If the movie is so goddamn bad, how is this guy still rating it 6/10?Ice burn from Metacritic
Edgelords gonna be edgy... but not TOO edgy.If the movie is so goddamn bad, how is this guy still rating it 6/10?
Some people find it a challenge to be internet snarky when describing average and tend to default into it's straight to DVD quality drek mode.If the movie is so goddamn bad, how is this guy still rating it 6/10?
So playing Overwatch was the right call.Ice burn from Metacritic
I missed the word out before 6/10, but I assumed it was an individual review and 32 was the metacritic aggregate score.The big red "32" in the upper right corner is easy to miss.
True but i really hope it fails miserably and Blizzard goes back to whatever they were doing.Just because it's not a good film doesn't mean it's going to fail (see: Batman vs Superman, all of the Transformers movies, etc, etc)