Vicodin, Cigarettes, and My Fake Tits - from the diary of the Megan Fox of Ohio

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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
She needed help and I gave it. She asked for more help and I gave it. She asked again and I couldn't so she stopped asking. How much I gave her and what I gave her is besides the point. There you all know now.
I disagree. Some people gave her pills thinking she was in pain and her scripts weren't enough. She asked multiple people to help her pay to have her stuff moved across the country, only months and months apart. Others didn't even ask for details and just gave her donations with no idea where the money was going to go. Someone else in this thread already mentioned that he ended up in some sort of online cybering relationship and his wife busted him.

If you don't want to be specific that's fine, but it isn't like people are being attacked for having been fooled by Lori. I probably would have sent her some cash via a_skeleton_03 if I hadn't been broke at the time.

The devil is in the details Cam, and while I appreciate you at least saying that yes, you helped her, that gives no one any true idea of what happened with you specifically. We've already pieced together a lot of habitual behavior on her part, it'll just be disappointing if you leave it at that.

Cam, the eternal dumb fuck, helped another woman out and got used as usual. Now you can all sit back and laugh and slap each other on the back about how stupid I am and how much entertainment this is.
Could you stop with this shit for just a few minutes? Tons of people got used bro, and people aren't asking you for details so that they can just dogpile on you. If anything, we're all a little shocked that the Lori we thought we knew wasn't anything like what the actual Lori was.

Also, why are you letting known trolls troll you? I mean c'mon, get your shit together Tyrone.

Aychamo BanBan

Buy something to stop posting and posting nudes because I demanded them to be posted is her slutting out like ravvenn?

Lol please, you Wakandans rustled as fuck about trex and Req made the best decision dropping a Trex bomb on your faces so hard that they are still bleeding.
Ban this faggot.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
ALL of you sucked ravvenn's cock on FOH.

Lady Angel Trex wins again


Buzzfeed Editor
Dear god, Tyen has begun his infernal idiot dance of rustling!




Molten Core Raider
Yes I sent her money. No I don't remember how much. EDITED This was over a year ago... I was going through a lot of shit back then. We started talking and she started calling me. we talked for hours at a time. She left Alex and moved out. She needed rent money and pills. I sent her both. We talked some more. She needed to get a dress for a new job. She tried on a few and I picked the one I liked and bought it for her. She then needed money for Gaige's birthday. She wanted to get him an xbox. I sent her the money for it. She then needed to get her car worked on. I sent her the money for it. She then needed food. I sent her money to buy it. She then needed something else and at the time I was going through some stuff and I didn't have the cash. She understood and we stopped talking as much.

There that's the whole story. She never offered me pictures or cyber or any of the other shit people keep claiming. I helped her because I wanted to. Same as I would any of my other friends. *shrugs*


Boner Donor
Oh yay, the faggot that ruined FoH is now here with the vapid whore in tow. Can't wait to see how this turns out


Molten Core Raider
There that's the whole story. She never offered me pictures or cyber or any of the other shit people keep claiming. I helped her because I wanted to. Same as I would any of my other friends. *shrugs*
Who is saying that it was anything else for you? Tyen doesn't count, he isn't a person.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm setting up a female troll account with a kid when the the new PS4 and Xbox comes out. I bet that kid has like 7 xboxs he never knew about.
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