Weight Loss Thread


Molten Core Raider
Go easy on him Arkk, we all have to start somewhere. Cutting down soda consumption is a great way to start first and then gradually work towards completely cutting it out of his diet. To go from drinking them on a frequent basis to none takes some time as the combination of caffeine and sugar in soft drinks can be addictive.

The idea of having lots of small meals a day helping increase your metabolism has been debunked many times by scientific research. You really only need probably 3 solid meals a day with occasional light snacks in between like nuts and fruit. As long as you are keeping a caloric deficit then it's fine but whatever works for you. If you think that having 5-6 small meals keeps you feeling satisfied more than keep with it as long as you are eating below your needed calories. I am sure many other people would also tell you is that keep a large bottle of water around with you and keep swigging that bitch throughout the day. The only liquid the human body needs to survive is water so keep your body hydrated at all times. It would make you feel less tired, lose more weight and is great step towards weaning off the coke.

Keep up the good work Tarrant.


<Prior Amod>
Oh, you cut me deep bro, let me go atone for my sins right now!

Or not. Eventually I'll cut it out totally, for now though what I'm doing is working and when I take the next step it'll get cut out totally.

And you're right, people who drink a 12oz coke are all fat. How could I ever have throught otherwise. -eyeroll-


<Prior Amod>
Go easy on him Arkk, we all have to start somewhere. Cutting down soda consumption is a great way to start first and then gradually work towards completely cutting it out of his diet. To go from drinking them on a frequent basis to none takes some time as the combination of caffeine and sugar in soft drinks can be addictive.

The idea of having lots of small meals a day helping increase your metabolism has been debunked many times by scientific research. You really only need probably 3 solid meals a day with occasional light snacks in between like nuts and fruit. As long as you are keeping a caloric deficit then it's fine but whatever works for you. If you think that having 5-6 small meals keeps you feeling satisfied more than keep with it as long as you are eating below your needed calories. I am sure many other people would also tell you is that keep a large bottle of water around with you and keep swigging that bitch throughout the day. The only liquid the human body needs to survive is water so keep your body hydrated at all times. It would make you feel less tired, lose more weight and is great step towards weaning off the coke.

Keep up the good work Tarrant.
The multiple meals I'm doing now don't make me feel more full or anything but I do feel like I have more energy throughout the day and when I wwake up in the morning I seem to be ready to go much quicker than I used to be...which is a feeling I enjoy quite a bit. That alone is making it much more worth it. I usd to eat just the one large meal more so because I was so busy throughout the day that I only really had time to sit down and eat once. I have issues eating late at night because of my Crohn's so I never would.

So when I get home at night instead of sitting down to play a game or watch a movie I go for a walk/run before I do anything. (aside from putting my son to bed.)

I do drink tons of water. Sometimes plain, sometimes mixed with some lemon mio.

Things are going good so far, Ark can think what he wants but as long as I'm seeing results that's what matters and I've had an easy time of it so far. Once I peak out doing this I'll switch up.
Oh, you cut me deep bro, let me go atone for my sins right now!

Or not. Eventually I'll cut it out totally, for now though what I'm doing is working and when I take the next step it'll get cut out totally.

And you're right, people who drink a 12oz coke are all fat. How could I ever have throught otherwise. -eyeroll-
I didn't say you should starve yourself, I said you should drop soda

Obese people always have this plan on how to get thin, but they aren't, and are usually completely indignant about it too. If its no big deal you wouldn't be obese. It's always "oh no problem bro dropped 10 lbs gonna be smooth sailing I didn't even have to drop soda or cake or anything!!!"

You need a lifestyle change, period.


<Prior Amod>
And I'm working towards that, sorry it offends you bro. (not really) I've had no junk food at all, the fact you're so pissy about all of this is highly amusing.

My weight gain isn't something I've had all my life, it happened after multiple sugerys I had and a bunch of medical issues over the past 3 - 4 years. Up until a few months ago I was physically unable to run let alone walk at a decent pace. Now that things are in the clear and I only have work and my family time to contend with, things will go back to how they were before all that.

Get off my jock about it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The biggest problem I had with 6 meals a day... is that it's pretty much impossible for me to eat less than 200 calories in a "meal", that's like a slice of bread with a TINY amount of peanut butter OR jelly (not both), a PB&J that I'd actually "enjoy" is closer to 500 calories. I'm not an active person, so when I need to lose weight, I need to drop down to 1500 calories ideally. I don't feel satisfied off such a small amount of food, I like feeling "full". So for me, 2 large meals a day works better for me.

Finding out what works for you, and stick to it, that's the key, true. But you have to be willing to make changes. If you're not motivated enough to drop coke for ANY amount of extra weight loss, then you probably don't have much motivation for the weight loss in general, and aren't going to stick with it. Call me a pessimist, but that's how I see it.


