

<Gold Donor>
Where are you guys trying to get upload at? Because if it is IPT you're doing it wrong if you aren't seeding porn. If it is somewhere else, like WhatCD, just realize you're always going to be fucked and you just have to look for freeleech. I joined several years ago and maybe a week later they had a sitewide freeleech, gave me all the ratio I'll ever need. They still do a decent number of specific FL or FL tokens here and there.

If elsewhere, give us an idea even if you don't want to name it specifically. And I do realize you (Ameraves) are saying that supposedly nothing has changed but now you aren't getting the upload you used to, but unless you can figure that out, or in Crone's case simply because his internet speed went down, perhaps there is something else you can be doing.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I use IPT. And here is the thing for me, I really don't need the ratio at all. I am sitting at 3.7 ratio, and to get even to 1:1 I would need to download a stupid amount (like 4tb I think) without uploading at all. So the reality is it doesn't really matter, it simply bothers me. I don't like when things change and I can't figure out why.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
99% of my downloads at IPT are 1080p bluray rip movies, which are always Freeleech anyway.

I've got stupid amounts of ratio and bonus points. IPT is the easiest of the trackers to keep ratio. You have to really try to fuck it up.


I use IPT. And here is the thing for me, I really don't need the ratio at all. I am sitting at 3.7 ratio, and to get even to 1:1 I would need to download a stupid amount (like 4tb I think) without uploading at all. So the reality is it doesn't really matter, it simply bothers me. I don't like when things change and I can't figure out why.
Check the ports opened on your router. Especially if it is one supplied by the ISP as they have been known to change those settings themselves without notifying you.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Where are you guys trying to get upload at? Because if it is IPT you're doing it wrong if you aren't seeding porn. If it is somewhere else, like WhatCD, just realize you're always going to be fucked and you just have to look for freeleech. I joined several years ago and maybe a week later they had a sitewide freeleech, gave me all the ratio I'll ever need. They still do a decent number of specific FL or FL tokens here and there.

If elsewhere, give us an idea even if you don't want to name it specifically. And I do realize you (Ameraves) are saying that supposedly nothing has changed but now you aren't getting the upload you used to, but unless you can figure that out, or in Crone's case simply because his internet speed went down, perhaps there is something else you can be doing.
Lol, I seeded pr0n for quite a while in the beginning when I first had my account to get the ratio up. I used to be steadily creeping up, and I was thinking at some point I'm gonna be like 4, 5, 6:1 ratio, but then my internet changed, and even when popping that GoT season pack the instant it came out, or the episodes as soon as they dropped, I wasn't gaining back much.

Now mind you, I was gaining back 1:1 or even 2:1, but before I feel I was getting at least 4:1+ ratio from the popular stuff on IPT. Just isn't that way anymore, and I don't download much, but steadily my ratio is dropping, and is about to drop below 2:1 I think because even leaving stuff seed for long periods of time I can't gain back that much. I have my own router, but I don't remember ever opening ports before, and was fine, but will look into ports to open. I'm sure IPT has some settings or something.

It bothers me more, because I feel eventually I'm going to run out of ratio, and that's not good. :(


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I just realized something did in fact change with my internet right around the same time this happened. I used to have 110/10 and upgraded to the 250/15. Now, to me it makes no sense why that should have any effect on it, but that is the only change I can think of that happened right around the same time.

Is it possible my ISP is just fucking with me?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I just realized something did in fact change with my internet right around the same time this happened. I used to have 110/10 and upgraded to the 250/15. Now, to me it makes no sense why that should have any effect on it, but that is the only change I can think of that happened right around the same time.

Is it possible my ISP is just fucking with me?
That's always possible, haha! However, typically what'll you see is the opposite effect when you go slower speeds. Odd to have your problems when going to the higher speed.

I just figure that as seedboxes get more popular over time, or maybe they're not, but my guess is that they are, that I'll move further and further down the list of seeders. And as more and more people get higher internet speeds, the pool gets bigger, so I think only the top of the top speeds are going to keep getting good seeds?

Just a guess, so who knows.


<Prior Amod>


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I could use an IPT invite, I never activated the one I got sent on the old forum, after I botched my original account.


<Gold Donor>
I could use an IPT invite, I never activated the one I got sent on the old forum, after I botched my original account.
Did you ever get one? If you still need one, and can at least try to not botch this one, PM me the email you want it sent to and I'll give you one.


<Bronze Donator>
So I've been getting popped from my ISP for downloading torrents even though I have unblock-us. I ran the app and also checked the manual setup and everything seems to be in order. Am I a dumbass thinking that unblock-us hides me from torrenting?


<Prior Amod>
So I've been getting popped from my ISP for downloading torrents even though I have unblock-us. I ran the app and also checked the manual setup and everything seems to be in order. Am I a dumbass thinking that unblock-us hides me from torrenting?
Isn't that a pseudo VPN for Netflix only? is that what you're using it for as well? which ISP? are you seeding for long periods? did you get honey potted? private/public?