

Molten Core Raider
If some poor fuck, in whatever customer support you can think of, would open Kyros letter of complaint it would level the entire block. And he's afraid of his incompetent generals?


I'm Amod too!
The PC is walking proof that Kyros is vulnerable. Hell, in some ways the PC is more powerful since you have no need to proclaim an Edict via some schlep. Though the PC's edicts do seem limited to territory near the towers. We also don't see any other demonstration of power so Kyros may physically be very vulnerable. If he's just some Archon with an edict power then he can very much be overthrown and relies on his cult of personality to keep him safe.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Hoping to plow through the rest of this dialogue shit so we can get to some action soon. Things got in the way, but I'm still working on it.

Also, I ordered an elgato device, so hopefully going to do a lets play of FFXV next/simultaneously.

Probably no one cares, but whatever.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just finished the game, ending was disappoint. Without going into spoiler stuff, just general thoughts... the items dont really matter too much after you get a decent weapon/armor/gloves etc and found it just to be annoying clutter. Played on the hard dsifficulty.....definitely Path of the Damned seems like its made for this, just too easy otherwise. Seemed like you are in the middle of the game or maybe 2/3....... when it suddenly ends? That's all I'll say but it seems like there was other stuff they planned on and decided fuck it lets ship it.

That said, I successfully made my demigod clone of D&D monk that just obliterated everything by the time I was lvl 12 or so. Had fun, not as good as PoE at all, but still would give it a 7 or so due to story etc.

Monk with good gloves + the deep mage tree talents to do +25% weapon damage for each fire/ice/lightning element was just better than anything in the power/monk tree and turns you into a 1 man show basically.
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Tranny Chaser
This is a game you have to be in the right mood for / prepared to read a ton because there is a LOT of story and world-building going on. Thankfully they give you highlighted key terms that you can mouse over to get enclopedia entries of to help keep track of who is who.

I always seem to get into a position with these companion-based RPG where personality wise I would want to keep different party members than make sense from a tactical standpoint.


Molten Core Raider
This is a game you have to be in the right mood for / prepared to read a ton because there is a LOT of story and world-building going on.

This is why don't understand why the game came out now. Obsidian tried to do their own thing for PoE, dumped lore on the player at every corner. No npc walked by you without 15 options akin to 'Tell me about Nish'ral-Kudu, why does he wear the mask?'. So after you have a really vague idea what is going on in this world they just drop it all and start fresh, again.

Game is not bad at all, but it feels kinda weird and a bit half-assed. Almost everyone who's finished it is surprised it's suddenly over, so the game ends up being a wasted opportunity because it was unfortunate enough to be stuck between PoE 1 and 2. Not enough money, not enough time.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I always seem to get into a position with these companion-based RPG where personality wise I would want to keep different party members than make sense from a tactical standpoint.

This one is sort of that way for me. I feel like NPC's have weight, but they dont have enough weight to impact what Im actually doing. I usually take the same stance as you, having a rather shitty party just to further along the story in a certain direction. Mass Effect is usually a game where I feel like the companions you have make a real change to your game play. Whether thats a beneficial change, or not.

Have yet to beat this game - as someone else said, I feel like Ive gotten to a point where I dont really feel like any of my characters are getting upgrades. So its just trash, story, trash, story, trash, boss, story. Characters were basically max power by the time you get to the second tower. At least, thats my opinion. Game suffers a lot from this stuff.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I have several episodes recorded but haven't had time to edit them, plus I have to learn Premier enough to edit them now. Been busy as fuck.


Poet Warrior
I feel like I'm 5 hours in and have done all of about 6 battles. My characters earn skills so fast I can't even keep up with it all. Click on 17 things to create a spell that you won't be able to use until tomorrow when you've forgotten what the spells even do. I'm fine with all the story stuff but it's practically a choose your own adventure novel and I'm not sure what the battles even have to do with anything. It's like 2 hours of dialog and then 5 minutes of fighting. Game is getting the dialog<->action ratio way wrong imo. I'll keep playing though. Maybe it gets better.


Molten Core Raider
They really phoned-in the monsters in this game. All you get are humans and glowy-cloud-ghosts. That's bullshit. It seems like they spent all their creativity creating meaningless dialog with low-ranking NPCs and forgot to spend any time on interesting monster design. Long gone are the days of Beholders and Xaren and Liches and Cyclops, etc. Shame really because the core game is fun, but it gets very repetitive beating the shit out of the same mobs time and time again.


