Warhammer 40,000 Novels


I thought Echos of Eternity (Siege of Terra Book #7) was great. ADB is one of their best writers and he really captured the feeling of the end of the Siege. Last two chapters and the one page epilogue are *chef's kiss*
Yeah he is amazing. Betrayer is absolute top notch.
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Molten Core Raider
After the Warhammer-Cavill news I picked up my first 40k book, Horus Rising, which maybe wasn't the best place to start for someone new to the books and lore, but it was a fantastic listen. Narrator on audiobook did a great job. Almost done with False Gods now. Heard quality varies greatly across the series - when does it start going downhill or it is just random? Seems the Horus Heresy series is so long that I'm not sure how long I'll stick with it after the first 3-5 books I guess. Any advice?


After the Warhammer-Cavill news I picked up my first 40k book, Horus Rising, which maybe wasn't the best place to start for someone new to the books and lore, but it was a fantastic listen. Narrator on audiobook did a great job. Almost done with False Gods now. Heard quality varies greatly across the series - when does it start going downhill or it is just random? Seems the Horus Heresy series is so long that I'm not sure how long I'll stick with it after the first 3-5 books I guess. Any advice?

Probably my favorite book series. I am on Betrayer which I think is book 24. Definitely do 1-5.

from there you will have a lot of books that go back to the past like Dark Angels, word bearers etc I am doing audiobooks so it’s great for when I’m heading to work or traveling which I do alot of.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
First four Heresy books sort of complete a story arc detailing the foundation of the conflict and one of it's most pivotal moments, although obviously that time period gets revisited many times throughout the series.

Fulgrim - Excellent
Descent of Angels - terrible
Legion - extra terrible
Battle for the Abyss - terrible
Mechanicum - Would have been terrible in the hands of a lesser author but McNeill manages to keep it readable
Tales of Heresy - I've yet to find a 40K short story compilation that I didn't like
Fallen Angels - terrible
A Thousand Sons - Amazing
Nemesis - extra terrible
The First Heretic - Best book in the entire Black Library imo, most of the people who disagree with me will probably argue for a different book by the same author
Prospero Burns - extra terrible
Age of Darkness - love me them short stories
The Outcast Dead - Very cool premise but sadly wasted.
Deliverance Lost - extra terrible
Know no Fear - meh. this is about when I finally realized that Abnett had lost his touch
The Primarchs - Technically Novellas, not short stories. Gav Thorpe is trash just like he's always been and his story taints the rest of the book.
Fear to Tread - Over the top even by 40K standards but an incredibly important moment in the 40K setting.
Shadows of Treachery - love me them short stories
Angel Exterminatus - dont recall this one
Betrayer - dont recall this one
Mark of Calth - still love me them short stories
Vulkan Lives - extra terrible
The Unremembered Empire - terrible. Abnett became such a disappointment
Scars - Decent filler story
Vengeful Spirit - Disjointed nonsense, also full of plot holes if you hadn't been chasing down obscure audio book releases
Damnation of Pythos - terrible
Legacies of Betrayal - yay short stories
Deathfire - dont recall this one but I have the pdf so i must have read it

and thats where i abruptly lost interest


He likes short stories where most of 40klore Reddit says skip. I love them too but not necessarily needed.

If you find yourself slogging through, watch an arch video and move on and come back later. I knock ‘em out while driving and painting.


Mr. Poopybutthole
He likes short stories where most of 40klore Reddit says skip. I love them too but not necessarily needed.

If you find yourself slogging through, watch an arch video and move on and come back later. I knock ‘em out while driving and painting.
I like filler when it's short stories, and they frequently tell excellent little tales.


I like filler when it's short stories, and they frequently tell excellent little tales.
No fucking way you didn’t read Betrayer yet.

Absolute must if you like First heretic

Freaking read Angel and Betrayer


The Way Out was great if anyone wants a good dead space horror 40K novel. I loved it.

event horizon meets 40k

short 1-2 hour read


Silver Knight of the Realm
Read books 1-5, Mechanicum, A thousand sons, first heretic, deliverance lost, know no fear, fear to tread, Angel Exterminatus, Betrayer, Unremembered Empire, Scars, The Path of Heaven Pharos, Praetorian of Dorn, Master of Mankind, Shattered Legions, The Crimson King, Wolfsbane, Slaves to Darkness, Titandeath.

That will pretty much cover everything you need to know before the siege.

You can also skip the ones below as they can each be summarised in 3 setences:

deliverance lost, fear to tread, unrememberd empire, pharos & crimson king
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Molten Core Raider
Just finished #4 Flight of the Eisenstein, which seemed to be a big step down in storytelling and writing from the first 3, but still enjoyable. The 1st half of the book re-told events that had already been covered from another perspective, which was a bit tedious to go through again as it didn't seem to add much other than to show where the main character of the book was during #4. The audiobook narrator for #4 also wasn't as good as 1-3, though he was still decent. Onto to Fulgrim now.
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The Department of Redundancy Department left a message for you.

Dude your jaded ass literally said you like short stories and this is one of the best. The audiobook is better than the book because it’s got a great cast and sound effects. It’s pretty awesome because it’s just regular joes not Astertes.

It’s a short book like 1-2 hours. Pretty cool creepy Event Horizonish little story. This team is lost in the warp and gets hailed by another ship. They show up and shit starts to go south.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dude your jaded ass literally said you like short stories and this is one of the best. The audiobook is better than the book because it’s got a great cast and sound effects. It’s pretty awesome because it’s just regular joes not Astertes.

