Valheim - Viking Survival Game (Early Access)


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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Still worth playing in is current state if you haven't already.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Smartest thing they could have done. The guy hit the lottery.....don't piss it all away with continued development on a game that probably isn't going to see another surge. Go work on 2.0
Shit - I figured they would have at least put something in development for a DLC and charged 5 / 10 bucks for it. Right now, it just seems like a single persons love project and from the looks of whats being implemented, its the chick from the five original members.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
They just finished up the cross play feature, and have been working to wrap up the bug fixes on the backend in anticipation of Mistland. Just wish they'd pick up a few more devs to get shit done faster.
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Avatar of War Slayer
its not that they walked away. its just that dev time on indie games is never as fast as you would like. Slow dev time on this was obvious right from the get go.

Especially true with Early access. Always a huge potential problem. Slow time. and god forbid you have to pivot game design or content. great if all your planned content is working properly and has no design roadblocks. If it does? got to scrap a ton of work, with paid customers asking "where is the update?" then, complaining incessantly about a feature that is scrapped.
EA often does NOT let you create the best game due to this. it forces you to stick by promised content, even if that promise is shit.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
With the success this had, where did they all go? Seems weird
The bank, then the beach, which is what I would have done.

Seriously though. The game still has plenty of magic in its current state. I'm replaying with my son, which has inspired me to look into mods. EpicValheim changes the game in some pretty prfound ways (fighting/exploration-driven economy through the trader, diablo-style magic items, etc.). Still enjoying it.
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Canuckistani Terrorist
I still had more fun with this game, than any other in the past few years. Wasn't 60+$ like many "AAA" titles either.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
ts not that they walked away. its just that dev time on indie games is never as fast as you would like. Slow dev time on this was obvious right from the get go

Pretty much this. Look at stuff like 7 Days to Die. It has been “alpha” for like 10 years. Patches come, but on a relatively slow time scale. Although not Project Zomboid slow (although I think they have a really small team that does work on this game on the side)
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I think they actually just recently added a person to the team for visual effects; I imagine there will be substantial ramp up time but maybe that will help with the speed a bit.

Still can't believe how slow it has been, and how absolutely bonkers their initial roadmap was. They promised mistlands and the ocean update at a minimum by end of last year, and here we are almost a year later waiting on them still. Talk about misjudging productivity hah.

Easily one of my favorite games of the last few years; there's only a couple of non-MMOs (well, non FFXIV games is probably more correct) with more playtime, and they are things like Stardew Valley and Terraria.

It has been pretty depressing that the majority of patches for the last year have been "We're adding the maypole!" followed by "We're removing the maypole!" =|
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Trakanon Raider
If you haven't already then try out Grounded (on Gamepass PC if you use that) if you want to play a complete game. I am a self proclaimed hater of survival based games, but have put real time into Valheim, Grounded and Subnautica and enjoyed each, but Grounded is by far the most fun I had all the way through though.

I think they actually just recently added a person to the team for visual effects; I imagine there will be substantial ramp up time but maybe that will help with the speed a bit.

Still can't believe how slow it has been, and how absolutely bonkers their initial roadmap was. They promised mistlands and the ocean update at a minimum by end of last year, and here we are almost a year later waiting on them still. Talk about misjudging productivity hah.

Easily one of my favorite games of the last few years; there's only a couple of non-MMOs (well, non FFXIV games is probably more correct) with more playtime, and they are things like Stardew Valley and Terraria.

It has been pretty depressing that the majority of patches for the last year have been "We're adding the maypole!" followed by "We're removing the maypole!" =|


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I've played through various phases of grounded (and of course Subnautica. Emo SJWs to the core, but the first game is a masterpiece and the second is solid if not quite as good)
Trying to convince some friends to run a full playthrough but the kiddy-centric look/dialogue for some reason turns people off. I just think Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and am totally ok with it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
All done with my current games and looking for a new game- Valheim worth picking up at this point?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I was already pretty convinced by general reviews that it seemed great, but always good to check here too imo.
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