Virtual Reality


Tranny Chaser
Okay I am struggling here. I know that early adopters like this often suffer from technology bugs, pay premium prices over what is charged even 18 months later, and have limited content choices...

but the inner techno geek kid in me REALLY wants to experience this in the comfort of my own home. I keep almost pulling the trigger on it, but even after all the three major players (Sony, Oculus, HTC) have announced their specs and pricing I'm unsure as to which solution seems right or even if any of them do. Part of the problem is that there's really no good way to preview the stuff since any 'demo' is usually done at big events and is swarmed with massive lines.

Anyone else on the VR fence?


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Okay I am struggling here. I know that early adopters like this often suffer from technology bugs, pay premium prices over what is charged even 18 months later, and have limited content choices...

but the inner techno geek kid in me REALLY wants to experience this in the comfort of my own home. I keep almost pulling the trigger on it, but even after all the three major players (Sony, Oculus, HTC) have announced their specs and pricing I'm unsure as to which solution seems right or even if any of them do. Part of the problem is that there's really no good way to preview the stuff since any 'demo' is usually done at big events and is swarmed with massive lines.

Anyone else on the VR fence?
Me. I said I was going to snag a Vive, but backed off at the last minute. I REALLY want to test it before dropping 800 bucks. Also, there are literally like 2 games I see I would even consider playing. What I want is a great dungeon crawler which I can get lost in.


Okay I am struggling here. I know that early adopters like this often suffer from technology bugs, pay premium prices over what is charged even 18 months later, and have limited content choices...

but the inner techno geek kid in me REALLY wants to experience this in the comfort of my own home. I keep almost pulling the trigger on it, buteven after all the three major players (Sony, Oculus, HTC) have announced their specs and pricing I'm unsure as to which solution seems right or even if any of them do.Part of the problem is that there's really no good way to preview the stuff since any 'demo' is usually done at big events and is swarmed with massive lines.

Anyone else on the VR fence?
I'm just going to stay on the outside of the fence for now.

I think there are two ways to interpret the participation of three major industry players: either VR finally has its beachhead, or the industry has decided to coordinate a money-grab.

The kid in me, who grew up with a 386 and manually installing drivers at a DOS prompt while reading Gibson, really wants to believe that the sci-fi that's always been just beyond fingertips is finally here.

But the cynic in me knows that the gaming industry has re-centered around some truly cunning people who misdirect all of their talents into marketing and attractive graphics belying gacha schemes. I worry that, even if the processing technology is there, VR will just be a bunch of nausea-inducing demos.

~$500+ isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but the price point tells me that the industry is marketing to guys with some extra money who want the latest gadget. I don't think there's any harm in waiting on this to develop.

Brahma_sl said:
What I want is a great dungeon crawler which I can get lost in.
Yep, same.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I'm on the fence working on wife faction. Once that's done I'll probably order a Vive, but really want to try more than just the cardboard first before spending the cash.

Probably get a PSVR towards the end of the generation once we know it at least things like cinema mode has PS5 support.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Okay I am struggling here. I know that early adopters like this often suffer from technology bugs, pay premium prices over what is charged even 18 months later, and have limited content choices...

but the inner techno geek kid in me REALLY wants to experience this in the comfort of my own home. I keep almost pulling the trigger on it, but even after all the three major players (Sony, Oculus, HTC) have announced their specs and pricing I'm unsure as to which solution seems right or even if any of them do. Part of the problem is that there's really no good way to preview the stuff since any 'demo' is usually done at big events and is swarmed with massive lines.

Anyone else on the VR fence?
Have you tested the Samsung VR at Best Buy yet?


Tranny Chaser
Is the Samsung VR much different than just Google Cardboard? I had mentally just put them into the same boat since both were just fancy goggles to look at your phone screen. I have used the Google Cardboard for a couple things and found it entertaining but not 'wow'


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Is the Samsung VR much different than just Google Cardboard? I had mentally just put them into the same boat since both were just fancy goggles to look at your phone screen. I have used the Google Cardboard for a couple things and found it entertaining but not 'wow'
Samsung VR is a step above googles offering but I feel the same. At first its a pretty powerful experience, but the novelty starts to wane very quickly. VRs biggest challenge will be to produce a blockbuster/AAA game/experience that gets such high praise and delivers on such a level that people will buy a set just for that title. Without that your selling consumers on whats possible, and at the current pricing point thats not gonna fly.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Set up my DK2 one last time, ran the config demo to get a SS of my Rift working, put it on to get one last sniff of that naseau inducing foam, take a good look at the screen door effect, the bad chromatic abberation and the heavy pixelation (I can still differentiate the red, blue and green bits of the white pixels!). Tried a random highly ranked demo, it didn't work correctly of course. Time to pack this in, put it on Ebay and eagerly wait for my CV1. I wonder how much I'll get for it?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I also wonder how much the CV1 will sell for on ebay in the first couple weeks. I can't wait to get it and didn't buy it to resell it, but I just don't have time now because of Black Desert Online.


FPS noob
Its averaging around $1200 (sold) for CV1 right now on eBay, prices will usually drop 30-50% after release as actual product floods the channel and the people who will pay absolutely anything shrink. So sell now for $1200 with the risk of a scammer getting both your CV1 and keeping his money - high risk imo, easy to send you back a box of bricks and eBay will side with him, or wait for release and it'll probably sell for $800-900. eBay/paypal fees add up to 13.5% or so usually. craigslist is probably a safer way to sell but good luck not getting shot

its a bit ridiculous that its like a few days before the first shipments go out and we still have no clue when stuff is shipping, who is getting what when, etc.

this looks cool


FPS noob
apparently kickstarter people are getting order processing emails so their CV1s should be shipping out... soon?



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hmm if I sold my CV1 for $900 and my DK2 for $550 I'd almost break even after buying a second CV1.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Its averaging around $1200 (sold) for CV1 right now on eBay, prices will usually drop 30-50% after release as actual product floods the channel and the people who will pay absolutely anything shrink. So sell now for $1200 with the risk of a scammer getting both your CV1 and keeping his money - high risk imo, easy to send you back a box of bricks and eBay will side with him, or wait for release and it'll probably sell for $800-900. eBay/paypal fees add up to 13.5% or so usually. craigslist is probably a safer way to sell but good luck not getting shot

its a bit ridiculous that its like a few days before the first shipments go out and we still have no clue when stuff is shipping, who is getting what when, etc.

this looks cool
This looks amazing, but I think at 1200 vertical pixels it just won't be high enough resolution.