Poet Warrior
After playing this some more, it's starting to grow on me.

The endless lore tapers off a bit and the ratio of action to lore gets better.

The battles are still a bit wonky but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I didn't play any of its immediate predecessors so I can't compare it to them. It's different and more fast paced than Baulder's Gate or Icewind Dale but not terribly dissimilar.

Knowing what to do and what is expected of you is probably the hardest part of it for me. On one hand I feel like I am some sort of extra-judiciary demi-God who is absolutely above everything, but on the other hand I feel like I need to play for faction. I think maybe it is possible to play both ways? For now I am trying to stay loyal to Tunon while also taking Ashe's side in the civil war thing.



Tyranny is getting an expansion? I thought they abandoned the game. Glad to find out otherwise - was one of the better RPGs I've played in recent history.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Picked this up for Steam Summer sale along with Underrail and Planescape Torment : Enhanced Edition.

Not sure which one to start first ...


Trakanon Raider
Heard Tyranny combat is pretty bad but rest is solid. This true?
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Rasterizing . . .
Tyranny is going to be free with Twitch prime this month 7/16 - 7/17.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bump reminder this is free if you have Twitch prime today and tomorrow.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just the commander edition, but I guess it doesn't really matter based on how negative reviews of the DLCs are. If they were worth having it would be a problem since I don't think there's any way to add DLC to Twitch games.


Avatar of War Slayer
Major necro.

So finished my playthrough of this.
Disfavored path. Probably won't do the others.

What a god damn shame this game is. unfinished masterpiece. Major Vtm:bloodlines, and Kotor2 energy.
What IS here is some of the best CRPG design in history. But its blatantly cut short. and blatantly needed a couple more passes to refine missing dialogues, quests, etc. theres clearly a few places where you lack alternatives, can't bring things up you should. or, often "BETRAY ALLIANCE" just keeps getting brought up, with like no reason why you would. storywise, if the game tested your loyalty to Kyros more often, gave you reason to question more often, and earlier it would make sense. Anarchy and rebel paths need you to instantly betray kyros for no reason, regardless of any logical sense of your background. If your char was that rebellious, they'd have been dead long before the game started..

This game was largely made by the South park, Stick of truth team, NOT the pillars of Eternity one. That is a fact not mentioned nearly enough. I think it even hurt sales.
Brian heins director, matthew singh producer, dan spitzley programmer

Seems to be Brian Heins only game. Singh im only seeing south park, and tyranny.

One of the crazy elements here, is it based off Pillars of eternity, but improves everything. combat, stats, spells. spells especially, skill leveling system. But even more so... its BETTER then Pillars of eternity 2. that shit is a straight up regression from Tyranny.

the order for obsidian was southpark stick of truth-2014, Pillars of eternity-2015, tyranny-2016, pillars of eternity 2-2018.

loyalty/Fear/wrath system. passive gains, +active ability. AND, loyalty/Fear/wrath do NOT counteract each other., they can be loyal and fear you at the same time. fucking great.

dialogue portraits. I love them. instead of a static, or even animated close up on faces. its pulled back, uses the in game 3d model, and the characters dramatically pantomime body language. what a fantastic idea. This works so well, if you don't have the budget to go full AAAA bg3 face capture. This shit would 100% fix bethesdas "we can't do faces for shit".

spell system. one of the best ever created.

learn by doing skills. this is good/great. but does create a few problems. athletics/subertfuge/lore in dialogues become optimal for skill gains. can sortof soft lock yourself if failing to meet ath/suberfuge/lore checks. Overall, char leveling is tied to skill gain. so, a mage with 6 spell schools will outlevel everyone badly. then enemies level to the pc, so will badly outlevel the rest of the party. so, the core system is fun and great, these secondary issues need to be addressed.

spire upgrades, etc. poor design here, if only due to shortness of the game. maybe these made sense if the game was intended to be longer. tons of things you can craft, not remotely enough time to actually build more then like 3 out of 40. last 2 spires get claimed within like 3 hours before the end of the game as well.

I would highly recommend this to anyone interested in the history of rpgs, or find the systems of rpgs, etc interesting. a total must play for anyone that would ever consider designing their own.
as a general game, its so blatantly unfinished though. thats a harder recommend. I think I probably still would.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I wonder if this will at some point get the same treatment as KotOR2 got with a dedicated fan team modding in what was missing. I do enjoy both PoE games, and need to play this at some point. I really wish this series - and the engine itself - had had more success.