Weight Loss Thread


A Mod Real Quick
I would rather gargle my own semen, hell I would rather gargle a homeless man's semen.

Ugh, what am I saying? I would never do that. I don't even know why I said it, fuck. What is wrong with me?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I came across this article for a 2nd time today. It's probably a better fit here than in the weight lifting thread, if only because more participate here. Basically about people who attempt to sabotage your efforts to change yourself for the better (in the context of getting in better shape).

T Nation | It's Sabotage!


Tranny Chaser
76.7kg and 14.8% -> 76kg and 14.1%. Still not back down to where I was before Glastonbury but decent results all the same!


Tranny Chaser
And drink tea like a China or Englishman - Fuck like at smelly Frenchy perhaps?


A Mod Real Quick
76.7kg and 14.8% -> 76kg and 14.1%. Still not back down to where I was before Glastonbury but decent results all the same!
I don't speak metric, but is that equivalent to taking a dump? I mean is that progress? Genuine question, for all I know that's like 10 pounds.


Tranny Chaser
I don't speak metric, but is that equivalent to taking a dump? I mean is that progress? Genuine question, for all I know that's like 10 pounds.
no you moron, it's equivalent to me getting my haircut, you absolute cretin. Is it really that hard to use google to convert something?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
research shows that it isn't really the case. 4-5, or even 3 are probably fine.
citation needed please, the logic I was taught is that when you get full your body goes into fat storing mode, smaller meals (or should I say the avoidance of large meals) is a way to manage your bodies fat storage mode from turning on.


Buzzfeed Editor
The logic you were taught sounds like some kind of nutritional magic. It takes literally no effort at all to find this:

my dark and mysterious powers of precognition_sl said:
Gary Schwartz, a researcher with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, answered, "There's no strong data supporting either [three meals a day or six meals a day] as being more effective" for losing weight or maintaining lost weight. "Clearly there is an emphasis on reducing caloric intake overall, whether it be by decreasing meal size and/or decreasing meal frequency."

In a recent American Journal of Clinical Nutrition editorial, a team of nutrition researchers concluded that whether you are practicing the "three" or "six" meal daily dietary pattern, weight loss ultimately comes down to "how much energy (or calories) is consumed as opposed to how often or how regularly one eats."


Lord Nagafen Raider
citation needed please, the logic I was taught is that when you get full your body goes into fat storing mode, smaller meals (or should I say the avoidance of large meals) is a way to manage your bodies fat storage mode from turning on.
The logic is flawed, because instead of using logic and science, you're saying things like magical "fat storage mode" like we're some kind of robot that can just switch on and off. Anyways, I'm back onto an IF routine.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermittent_fasting(for your citations) I'm going on a cruise in 2 weeks and I'd like to continue dropping weight until then so that I can look great out at the beach. Anyways, I don't really care "why" my weight and inches off my waist drop while I'm on the diet, only that it works (and I can maintain it for a while without suffering), and it has before, so I'll use it again.

Also, LOL at poor man's tape worm.


Blackwing Lair Raider
citation needed please, the logic I was taught is that when you get full your body goes into fat storing mode, smaller meals (or should I say the avoidance of large meals) is a way to manage your bodies fat storage mode from turning on.
When your body consumes more energy than it uses, it will store excess energy as fat. If it consumes less energy than it uses, it will make up the difference by (largely) taking it from that fat. There is no "fat storage mode" triggered by meeting some sort of calorie threshold in a single meal vs consuming the same amount spread out during the day. It's all about the net energy balance in vs out.


Tranny Chaser
Meal preparation is the reason people find 6 meals a day more effective than 3. Eating 6 meals a day requires a planned weekly shop and cooking your meals in advance, therefore there is less chance of being caught without food at home and ordering a Dominos instead. Aiming to eat 6 x a day means I never go hungry and again less chance on snacking on things I shouldn't.

RE Sweeteners :http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases...0710122000.htm

"However, studies in humans have shown that consumption of artificially sweetened beverages is also associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome as well as cardiovascular disease. As few as one of these drinks per day is enough to significantly increase the risk for health problems."

As I said earlier, still/sparkling water with lime/lemon wedges should be the only option if you want a refreshing beverage!


Tranny Chaser
Eating 3 meals per day requires the same planning, that makes zero sense.
No it doesn't. 3 meals a day is the default setting for most people, it's how they're raised and how they go through life. Switching from 3 to 6 requires someone to think "ok, how am I going to make this work" and "ok, how often do I need to eat to fit in 6 meals" as opposed to the typical routine of breakfast - lunch - dinner with random snacks/treats inbetween to satisfy hunger

"Lmao it's less food to cook too" <-- less food, less cooking, less preparation, less planning = Arkk agrees with me for once.