It’s a short book like 1-2 hours. Pretty cool creepy Event Horizonish little story. This team is lost in the warp and gets hailed by another ship. They show up and shit starts to go south.
the joke is that Event Horizon can't meet 40K because it already is 40k you doofus.


the joke is that Event Horizon can't meet 40K because it already is 40k you doofus.
And I’m saying the whole demon blood rape creepy scene type stuff that made the movie awesome is in the book. It’s more like HP love craft writing style. It’s a horror novel.


I finished Betrayer and it had a great ending. Now I am reading Mark Of Calth. It’s Erebus short stories about the anathame dagger.
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Molten Core Raider
Just finished Know No Fear, which was pretty good. Worst part was the the stylistic choice to use 3rd person limited present and 3rd person omniscient present-ish through the whole book - it was REALLY offputting to listen to for the 1st half of the book. Story was great, though. Going to jump on to Betrayer next to continue that storyline and may circle back to Angel Exterminatus to get some Perturabo action, which I haven't had any of yet.
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Wrapped up Scars (excellent) and half way done with Vengeful Spirit. (Awesome)

Absolutely loving the foundation of the Grey Knights.


Trakanon Raider
Siege discussion here. Just finishing The End and the Death, the penultimate Siege/Hours Heresy novel by Abnett. Despite the melodramatic title, I will say I'm liking it more than most of his other recent stuff, however I have several gripes with the Siege novels in general, and most specifically the last 2 or 3:

The Heresy novels started out doing a good job switching between Traitor and loyal legions' povs, although they did favor the loyalists. In the last few, however, we hardly see anything from the traitor point of view, which is much more interesting to me. Good is boring (or dumb according to Darth Helmet).

Despite having what should be demonic advantages, the loyalists pretty much kick traitors' asses in anything approaching a fair fight (Sanguinious vs Angron and Kabandah was just ridiculous, he hardly needed to try to wipe them out one after the other). Every traitor legion is made to look pretty weak, whereas all the loyalists from their primarchs to average marines just rack up kills efortlessly.

Give me some chaos heroes kicking ass. We get pages and pages of Rann, Sanguinius, the Khan, Sigismund, Zephon, Loken, etc but very little traitors doing jack shit. A bit of Kharn til he gets destroyed and maybe a bit of Abaddon til he gets teleported out before he would have died.

I just wish all the authors weren't so one-sided.


Siege discussion here. Just finishing The End and the Death, the penultimate Siege/Hours Heresy novel by Abnett. Despite the melodramatic title, I will say I'm liking it more than most of his other recent stuff, however I have several gripes with the Siege novels in general, and most specifically the last 2 or 3:

The Heresy novels started out doing a good job switching between Traitor and loyal legions' povs, although they did favor the loyalists. In the last few, however, we hardly see anything from the traitor point of view, which is much more interesting to me. Good is boring (or dumb according to Darth Helmet).

Despite having what should be demonic advantages, the loyalists pretty much kick traitors' asses in anything approaching a fair fight (Sanguinious vs Angron and Kabandah was just ridiculous, he hardly needed to try to wipe them out one after the other). Every traitor legion is made to look pretty weak, whereas all the loyalists from their primarchs to average marines just rack up kills efortlessly.

Give me some chaos heroes kicking ass. We get pages and pages of Rann, Sanguinius, the Khan, Sigismund, Zephon, Loken, etc but very little traitors doing jack shit. A bit of Kharn til he gets destroyed and maybe a bit of Abaddon til he gets teleported out before he would have died.

I just wish all the authors weren't so one-sided.

I guess for me I’m loving it. I was obsessed with chaos since the 90’s. I’ve owned all the armies now at one point or another and many of the old books. I feel like I’m kinda glad the good guys are kicking some butt knowing what happens in 40K. I’ve read all the books this year so it’s still fresh on my mind compared to reading them over 15 years. This scene saddened me to my core having grown fond of these two. I then found myself going forward rooting for the good guys…..

“I told you to run, you fool.”

Huron-Fal caught him. ‘I told you to run, you fool.’ The captain flung off his helmet with a final, agonised gesture of defiance. It was useless now, the virus having moved effortlessly through the breather grille and into his lungs. His hand flailed at the metal flank of the Dreadnought and traced a runnel of dark fluid.

Even through the pain, Temeter understood. There was a small fracture in the old warrior’s ceramite casing, not enough to have slowed him on the battlefield, but more than the virus needed to reach inside the Dreadnought’s hull and savage the remnants of flesh inside. ‘You… lied.’

‘Veteran’s prerogative,’ came the reply. ‘We’ll go together then, shall we?’ Huron-Fal asked, embracing Temeter’s body to him, moving swiftly away from the bunker. It took every last effort from Temeter to nod. Blinded now, he could feel the tissues of his eyes burning and shrivelling in his head, the soft meat of his lips and tongue dissolving.

Huron-Fal’s systems were on the verge of shut-down as he stumbled to a safe distance, skidding to a halt. ‘This death,’ rasped the voder, ‘this death is ours. We choose it. We deny you your victory.’

With a single burning nerve impulse, the mind of the warrior at the heart of the Dreadnought uncoupled the governor controls on his compact fusion generator and let it overload. For a moment there was a tiny star on the battered plains outside the Choral City, marking two more lives lost within a maelstrom of murder.
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