Ultima Online Forever - UO Forever - Launches 01/18


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else get constant gray flashes? Like my refresh rate is odd.
I only did if I was running full-screen. Razor tries to send messages and updates to your taskbar/window header pretty often and when it's hidden in fullscreen it creates some graphic glitches.

Ever since I've been running in a window I haven't had any issues.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Our guild was the first to place a house, first to place a second house (3rd on server) and I placed my personal house the next day, Saturday, near the mines just N of the Brit GY.

I was the second GM Blacksmith on the server, although Wayland kind of left right after reaching GM but is back again. I have a vendor two steps N of the Brit Moongate. Having a blast on the server so far and am making bank on my vendors.

Selling most items at a reasonable rate, 150 for Repair deeds, 175-500 for GM weapons, 200- 300 for GM shields, 2500 for GM Dexxer suit and 15k for GM plate.

Stop by Damaged Goods, I should GM tailoring/carpentry by the end of this week so I'll have a few more vendors then.


Silver Knight of the Realm
haha, damaged goods. I just bought your Katana yesterday.
Glad to be of service


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lol, yeah, I bought all your kryss' and spears twice and some repair deeds.


Our guild was the first to place a house, first to place a second house (3rd on server) and I placed my personal house the next day, Saturday, near the mines just N of the Brit GY.

I was the second GM Blacksmith on the server, although Wayland kind of left right after reaching GM but is back again. I have a vendor two steps N of the Brit Moongate. Having a blast on the server so far and am making bank on my vendors.

Selling most items at a reasonable rate, 150 for Repair deeds, 175-500 for GM weapons, 200- 300 for GM shields, 2500 for GM Dexxer suit and 15k for GM plate.

Stop by Damaged Goods, I should GM tailoring/carpentry by the end of this week so I'll have a few more vendors then.
Wanna lend me a boat? :p


Sorry to noob up the thread but I just started playing for the first time a couple of days ago and I had some questions.

1. I'm mostly warrior with a bit of magery (Mace/Tact/Anat/Mage/Spell Resist/Healing/?). My young player status just dropped off and I'm wondering where I should go next for adventuring. I've spent most of my time in Britain or just outside in the Brit Graveyard/Dungeon but it is off limits now. I have a mount, some platemail from skeleton knights, a number of basic spells including G.Heal/Recall, and around 5-10k. I still have no idea about moongates or runestones though.

2. The Night Sight spell does not seem to be working for me. The dungeon under the Brit graveyard was dark as shit (can't even see the creatures only target markers/names) and there was no change with or without Night Sight. I do notice a difference when casting it above ground at night so I wasn't sure if this intended to only work outdoors or if there is a bug with the dungeon.

3. I read that mounts become bonded after a week so that they can be resurrected if killed. Is this week real time or game days and how often should I be feeding my horse.

4. Is there any crucial advice to avoid getting ganked as soon as I venture away from town? Items I should or should not have with me? For example I read that you should not carry keys to houses or boats as I assume the person who killed you could clean you out.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I have never played UO but I only am interested in emulations of older MMOs.

Is this something to skip if you've never experienced it? I love open world PVP and spend most of time playing a classic EQ PVP server for that reason.

Anyone willing to take me under their wing? Is the learning curve high?


Buzzfeed Editor
Anyone have energy bolt for sale? I completely forget where to get it. Do I just need to get lucky and hope it spawns on a vendor?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't believe 6th circle spells can spawn on a vendor, you have to loot it from a mob or have a scribe make you one. Gargoyles, air elementals, and liches I believe can all drop it. A number of other mobs too I'm sure, but those are easily accessible/killable.

Swag if you're interested in old emulations and open world pvp then I wouldn't skip on UO. Just be prepared to die a lot and understand you may lose everything on your character at just about any given time.


1. I'm mostly warrior with a bit of magery (Mace/Tact/Anat/Mage/Spell Resist/Healing/?). My young player status just dropped off and I'm wondering where I should go next for adventuring. I've spent most of my time in Britain or just outside in the Brit Graveyard/Dungeon but it is off limits now. I have a mount, some platemail from skeleton knights, a number of basic spells including G.Heal/Recall, and around 5-10k. I still have no idea about moongates or runestones though.

2. The Night Sight spell does not seem to be working for me. The dungeon under the Brit graveyard was dark as shit (can't even see the creatures only target markers/names) and there was no change with or without Night Sight. I do notice a difference when casting it above ground at night so I wasn't sure if this intended to only work outdoors or if there is a bug with the dungeon.

3. I read that mounts become bonded after a week so that they can be resurrected if killed. Is this week real time or game days and how often should I be feeding my horse.

