Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)


Golden Squire
FWIW, they already have the sub-one-sub-all thing. It's just $25 (or something). If you think you're only going to play a month, then there's no harm in doing a one month for $15 sub.

That said, I haven't subbed either. I'm waiting to see if I can find groups and such this weekend, and not get too put-off with bugs/crashing/etc. I've came very close, twice, to subbing to VG but get frustrated with it's crappy side before I ever pull the trigger.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The Station Pass (sub to all games) is dropping to 15 bucks soon, I thought.

And you don't need a sub to enjoy Vanguard. The gear you'll be able to wear without unlockers is just fine to get to max level if you're even semi competent or stick to groups. The FTP model is actually not to bad these days, and lets you enjoy the game fully. In fact, I'd almost argue not being able to use any of the locked items makes the game more enjoyable, as the player-to-evironment balance is a bit skewed toward players being OP in most situations, so not using locked gear makes it more challenging.


Golden Squire
The Station Pass (sub to all games) is dropping to 15 bucks soon, I thought.

And you don't need a sub to enjoy Vanguard. The gear you'll be able to wear without unlockers is just fine to get to max level if you're even semi competent or stick to groups. The FTP model is actually not to bad these days, and lets you enjoy the game fully. In fact, I'd almost argue not being able to use any of the locked items makes the game more enjoyable, as the player-to-evironment balance is a bit skewed toward players being OP in most situations, so not using locked gear makes it more challenging.
Yeah, it is going to $15 - I haven't paid SOE a dollar in many a year, and holy shit are they some fuck-ups, but that's still an amazing deal. $15 / month for SEVERAL online games you can hop around. Not sure on timing though, I thought I had read it was going to be April or something, but I'm too lazy to dig up proof.

Regarding unlockers - while most classes seem OP, the detriment to the F2P system as is that you do the work for a quest, and don't get the reward. I really enjoy questing for special gear sets (HL, URT, Lord Tsang weapons, etc), but with the reward removed, it makes it less appealing. Of course, we should all be playing in dungeons anyways, not out doing solo-quests - but the population makes that difficult. So it can be self-defeating. But hell, my disc is in pretty shitty gear, and I was killing 2-dots 5 levels higher than me and barely taking damage. Disc is of course one of the most OP ones there is.

So no, you definitely don't need the gear, but the gear is fun, and it's disappointing to do the work for nothing.

Anyone else wanna do a Sunday night static? Once a week get together to run a dungeon?
I'd be pretty damn interested in that. My Sunday evenings are usually open - although I can't stay up all late. My disc is only 23 though.


Golden Squire
Sunset ahoy!

Dear Vanguard players,

I'm sad to announce that on July 31, 2014 we will sunset one of our longest-running games, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. This decision was not easy -- we took much time and consideration before deciding to move forward with this plan.

But here's the deal...player population numbers have decreased making it difficult to justify the resources needed to support and update this game. This is an older game and we're experiencing more and more technical challenges to continue running and updating it in a way you deserve. Simply put, these are issues that cannot be fixed in the long term and as a player, we would be doing you a disservice and going against our company commitment to provide the best gameplay experiences. So given this information, sunsetting the game later this year is the inevitable conclusion.

Again, this is not a decision that we approached lightly or without serious thought and examination. We've grown with you and the community throughout the years and shutting down the game is certainly not ideal, but necessary regardless.

I also want to let current Vanguard members know that we will be upgrading your membership to SOE's new All Access membership. Basically under this new All Access plan, you can continue to enjoy membership benefits in Vanguard until it sunsets, only now, you?ll also have top tier access in our other membership games. It is my hope that by upgrading your membership to All Access, you?ll have an opportunity to explore our other games to see if one is a fit for you. For more info, visit the FAQ here:403 Forbidden

Vanguard has had an exceptional legacy over the last seven years and I cannot thank you enough for your commitment, support and enthusiasm through the years. We will be providing more information on the game's sunset soon. In the meantime, I will be doing an AMA on Reddit at 3 p.m. today so I encourage you to join in on the conversation with any of your questions.



Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Aww another one bites the dust. Who's with me for a 1-50 romp? Im sure level cap is 55+ nowadays, but I don't wanna grind, just check everything out
I remember the excitement of getting into Beta 2 and then the sheer horror of loading in for the first time. Disaster...


Blackwing Lair Raider
This blows I was just getting into this game. All excited reaching level 41.. I am subbed to EQ2.. if I switch to VG does that mean i get all-access? Not sure If I want to stay otherwise...