Web Serials


Vyemm Raider
tjt i am not on patreon, but in my opinion,
that invisible armor could be similar to aaliyah's mana armor and she can SEE mana, almost every other magic user cannot if i remember correctly- which is why her products are superior, she see's the mana flow of the items/material she is working on, and can utilize her seeing the mana to make it properly flow in her products


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
The most recent development on the Patreon for Magic-Smithing is just really interesting and strong character development. The guy's characters are all pretty good and there's enough plot threads going on that you aren't really sure of the direction it is going to go.

Ukerric Ukerric . If you're caught up. Am I wrong here or is the insinuation that Pacore wears invisible armor that nobody seems to even be aware of? So he's "deathless" in large part to nobody realizing he's wearing it and actually much more vulnerable than he appears to be? Why can Aaliyah perceive it and nobody else Pacore hangs around?

In Delve I think the whole situation with Hegar was very poorly laid out. Hegar and his PK crew were waiting around that town because of an unexpected tunnel into the underdark opening up. But they needed to secure it somehow? Why didn't they just go down? Why were they at odds with Rain other than just being assholes?
Regarding Magic Smithing (haven't read 84 yet)
Pacore got gutted by Pitz bypassing his armor and stabbing him where his heart is (or should be). He's got "too many stats", which means even then, he could heal. Although he already wants Aaliyah bad, if he finds out she can see his armor...
Delve, it's probably more complicated?It's the usual asshole-power-corrupt-absolutely-thing. Hegar has tasted power, power he didn't really merit, and thus, MUST be in control. At all times. Any challenge is intolerable because it saps what makes his core identity. Stealing that woman, picking the chasm... any of those mean total enmity. You drive Rain and company away or kill them, there is no other option for that kind of person.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
tjt i am not on patreon, but in my opinion,
that invisible armor could be similar to aaliyah's mana armor and she can SEE mana, almost every other magic user cannot if i remember correctly- which is why her products are superior, she see's the mana flow of the items/material she is working on, and can utilize her seeing the mana to make it properly flow in her products
Just started reading chapter 84 after posting above... At the beginning of chapter 84, you get to see her cursory analysis of Pacore's armor... and how she lusts after all those runes on it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Damn. He who fights monsters. Major spoiler.
Just killed off Kaito, Asya, and Greg.


<Prior Amod>
anyone reading

i just picked up the manhwa, in terms of "crafting" manga, i like it way more than



Karazhan Raider
anyone reading
Details used “genius” twice in first three paragraphs, hard pass


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I like Overgeared but the shitty English of it just kills me.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
He Who Fights Monsters is really solid right now. Damn. I'm waiting for him to kick someone into the magical door space to get eaten alive by corrosive aura magic
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Karazhan Raider
Path of the dragon mage: Exile is a new book on RR that I’ve been reading, like it quite a bit so far. Only caveat is that it’s i like like 17 chapters in so could turn to shit or be dropped .


Life's a Dream
I like Overgeared but the shitty English of it just kills me.
I've read all current 1384 chapters of Overgeared, and I LOVE this story. It's a Korean series that has been translated to English, and there is some confusion early on due to the words that are used. But once you're reading it and you figure out what those words mean, and then it no longer bothers you. The first 90ish chapters are rough. The main character, "Grid", is a huge hunk of shit. But then he evolves as a person and his constant distrust and greed largely disappears. This series is fantastic. It has COUNTLESS story arcs & characters over the current 1384 chapters, and there's really no end in sight. The action and combat are incredibly well written. Especially once you're beyond the initial chapters. God damn do I love this series.


Karazhan Raider
New-ish series on RR called Pith, so far I’m liking it a lot. It’s nothing like most of RR series, it’s not lit-rpg at all and reads much more like a regular book with an ending and plot in mind.


Vyemm Raider
Beware of Chicken just finished Vol 1.

Author is taking a week off before starting Vol 2. he just posted the epilogue about an hr or so ago.

my brief Review of Vol 1.

typical isekai start of story...for less than half a chapter then it is off the rails and....good.

excellent story, funny, great characters, dialogue, and plot.

epilogue introduces a new character- his grandfather figure.

volume 2 will be -hopefully- as good as volume 1.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
New-ish series on RR called Pith, so far I’m liking it a lot. It’s nothing like most of RR series, it’s not lit-rpg at all and reads much more like a regular book with an ending and plot in mind.
This is good. Nice find!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I’m caught up on royal road, looks like it’s a lot further on the author’s site. Fantastic so far.

It is a bit of torture porn though, at no point in the series has anything been upbeat.
Nell/Wes is such a well written character lol. You just love to loathe her. She is just a shamelessly selfish, alcoholic, rock bottom, complete and total piece of shit that very occasionally has redeeming moments.


Karazhan Raider
She’s probably my favorite character, but all of them are well written. I really like that most of the side characters and antagonists get backstory PoVs, it helps make sense of why they are doing what they are doing. Brin’s POV backstory was probably my favorite, until that point all of the characters we see think of him as an almost infallible master. Turns out he’s probably the most fucked up of all of them.


Karazhan Raider
Caught up to current on it, which is the end of volume 1. All around excellent, but the author definitely likes writing tragedy. Most of the volume is the crew getting shit on and their only metric of success being “not dieing”, and then when they finally are coming up on a win the pov is switched to their enemies so that even when the protagonists win you still gear to read more losing.


Life's a Dream
That was a rough chapter of Magic-Smithing. Poor little archer.
This guy is a great story teller.