4. Is there any crucial advice to avoid getting ganked as soon as I venture away from town? Items I should or should not have with me? For example I read that you should not carry keys to houses or boats as I assume the person who killed you could clean you out.
1. You can go north to Deceit however you will get jumped a lot. Sometimes it is better to go elsewhere like Shame or overworld monsters. (google UO MAP to find dungeon locations)
2. I heard from several people that it doesn't work in dungeons. I don't ever use it I just crank up the contrast.
3. Not sure if they bond after a week but I know there are pet bonding deeds with the donation vendor.
4. Keep a recall scroll handy and just look for the signs of a ganker. low karma, rides up sees you rides away comes back with buddy, not wearing nice stuff and has a name like Dickface, etc etc But most of all don't worry about it, and expect it to happen often while you are gearing up. The best defense though is to roll with friends.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Lol, yeah, I bought all your kryss' and spears twice and some repair deeds.
Yeah I have a really hard time keeping Spears, Short Spears, Kryss and Katana on my vendor.

On a funny note, last night when I was restocking, 3-4 toons came up to me as I was putting stuff on my vendor. At first I thought they were just waiting for me to get done, as others have done in the past. Then I saw a Katana vanish from my inventory and realized I was being stolen from. I got out of there asap but the four guys kept trying to box me in
Luckily I got away and ported back to my second house. Only lost about 1k-2k in items so it wasn't that bad but though it was rather funny.
Yeah i loaded it up yesterday , could not get a decent resolution to play with. Have a 24inch monitor , so was impossible using the default. Used Razor to force a resolution , still small just the screen got bigger and was seeing black on the sides of the play area. Woulda been nice to use the advanced client because it looked great as i tried it with a trial UO account. Or anyone know how i can get those settings and use them for this?

I was a miner in my early days , then switched to Blacksmithing. Made a nice nest egg , bought me the house that had the large entrance area with the 2 back rooms. Stock piled regeants all the while , then switched to magery with taming and bought 2 pet white dragons and then went and hunted pks. Was attending some player event and had my key/rune stone on me and got killed cause i afked for a sec and then had to make a mad dash and defend my home , the single most thrilling experience in all my gaming. Me and a friend made it in time to defend against 6 dudes , they did get over 6k black pearls and other reagents in that quantity and various large quantities of colored ingots. But they never did make it to the chests with the vang/invul weapons and armor. But as the fighting was going on , we killed a few them a few times me with magery and my friend being a archer. My dragons died , but as we were fighting my next door neighbors joined in the defense and more looters showed and it turned into one massive fucking brawl. We locked tables in front of the door so they couldnt get in and not one of them was smart enough to mark a rune in the house. All in all it was close to 30 people fighting for a good 2 to 3 hours. Did quit a few months after that , as EQ came along.


Silver Knight of the Realm
1. I'm mostly warrior with a bit of magery (Mace/Tact/Anat/Mage/Spell Resist/Healing/?). My young player status just dropped off and I'm wondering where I should go next for adventuring. I've spent most of my time in Britain or just outside in the Brit Graveyard/Dungeon but it is off limits now. I have a mount, some platemail from skeleton knights, a number of basic spells including G.Heal/Recall, and around 5-10k. I still have no idea about moongates or runestones though.
The first thing I?d recommend is trying to find a good guild that can help supply you and you can do things with. If you are set on going solo, then if I were you I?d ride around outside of town and try to find Ogres, Ettins and Trolls to kill. Stay away from Gazers and Reapers. Also if you are in need of gold, you might want to make a gathering character and sell material. Or you can do both by killing mobs you get hides from. You don?t get gold from them but you will get skill ups and hides sell for 5gp each so a mob like a Great Hart which skins for 15 hides will get you 75g

2. The Night Sight spell does not seem to be working for me. The dungeon under the Brit graveyard was dark as shit (can't even see the creatures only target markers/names) and there was no change with or without Night Sight. I do notice a difference when casting it above ground at night so I wasn't sure if this intended to only work outdoors or if there is a bug with the dungeon.
Hmm, Night Sight has always worked for me in dungeons and until you mentioned it, I have not heard that it doesn?t work. When the targeting reticule comes up, are you targeting yourself?

3. I read that mounts become bonded after a week so that they can be resurrected if killed. Is this week real time or game days and how often should I be feeding my horse.
I believe this is an actual real life week. I feed my horse/pack mule once or twice a night when it?s not stabled. Buy some apples from an Inn vendor.

4. Is there any crucial advice to avoid getting ganked as soon as I venture away from town? Items I should or should not have with me? For example I read that you should not carry keys to houses or boats as I assume the person who killed you could clean you out.
The Devs for this server have made a few changes so house stealing is impossible. One, your house key is not blessed so when you die, it?s not on your corpse. Two, I don?t believe items in your house can be stolen anymore. You have to allow access now to items in your house so even if you keep an unlocked box in it, no one without access given by you, can open it. (I?m not 100% certain on that but I believe that is the way it is on this server.)


