Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Log Wizard
Point is, the invitation and challenge is wide open. I think y'all will wriggle around the implication but I assert just the MERE fact that I'm so willing to discuss my views and hold them up to ANY level of scrutiny via dialogue, questions or debate-style rhetoric is telling toward both validity and scientific credibility. (reading this and disagree??? DEBATE ME ! [I'm quite sure I'll get nothing but chirping crickets in the form of gaslit ad hominems from this lot though]). -Vanessa

See the problem with "debating" you is that you just vomit an obscene amount of words, scream about how we are "hatertots", proclaim that you have destroyed us and are the ultimate victor.
You dont "hold your views up to ANY level of scrutiny"... anytime someone questions your views you call them a hater, insult their intelligence and scream about how you, once again, destroyed your latest challenger. If I am do have discourse with someone, it is so that both parties can learn and grow. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that will never happen with you. Basically you are a waste of time, and oxygen.


Uncle Tanya

Is anyone *really* surprised VaginaCube wriggled out of this?

See the problem with "debating" you is that you just vomit an obscene amount of words, scream about how we are "hatertots", proclaim that you have destroyed us and are the ultimate victor.
I'm talking about an actual debate dude.

Not every single person in this thread is one of my hatertots. It's buried in this thread now but I made a room of stick figures of them. I don't put you in that league though you certainly have shown a bias toward trannies in general, but I think you and many others who come into MY thread here and shit talk are also regulars of the GG/SJW thread and, frankly, anyone who spends any amount of time in that thread will probably start to find a bias with trannies. Part of the issue is that all of you find these swaths of generalities based on radical lefty trannies and paint us all like that. This is exactly what the left in THEIR bubbles do with US... anyone who is even moderately right are nazis and you'd get lumped in with the white supremacist stormfront bad actors on THEIR end. Same thing.

You dont "hold your views up to ANY level of scrutiny"... anytime someone questions your views you call them a hater, insult their intelligence and scream about how you, once again, destroyed your latest challenger. If I am do have discourse with someone, it is so that both parties can learn and grow. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that will never happen with you. Basically you are a waste of time, and oxygen.
The fuck are you talking about?


I have responded to you, your questions, and your points many times. This is just ONE example and I'm willing to summon a mod here for a month long avatar bet that there are several more than I could cull as evidence that I've replied to you about things. Since you and perhaps others haven't figured this out yet, I only shit on people that shit on me with VERY few exceptions (Foler I think I started on him first for being an insufferable retard and Brando I started on him because his political arguments are repugnant) so yeah, if you parachuted in my thread and started shittalking like a jackass FIRST, you probably got shit on back, I have no doubt about that. If you, however, asked me questions without sounding like a dickhead and I had time (sometimes my time is limited... I wish I had a sugar momma!) I can guarantee I replied in the same tone it was addressed to me with.

I *would* have a debate about Christianity too but that's not my main impetus for debate topic. My challenge to Booze is because he specifically is a transphobic cockface that slanders and lies about who I am, what I do, and HIS issues with me circle and stem from transgenderism and what I believe and it'd be hilarious for the forum I think to share the debate because we both hate each other LoL

Correct me if I'm wrong Sevens Sevens but you seem to take more umbrage with my Christian beliefs than any issue with transgenderism, correct?
  • 1Picard
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Wake Up Man
I didn't choose to be born with Gender Dysphoria, and I don't think I'm a woman. I know precisely what I am... a transgendered woman. Not a man. Not a woman. A transgendered woman. I mean......... that's the Ben Shapiro-esque cut and dry reality of the situation. A biological male who lives in society as a transgendered woman. Period. This is how people who actually deal with me face to face (unlike here) immediately and subconsciously recognize me based on how I am gendered consistently in social interaction: She Her Hers. I don't need to wear a stupid button to tell people how to address me or actually tell them what I want to be called. It's just how this *works*


“Not a man, not a woman, but there are only two genders, and I am a transgender woman.”

That sounds like a man, because you are a man. Quack, bitch.



Uncle Tanya
The hodj is strong in here just now.
giphy (9).gif


^ I'm really reaching here with this pic, I admit, but... hmmmmm

Hodj's obsession with me was an extension of his obsession with this forum. I find it oddly fitting that shortly after his disappearance, the entire site was redirected to 8kun and also, on a personal level that I've not shared with you guys here, I received e-mails from Facebook, Twitter and Reddit a couple of weeks after the infamous site hack; all of whom stated there was (in more or less words) jive shit going on with my accounts with those entities. I can post screenies of the emails if evidence was ever needed. My accounts on those platforms (except for bans... different sitch here) have been perfect for years and years. The timing is... odd is all I'm saying.