<Prior Amod>
It will be dropped, goal of that is end of week 4. I haven't had one in 2 days.

I'm not a cold turkey guy, I don't want to set myself up to fail so I'm taking this easy. Just like you said you need to find something that works for you in terms of meal plan, you need to do the same when it comes to a total lifestyle change.

I went from being physically unable to walk without a cane over a month ago to now being able to do light jogging. I've been unable to be active and unable to lift anything more than 15lbs for months. Over that time I put on some weight and now I need to take it off. I'm doing so in a way I'm comfortable with and once I drop the 25lbs I need to drop then I'll be fine, Ark can continue to laugh at how stupid it is and I will still have lost the weight and it wont matter. -shrug-

As far as motivation, I was told I'd NEVER be able to be as active as I am currently and I am and I'm working my way up to eventually run a 5K. That's my goal. I can now go outside and play with my son.

Different things motivate different people, I have no lack of motivation.
You don't get it. You aren't planning on removing the soda for the rest of your life, so why would you remove it at all if that's the case? I said remove it because for ideal weight loss and health it's a good idea, no one would argue this.

Your "plan" isn't sustainable. A temporary reduction in calories by removing soda to add them back in eventually is idiotic.

If you can't see yourself eating a certain way six or nine or 18 months down the road, don't bother with it because you'll put it back on.


<Prior Amod>
I guess you missed where I'm cutting it out totally at week 4. I went from heavy consumption to light an then going to none. You know, how most people drop addictions. No where did I say I would be drinking it again after I stopped, it's like you're making shit up as you go along.

You're a special kind of stupid, I get it so don't worry about it.

You are harping on my like I've always had the weight, I haven't. I went from being heavily active to not at all and gained weight because of it. I've always ate well, just the ways I ate I didn't like and I found made me feel worse than how I have my meal set up now. The only thing I did different other than go inactive was drink soda. I also snacked at work, which was totally stopped when I started to get myself more active.

I'm now active again, soda will be cut out totally soon if not already. -shrug-


So the past month or so I've been heavily dieting and weight lifting an hour a night which is fine and all. But FUCK peanut butter having so many fat cals. It's funny when you are trying to cut all fats out of your diet what you start to crave. I need that 10-11% bf though. It's been a goal too long. Lowest I got was I think 13% 7 or so years ago. I wasn't as educated on diet and ate bagels too often. Carbs are waaay lower this time and added more weight to my lifting. I added a backpack full of books to my pushups and learned a better technique with a lot more resistance for dumbbell curls.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
when you are trying to cut all fats out of your diet
Did you mistype this? I don't see why you would ever want to cut all fats out of your diet. Ideally, you should have a percentage of your daily caloric intake come from fats. Completely cutting out fats won't reduce your body fat and I have to imagine is quite unhealthy; your body needs fats to work properly.


Did you mistype this? I don't see why you would ever want to cut all fats out of your diet. Ideally, you should have a percentage of your daily caloric intake come from fats.
It wasn't a mistype. I was just exaggerating. I still eat fats but a very low amount. I'm on a caloric deficit nonetheless.

Slightly off topic, but I also take fish oil and flax seed oil


Fat should still be 30-40% of your calories... you can't eat a "very low amount" at that %
Ok then Mr. Nutritionist tell me a diet for a 10% BF that has 40% fat. If it sounds good I'll do it and post results.

edit: If you post a keto diet then forget it. Tried it once and it sucked ass. I've done better not being on it than when I was.


Molten Core Raider
I guess you missed where I'm cutting it out totally at week 4. I went from heavy consumption to light an then going to none. You know, how most people drop addictions. No where did I say I would be drinking it again after I stopped, it's like you're making shit up as you go along.

You're a special kind of stupid, I get it so don't worry about it.

You are harping on my like I've always had the weight, I haven't. I went from being heavily active to not at all and gained weight because of it. I've always ate well, just the ways I ate I didn't like and I found made me feel worse than how I have my meal set up now. The only thing I did different other than go inactive was drink soda. I also snacked at work, which was totally stopped when I started to get myself more active.

I'm now active again, soda will be cut out totally soon if not already. -shrug-
how do you go from being heavily active (not obese) to all of a sudden being obese to the point you need assistance from a cane to walk?

im curious how people start out as normal healthy babies then mutate into obese monsters.

you're basically saying you have always been a slob, but were active enough to not become obese yes? and for whatever reason you stopped being active and continued to eat like a slob and now you are here, needing a cane to walk yes?


i thought this was an interesting read about how our brain reacts to certain types of food. TLDR; eating super sugary and over processed foods in binges acts and effects the brain the same as heroin or cocaine, i think.