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yeah i loaded it up yesterday , could not get a decent resolution to play with. Have a 24inch monitor , so was impossible using the default. Used Razor to force a resolution , still small just the screen got bigger and was seeing black on the sides of the play area. Woulda been nice to use the advanced client because it looked great as i tried it with a trial UO account. Or anyone know how i can get those settings and use them for this?
You can do what most people in my guild have done and set their monitor to 1024x768 while playing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I miss UO until I load it up and try and play it again. Ugh, cannot handle the dated graphics and interface.


Molten Core Raider
You can do what most people in my guild have done and set their monitor to 1024x768 while playing.
You can also use Razor to force UO into a higher resolution. What this does is make your screen larger, but actual dynamic content(players, mobs, NPCs) still disappear outside of the appropriate view range, but static content(landscape, buildings) draw all the way to the edge of the screen. You get a little bit of a black/fog of war type effect at the edges of the screen if you go too big, but I don't mind, I like being able to see the terrain farther ahead than normal when running around, even if the mobs and people aren't any different. I set UO to run at 1600x900 on my 1920x1200 monitor and it works pretty well. Just enough unused space around the edges to still put my backpacks, paperdoll, skill list, status bar, etc.

Just curious, I didnt get to play last night but are the goddamn fletching vendors back in the game yet? Pissing me off that I cant buy arrows and bolts in bulk, provisioner vendors usually only have 20-40 at a time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sorry to noob up the thread but I just started playing for the first time a couple of days ago and I had some questions.

1. I'm mostly warrior with a bit of magery (Mace/Tact/Anat/Mage/Spell Resist/Healing/?). My young player status just dropped off and I'm wondering where I should go next for adventuring. I've spent most of my time in Britain or just outside in the Brit Graveyard/Dungeon but it is off limits now. I have a mount, some platemail from skeleton knights, a number of basic spells including G.Heal/Recall, and around 5-10k. I still have no idea about moongates or runestones though.

2. The Night Sight spell does not seem to be working for me. The dungeon under the Brit graveyard was dark as shit (can't even see the creatures only target markers/names) and there was no change with or without Night Sight. I do notice a difference when casting it above ground at night so I wasn't sure if this intended to only work outdoors or if there is a bug with the dungeon.

3. I read that mounts become bonded after a week so that they can be resurrected if killed. Is this week real time or game days and how often should I be feeding my horse.

4. Is there any crucial advice to avoid getting ganked as soon as I venture away from town? Items I should or should not have with me? For example I read that you should not carry keys to houses or boats as I assume the person who killed you could clean you out.
I missed this earlier, just to reinforce/reiterate some things that were already said.

1)Yeah, depending on your skill you probably want to look for things like ettins, ogres, and trolls. You can find them in a relatively safe location (little foot travel) on a fast enough respawn timer not too far sw of britain, if you find a river just starting you're in the right spot. Just nw of that location you can find gazers and gargoyles on a slower respawn timer. While you do have to be extremely careful with those its a good idea to work on magic casting mobs to work resist. Just whenever you are below about 60% health run out of range of the mob and heal up to full before reengaging, below about 60% health is risky because they could chain a couple of a spells in a row and kill you.

2)Multiple ppl are having this issue, I believe they are saying it is an issue with your client, only fix may be to do a complete reinstall.

3)Not really sure about the whole pet bonding thing, that came in after I quit UO back in the day. But I do know I died in my house while macroing and my horse was gone then the next time I logged out and back in he was there so I'm guessing that has something to do with it. I've gone days without feeding my horses and haven't had one go wild yet.

4)Stay off the roads! People can not pk you if they can not find you. Try to fight in less traveled places. If you're only fighting melee type mobs keep magic reflect (5th circle spell) up. Items you should have at a minimum besides your regs and equipment, etc is refresh/total refresh potions, greater cure potions, and at least a couple of "para boxes." Para boxes are pouches (can be purchased from provisioner) then you cast magic trap on them and you can open them when paralyzed to free yourself. Set potions to a hotkey and reequipping weapons to a hotkey and you can make a macro opening your "para box" and hotkey the macro so you can run at a moments notice. Get yourself a rune and mark it in britian, ask someone to do it for you if you can't cast the 6th circle spell mark.

Get yourself a rune book and place the rune inside, add some scrolls to the runebook, but use regs to cast recall when you can, you want to leave the scrolls in the runebook for emergencies like you're out of regs or you died and lost everything on you. If you are outside of guard protection and you have anything on you, you don't feel like losing immediately recall when you see another player's name appear on your screen, blue or not, about to kill a mob or not. If you have nothing you're afraid of losing feel free to stick around and see what happens.

Trust NO ONE! Think you're ok hunting liches near that other blue player because he hasn't attacked you yet? You're not, they could very easily just be waiting for a lich/mob to get you a little low and then they'll jump you or they could just be hoping you die so they can loot you. So always recall and bank your gold if you're not certain.