If some of you guys remember that moron who semi-doxxed me that had the shitty marriage and PM'd me a pic of where I lived... even through that I never was worried and was like.. bah, it's just the interbutts, no one would get legitimately upset over hurty words. But Hodj IS legitimately bonkers, and he projected his batshit on Tanoomba and then me and there's also what Hoss posted in the amod thread here.


Wake Up Man
If Hodj is bonkers, and you are bonkers, you are Hodj? Doesn’t make sense though since you’re implying Hodj hacked the forum but you’re not smart enough to not post pictures with geolocation data.

For the record I’m not Hodj nor do I have anything to do with hacking. I thought the forum finally went tits up with the 8kun thing.


Uncle Tanya
That's so cool. You are really intriguing to talk with. Tell me more.
Well, I'm a fan of movies and they said you worked on movies but I asked before what you did and you didn't want to reply which I respect people's privacy of course but I'm also just a super super curious cat that likes to know stuff. My ex called me nosy due to that but I just really lean on the notion that knowledge is power and knowledge about a multitude of great many things is in fact sexy.

When I think about you Scream, I chuckle at the idea of a famous movie star joining a gaming forum and being completely anonymous to have some modicum of normalcy to try and relate to the base level regular folk like us. It actually makes sense that at LEAST a handful (talking maybe just a few) of eccentric A-list actors would join a forum anonymously just to reach out and interact with regular joes... even just superficially like this on a forum such as FoH because actors are still people and we were created to mingle and be social. Yet you're also pretty hateful yourself Scream, and I think even under the guise of anonymity you'd be a bit paranoid if you WERE an A-lister saying what you say and therefore wouldn't do it because yeah, if us retards found out you were literally Bradley Cooper (for example) it would ruin your career with the shit you've said here.


That's not you. So who are you, really? If I had to guess, you probably had a handful of gigs as a Key Grip in a few Paramount films and this is where your forum reputation comes from. Point is... whether you're Bradley fucking Cooper or Sam Williams the Key Grip... I'd treat you exactly the same way. The problem, when it comes to treatment:

Afaik the first time we even ever interacted (correct me if I'm wrong, please!) was when you were in the process of getting banned. I stuck up for you to the mods because I DID feel that LLR just made up a rule on the spot and enforced it upon you, and I tried to just calm you down after the rickshawing but you snapped, and hissed, and shit on me. You've called me retarded quite a few times now and I was actually curious about why you felt that way exactly? What was the one post that ticked that thought in your head that made you go "awww, she's very stupid!". No kidding, I'd love for you to share that with everyone.


The Dirtbag
Well, I'm a fan of movies and they said you worked on movies but I asked before what you did and you didn't want to reply which I respect people's privacy of course but I'm also just a super super curious cat that likes to know stuff. My ex called me nosy due to that but I just really lean on the notion that knowledge is power and knowledge about a multitude of great many things is in fact sexy.

When I think about you Scream, I chuckle at the idea of a famous movie star joining a gaming forum and being completely anonymous to have some modicum of normalcy to try and relate to the base level regular folk like us. It actually makes sense that at LEAST a handful (talking maybe just a few) of eccentric A-list actors would join a forum anonymously just to reach out and interact with regular joes... even just superficially like this on a forum such as FoH because actors are still people and we were created to mingle and be social. Yet you're also pretty hateful yourself Scream, and I think even under the guise of anonymity you'd be a bit paranoid if you WERE an A-lister saying what you say and therefore wouldn't do it because yeah, if us retards found out you were literally Bradley Cooper (for example) it would ruin your career with the shit you've said here.


That's not you. So who are you, really? If I had to guess, you probably had a handful of gigs as a Key Grip in a few Paramount films and this is where your forum reputation comes from. Point is... whether you're Bradley fucking Cooper or Sam Williams the Key Grip... I'd treat you exactly the same way. The problem, when it comes to treatment:

Afaik the first time we even ever interacted (correct me if I'm wrong, please!) was when you were in the process of getting banned. I stuck up for you to the mods because I DID feel that LLR just made up a rule on the spot and enforced it upon you, and I tried to just calm you down after the rickshawing but you snapped, and hissed, and shit on me. You've called me retarded quite a few times now and I was actually curious about why you felt that way exactly? What was the one post that ticked that thought in your head that made you go "awww, she's very stupid!". No kidding, I'd love for you to share that with everyone.
Uh huh... And then?
  • 1Worf
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