ultra beta male virgin shoots up hot girls at UC Santa Barbara at least 7 dead


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks Cadbro

There is 0% chance I'd take someone seriously with those lines. He sounds like a really, really lazy troll. It's the kind of shit a troll says when he's bored of his shtick or gets outed and just wants to jump the shark with his remaining supply of bottom-of-the-barrel lines.
So, basically like Tanoomba?


Musty Nester
I can't see Tanoomba being violent though. I really can't. Like worst case he hooks up with a domineering woman that rides him for the rest of his life. And he goes to some rallies.

It's kinda like I might be worried about Dumar blowing something up... but I really can't see him going to all the effort to bomb any banks personally. He's more like to cheer when someone does.

But you know what? Sign me the fuck up for that cheer team. And I'm not even Marxist!


Ssraeszha Raider
Thanks Cadbro

There is 0% chance I'd take someone seriously with those lines. He sounds like a really, really lazy troll. It's the kind of shit a troll says when he's bored of his shtick or gets outed and just wants to jump the shark with his remaining supply of bottom-of-the-barrel lines.

This guy was completely unable to see any flaws of his and really thought he was perfect. Therefore all women must be conspiring against him was the only logical explanation.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
100% straight, no denying it.
Yeah, I have to say that if you use the word fabulous in normal conversation, you're gay. I'm not even talking sucking tranny dick gay, but hairy man-ass gay.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I know of Neymar but who the fuck is Neiman Marcus and why would anyone put down half a grand to wear his old, worn out sweaters?


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Originally Posted by dtugg View Post
I see you got rid of those serial killer-esc videos on Youtube.
My parents discovered the videos, so I temporarily took them down. They will be back up in a few days, along with more videos I've filmed.
So he was making these vids for bodybuilder guys?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
There is 0% chance I'd take someone seriously with those lines. He sounds like a really, really lazy troll. It's the kind of shit a troll says when he's bored of his shtick or gets outed and just wants to jump the shark with his remaining supply of bottom-of-the-barrel lines.
Yus. I'm going to think twice, thrice, and fourice times before I label someone a troll. Could Tyen be preparing for the big snap?

Meanwhile at Kanye's wedding

TJ Lazer_sl

Geez I got Adebisi so mad he tried to upset me without using blackvoice.

Why is it casual racism/misogyny/bigotry is cool except when being done towards dudes/white people here???


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Like how people get sent to the rickshaw whenever they dare to say the word American Inventor? Or how there's an entire thread dedicated to calling all men rapists and white people privileged assholes?

Yeah dude, casual racism and misogyny is totally cool around these parts. Don't let reality stop you.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yeah, there's threads that nominally exist to espouse those things but the content of most of the post in those threads are very much counter to those topics...


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
A board filled with mostly white males is not interested in participating in threads that denigrate themselves based on the color of their skin? Stop the presses.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>

There's an introspective discussion going on about white male privilege in Screenshots. White men, discussing the matters of the times in a civilized fashion for 1500+ posts.

TJ Lazer_sl

Like how people get sent to the rickshaw whenever they dare to say the word American Inventor? Or how there's an entire thread dedicated to calling all men rapists and white people privileged assholes?

Yeah dude, casual racism and misogyny is totally cool around these parts. Don't let reality stop you.
Oh Bullshit. It has been over 10 fucking years of complete fucking trash on this site. We both know that. I've seen people going off about "sand American Inventors" and "dune coons" with complete impunity on rerolled. Entire threads talking about how awesome and hilarious it was that a black kid was murdered for defending himself. Entire threads in screenshots dehumanizing women and mocking their issues. Take your reality and shove it up your ass, and pull your head out of there while your at it.


Musty Nester
It's not the racism that offends anyone. "Stuff White People Like" makes more of us (white people) laugh than it offends. You call me a cabbage-lovin, bible thumpin, fag hating, protestant fuck... you pretty much got my number.

It's stuff like "a black kid got murdered for defending himself". That's not a racist/bigoted statement. It's just wrong. Objectively, factually incorrect. It's like saying "2+2=5" and then when someone calls you a fucking idiot responding with, "You wouldn't call me an idiot except I'm black". No, I guess it just makes you a black idiot. Still a fucking idiot either way. And that example is great because what you decide to forget is that most white people, before the actual case came out, had NO problem believing the narrative that you just cannot admit was the racist one.

Stuff like "it's a white mans world" is racist as hell. It's not all that true (in ways it is all that true). It's not all that offensive though. It's not your racism that offends people Tristinn, that's an honest to god point-of-contact. When you're just being a racist asshole we can understand you and sometimes even shrug our shoulders and agree with you. But you use it to cover every stupid that you've ever had. It's all the other stupid that's the problem.

The racism we get.