Virtual Reality


I want to to stop at the first paragraph lol

everything from the foam to the plastic bags was better quality
really the foam and the plastic bags were better quality? you don't say

Ok, I tried to read that Soygen, it's just sooo fanboyish that it's hard to take it serious. I think the pink hair dye that guy uses has sunk into his brain.

This article is more concise ,and less dramatic


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
That link doesn't work. I don't think you copied it correctly.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>

He says the "B" lenses are for near-sighted people, but does that mean near-sighted and not wearing glasses/contacts? I usually have my contacts in, so would that mean I use the normal "A" lenses?


Blackwing Lair Raider
So the next kit is disappointing? I'm hoping this product will start a revolution in VR gaming. Are we still in track for that? When are the AAA titles coming?


The next kit will not be disappointing to people who have never messed with the first kit, other then pretty much nothing to demo on it. And by disappointing I mean the visuals are not that big of an upgrade.

That was one of the beauties of the first kit, it had allot of support from the start, and it was fairly easy to enable for games since it was essentially just a duplicated desktop.
With the addition of the tracker it's much rougher, especially with apps like vorpx.

It's not even close to being ready for the public. All the wires are just a mess, and the experience still isn't where it needs to be.

The revolution in VR will come in about 5 years. We are still in the stone age imo


Did you ever attach that picture I asked you for? or are you still quoting tech specs?

Trust me it's not that big, still looks low rez/pixelated as fuck, and the oled has added more issues like smearing.

The thing you need to understand is that the new method makes it as simple as it can be for the end user. The average user isn't going to know jack about windows cloning/extending, dealing with refresh rates or the quirks of each gpu vendor; it will just work as expected.
Yeah now they have to deal with various bugs when the game doesnt synch with there rift driver, and you still have to adjust your refresh rate for it to work.

It currently goes bonkers if you put your desktop on anything above 60z, so that means every time I use the rift I have to adjust it down from 144hz.

I never once had to adjust my refresh rate on the DK1.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Almost everything I've read doesn't make it sound even remotely as disappointing as Column is making it sound(including the above link postedbyColumn). It's all been generally positive.


I'm disappointed coming from a Dk1, there is a huge difference. I expected a hell of alot more, and got way less then I ever expected.

You are reading reviews based off soley judging the DK2 on it's own merits.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
No, I'm reading a lot of comparisons from owners of the DK1(including the link you posted!). The problem seems to lie with your expectation and not the device itself.


The problem seems to lie with your expectation and not the device itself.
Of course, what the fuck did you think I was saying for the last 3 pages...

My expectation was very high based of reading the forum for 2 years,and it came in very short of the mark in every category.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Almost everything I've read doesn't make it sound even remotely as disappointing as Column is making it sound(including the above link postedbyColumn). It's all been generally positive.
I'll have a no bullshit no rose tinted glasses review for you tomorrow. I won't even bother posting it on any other message board as anything less than fanboyish is ripped to shreds by people. Column would be crucified if he posted his stuff over on the oculus forums but I appreciate his honesty.

Column it sounds like you may have not received the DK1 right off the bat, did you get yours a bit later in the dev cycle? I received mine in the very first wave of shipments as I had kickstarted them on day 1, and there wasn't jack shit to do on it either when it first arrived. I already have 7 DK2 demos ready and waiting for UPS to arrive, so I would say there is much more content available to me today for DK2 than I had on day one of the first kit. I would also expect to see a lot of stuff updated in very short order from here on.


I bought the Dk1 after they opened up sales when the kickstarter was funded. There was only 4 demos, and Half life 2.

Even with Tuscany I was impressed tho.

You know what I'm talking about then attog, for the last couple years they have been making this device sound like it was the next coming of god on the oculus forums.
So why wouldn't I be disappointed when it came in ,and didn't meet very high expectations.

And it is far from being consumer ready on any front.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Of course, what the fuck did you think I was saying for the last 3 pages...

My expectation was very high based of reading the forum for 2 years,and it came in very short of the mark in every category.
Shit like this:

I'm pretty sure any company can make a better product then the DK2 at this point, it's not well made at all.
So is it just disappointing compared to DK1 or a piece of shit that anyone can make a better version of?


I'm Amod too!
I think once they get the bugs ironed out of the driver software and once there's some more things to play with it (Not Oculus' fault and something that's quickly being rectified as devs update to the new SDK) it'll be a nice step up from the DK1. It's no jesus in a box though and some of Column's complaints are valid like buggy drivers and smearing on the edges of the view but I'm satisfied with it.


Any company with money (Sony, Samsung, MS, ETC) will be able to make a better headset then the current DK2, it is not that far advanced. It really just added a nicer screen, and some buggy ass tracking.

They have already reversed engineered the first one. The actual headset itself , and Tracker are poorly designed from a comfort level, and aesthetic level.

I stand by that statement completely. That has nothing to do with the DK2 being shit, that is what you are reading into it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I can't really argue with your statement, as I don't own either model. I've briefly messed with the DK1. I'm simply going by everything I've read in the last week or so and pretty much nobody has said what you're saying, as far as the build quality and design. Sure there are some minor complaints and bugs to be worked out, but I guess that's to be expected on a non-retail product.


Well no, just the link I provided alone the guy had pictures of how much damage it put on the bridge of his nose after extended sessions. That carried over from the first Dev Kit even after people voiced there opinions that they needed to pad it.

The tracker itself is junkie, and has no vice grip on it even when it supposed to never move at all. Not to mention all the wiring now not only from the rift, but also from the tracker.

And honestly no one is ever going to say anything negative on the Oculus forums.

Really I could a give a shit about all of that, I just wanted the same DK1 that was super sharp with not much pixelation.
The DK2 is unfortunate for me, exactly how it appears in that resolution chart that Tuco posted in the thread earlier.

I thought from what people were saying on the Oculus forums that 1080p would be enough, but It has to go up to 4k before it starts looking really good.