Trollface memorial thread


Tranny Chaser
Bro, you always post a bunch of TL;DR shit that no one but you is going to read.

I don't care about "just", this isn't a court of law or a nation of laws. You are shitting on someone else's property, populated with a community that doesn't owe you shit. I think I was pretty clear about my position. Hatorade and Voyce and some of the other guys who rarely post here anymore, I value them more than you and Trollface and whoever else is in your tribe of dumbasses, and the fact that we are losing longstanding community members so you can argue endlessly about the virtue of posting pictures of dead children, or so Trollface can post underage girls over and over again, that shit is tragic. And it makes me long for the arbitrary justice of TBH who, even if he made a bad decision or two, would have taken care of this situation real quick. If it were up to me, you would all be gone, permanently. The only thing stopping that from happening is Tuco, for now. But being dumbasses you guys keep pushing the envelope to the point where eventually even he will come around.
Yeah. Okay.
If all it took for us to loose long standing members was a few post from, say me, then I doubt they'd have stayed longer anyways. Correlation does not equal causation. How's that for short?

Oh, I'm ahead of you on the ban.



Buzzfeed Editor
Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't really matter. A man who has been here since 2002 tells me "I hate coming here because of these guys" I am more inclined to believe him than someone who is more often than not the cause of the drama. "A few posts" get the fuck out of here.


Bronze Squire
Don't forget those on the opposite side of hatorade, who don't say it as well, I have to admit all this bullshit comes at the wrong time as I just received my mail to re-sub to this forum but I hate Izo and it will only last a few days, contrary to certain people that think this place is going down the shitter I disagree with it.


Pay to play forum
I never understood all the Izo hate, except for moderators for obvisious reasons. His ventures into the grown-up forum were hilarious and the nonsense in the rickshaw and SS I can just ignore, if I want to.

I have no idea, what Hatorade and Voyce want. What happens, if you ban Izo, column, Trollface, Araysay, Bisi and others? Screensots, Rickshaw and a few threads in the General forum will see less activity and content? Content everybody can just fucking ignore. Protip: Dont go the fucking Rickshaw, if you dont like it.


<Bronze Donator>
Please show me the meaningful content those people provide. I'm not including Adebisi. I'm still surprised he's throwing in with this crowd.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm not really into meaningful comment, I'm only here for pics and gifs mainly but there is a lot of other good stuff as well. I'd post more but you guys are a bit out of my league.

I like Trollface & Izo they post some good pictures and that thread is dying a bit lately.

There are some cool people in this thread.
Thank you.


Still a Music Elitist
Trollface and Araysar never bother me. In fact, I find Araysar hilarious, but I don't visit the political forums often in which he is an apparent bane. But come on, that's politics. Asshatery can't be avoided. Izo and column though... If column posted more often in the threads I read then I would rage, but I get just enough "fuckin' column" to make it tolerable. Izo on the otherhand seems to be everywhere and shits it all up. He's no different than Greyeyes. Remember him? He was a fucking asshat everywhere and he got banned - even on FoH. People weren't even sad when they found out he was hit by a car.


Musty Nester
That right there deserves to be immortalized on a tombstone

"People Weren't Even Sad That He Got Hit By A Car
WHOKNOWS, 19something -- WHOCARES, 20something"

Column and Izo and rules aside. Wasn't the offending Trollface post madedirectly inside the rickshaw? Am I wrong? Because if it was then some people here are taking the opportunity to not only feign presence and injury but also imply exaggerated range. If it wasn't and someone moved it there before deleting it, speak up.

2002 didn't inoculate against Vaginitis apparently. It's hard to judge who's an authentic pussy and who is trolling by trying to sound like one, top notch work by the latter.

If you want everyone to know that you specifically have a problem with posts Trollface made outside the rickshaw, link them. Show everyone the evidence that Trollface posts outweigh the offense of let's say, oh I don't know, hows about some F
you know who and if you don't know who then who cares what you think
r posts.
you can't.


2 Minutes Hate
Bro, I would ban the entire faggy RR crew to save one Hatorade on this board. Real talk. The only reason I don't do it is because Tuco wouldn't have it. Literally every other mod and admin would back me. More real talk.
If hatorade is leaving because of those retards, you have my permission to be this day's black hand. Have fun. Your bans will be permanent. You are the only mod with this power.