbox and just going with a dedicated server and using Dropbox to sync, I can't really think of a way, but then again I'm not an FTP wizard either. And downloading everything to a Dropbox folder limits me to my Dropbox plan size, so getting a dedicated server with 500GB+ obviously becomes pointless too.

I know that Remote Desktop to my home computer would solve some of the problem, but if I'm not at work and just out somewhere where I can't RDP, and the RSS downloads something, I'm back where I started. I'm looking for some kind of automated method, but I'm unaware of what abilities FTP clients have for checking if something new is there. Any thoughts?

Other than that, I'm thinking a seedbox will be awesome for allowing me to completely shut off my secondheat-generatorcomputer. I'd just like to make it as perfectly awesome as a second computer is currently.


<Gold Donor>
Nice, that might be exactly what I need. It has the potential to cost me an extra 200GB of space on my hard drive when I copy stuff over to my real media directories on the NAS, but I can deal with that, and if I ever run that low it will be a good prompt for me to clear some shit out anyway. And I can set it to check every half hour or so too.

That's fucking awesome, thanks a lot man.


Lord Nagafen Raider
rsync will do what you want also. a tip - whatever method you use, setup rtorrent to move completed torrents to a different directory and sync the "completed" directory and not your download directory.


<Bronze Donator>
yeah btn is the shit, its almost impossible to get invites now since you have to be the top class to send it out (7tb data transferred, lol). You only need to seed for 24h a regular TV show, 5 days for a TV pack. They only do TV shows, no games/movies/etc. But I get all my TV shows from it, seed for 36 hours, then remove it. Doesn't matter how much you seeded, only thing that matters is time.

I'm just glad my IPT account is old school, I have so much extra points and upload I don't really give a shit, I just download something and immediately delete and zap it. It is pretty funny how their entire system is built around getting newbies to donate so they can avoid getting suspended. I try to avoid using IPT as much as possible now though, with how much money they must be making and how big they are its only a matter of time before the feds stomp in and get everyones download history.
Got a good alternative? I keep thinking that myself. IPT is overdue for a buttfucking.


<Gold Donor>
rsync will do what you want also. a tip - whatever method you use, setup rtorrent to move completed torrents to a different directory and sync the "completed" directory and not your download directory.
I did exactly that, so that I didn't get it running mid-torrent, but thank you for the tip. I might try rsync or something else too, because while this method works, it is fairly limited. I have to tell it to "always skip" if it has the same file name, because it has no ability to check for larger, newer, etc. While the separate directory should mitigate any issues with that, I still wish there was some sort of verification that could be done, not just a file name check.

Really loving the Whatbox so far though. If nothing else it will get me to manage my torrents a lot better, because instead of letting them just run I'm setting up special ratio rules for them, copying them to their correct folders on my NAS immediately, etc.

And if anyone is hesitant, I'd definitely at least start with a Whatbox for a month or two, even if you think another service might be better/cheaper. The wiki is one of the best I've ever seen, and it will basically walk you through setting up almost everything. For that reason alone I'd spend a few bucks more for a couple of months, just to learn wtf I'm doing.


<Gold Donor>
Got a good alternative? I keep thinking that myself. IPT is overdue for a buttfucking.
Of the ones I'm a member at, TorrentLeech is the only one with the same quantity, but as previously discussed it is tough to get ratio. Even with my new Whatbox, if you don't get a torrent the moment it comes out you're going to have some difficulty maintaining ratio unless you use some tricks (like downloading it from IPT, copying it, and then seeding it back to TL). And of course BTN is my choice for TV.

As a poor man's substitute, trackers like SceneAccess are not terrible for a general tracker, and PTN (PirateTheNet) is pretty good as a movie tracker. I'm anticipating getting a PassThePopcorn invite this week, and I hear that is awesome for movies, but I have no knowledge yet. Many of these, and others, have invite giveaway threads on What.CD like the BTN one I mentioned, and probably have them at other trackers as well. That's the best place to get invites really; any "power users" forums on a private tracker will typically have invite threads because they want people with the dedication/money/equipment to become power users on their tracker as well. So check those and see what you can find, that's where I got most of mine.

Oh yeah, and Webop is pretty good for porn (and only porn).


I'm moving away from IPT, too. It's just too big. It feels like the modern equivalent of demonoid, and people are going to get burned eventually.

My plan, at the moment, is to use BTN for tv stuff and hdbits for movie stuff. I'm on the lookout for a backup movie tracker, though - any opinions on which is best?


<Gold Donor>
TorrentLeech, of course, but I'm not sure if you'd really want that as just a backup, you have to make a pretty big effort there. PirateTheNet is probably the easiest as far as maintaining ratio, whereas from what I understand PassThePopcorn is one of the best, but I just joined last night so I can't really say. It clearly has a TON of movies, including old ones (right now they have a theme going on where you get extra bonus points or whatever for uploading old horror movies, so the place is flooded with awesome B-movie horror), but I don't know how hard the ratio will be to maintain. At first guess I'd probably say difficult. SceneAccess (SCC) seems to get a pretty good review everywhere, but I rarely use it, just grab a torrent here or there to stay active.

Both of them (PTN and PTP) have invite threads on the same forum on What.CD that BTN does. I'm assuming you have that access, but if not, send me a message. I think I probably have a PTN one, but not positive. I probably have an SCC one as well, and they are probably in the invite forum as well.

I'm sure there are at least a dozen other decent ones for backup, but those are the ones I have personal knowledge of.

EDIT: Forgot that I belong to Blu-bits too. Can't really say too much about it, about on par with the other ones I listed I guess. It has a bonus point system that lets you buy upload credit if you want, and despite hardly ever using it (and forgetting it even existed), apparently I've racked up over 16k bonus points, which would let me buy 355GB of upload credit. I'm listed as seeding 3 torrents, probably for months and months but still only 3, so bonus points aren't that difficult to get it looks like. I have no invites, however, so you'd have to look elsewhere.

Checking the others, PTN and PTP have a bonus point/GB exchange too, but far less than Blu-Bits. I have 140k at PTN, and could buy 200GB, but have been FAR more active there than Blu-Bits.


Molten Core Raider
So, if the only tracker I use is IPT, how does one go about getting invites to other sites, such as PTP and wherever good porn is at? (Guys have me paranoid about IPT now) Less than a week into new IPT account and I'm 4.33 ratio with 73GB up. Seedboxes are sweet.


So, if the only tracker I use is IPT, how does one go about getting invites to other sites, such as PTP and wherever good porn is at? (Guys have me paranoid about IPT now) Less than a week into new IPT account and I'm 4.33 ratio with 73GB up. Seedboxes are sweet.
PM me your email and I will invite you to torrentleech. You can easily cross seed with a seedbox to build a nice buffer on TorrentLeech for the inevitable time when it goes away.


If anyone else has a invite for 'TorrentLeech' i'd appreciate it, you guys are making me a little bit worried about using IPT.