Weight Loss Thread


A Mod Real Quick
Sex burns a surprisingly low amount of calories, masturbation must burn even less. Unless you go into some crazy full-body masturbation technique where you are slamming around the room and stuff.


Tranny Chaser
Reading up on Intermittent Fasting/Leangains via leangains.com, rippedbody.jp and reddit.com/r/leangains and then reading /r/ketogains convinced me that all that matters is calorie intake.

Both lean gains and ketogains use a TDEE calculator to find out your maintenance level. Leangains advocates a low carb approach except after training when 300-500g carbs and up is recommended. Ketogains however advocates low carb with either one big refeed per week or a timed intake of 50-60g carb pre workout.

Regardless, both systems place an emphasis on that TDEE and eating below it for weight loss or above it for weight gain. If people get results on leangains and on ketogains it shows that carb intake doesn't matter.

Has anyone tried intermittent fasting? I forgot I had a dentists appointment this morning and went to work, then had to leave behind my breakfast at my desk and go to the appointment. By the time I got back to work it was like 10am so I thought I'd postpone eating for 2 hours and see what the 12-8 feed window of IF was like. Getting to 12pm wasn't too hard but eating 175g chicken breast with spinach wasn't filling enough and I ended up eating the other two chicken breasts I had with me. I then had to stop at the store after work and get a 120g pack of smoked salmon to keep me going until after the gym.


Trump's Staff
Sex burns a surprisingly low amount of calories, masturbation must burn even less. Unless you go into some crazy full-body masturbation technique where you are slamming around the room and stuff.


A Mod Real Quick
I am in no position to tell people how to masturbate man, to each his own. I prefer a low-lit room, candles and incense burning, Lionel Ritchie on for music, and a 1970's full bush porno. Every stroke is calculated and deliberate for maximum pleasure efficiency.


Just a Nurse
They were discussing intermittent dieting on NPR yesterday and found that in a study of about 300 people, roughly 94% of people lost more weight, felt better, and was even able to maintain their weight after it was lost. I'm not sure I could eat 5 days normally and then eat extremely small amounts the remaining two.


Trump's Staff
There is some preliminary research on IF that looks promising, at the very least research has shown that the old advice of "evenly spacing your meals" is irrelevant to weight loss/gain. Dr. John Berardi over at precisenutrition.com did some unscientificExperiments with Intermittent Fastingand wrote about his experiences, it is a short read and worth the time for anyone interested.


Trump's Staff
They were discussing intermittent dieting on NPR yesterday and found that in a study of about 300 people, roughly 94% of people lost more weight, felt better, and was even able to maintain their weight after it was lost. I'm not sure I could eat 5 days normally and then eat extremely small amounts the remaining two.
There are different ways to do intermittent fasting. Off the top of my head there is the one day a week fast, 2 days a week fast, the Warrior Diet which is 24 hours fasting and 24 hours re-feeding, the leangains protocol which is I believe 16 hours fasting and then an 8 hour re-feed period, and a few more I don't recall. I don't think there have been any comprehensive experiments to which is "better" so the general advice is (if you want to try IF) to pick the one that is easiest for you to do and stick with based on your habits and lifestyle.


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
Following the basic ideas on this website i have lost ~60 lbs since feb 3ed (started 6`5 410 lbs)


I had about 2100 calories a day of food, mostly meat+ veg but i never denied myself anything , especially when out with friends/family. If you eat some bad food its ok , just keep track of your calories and move on with your day

also started liftin 3 days a week and trying to fit cardio in on the off days

Will post before and after pics when i get my hands on a camera


Blackwing Lair Raider
Has anyone tried intermittent fasting?
Yep. It's not hard. If you're eating a good amount of protein and fat I found it to be easy to skip a meal. What I've read is that you're in ketosis from fasting throughout the night, so just keep it going as long as possible. I really dont know how much stuff like that matters though, it's kind of a gimmick to pull out short term when you're cutting for a bit imo.
Following the basic ideas on this website i have lost ~60 lbs since feb 3ed (started 6`5 410 lbs)


I had about 2100 calories a day of food, mostly meat+ veg but i never denied myself anything , especially when out with friends/family. If you eat some bad food its ok , just keep track of your calories and move on with your day

also started liftin 3 days a week and trying to fit cardio in on the off days

Will post before and after pics when i get my hands on a camera
That's a pretty neat website actually, just scanned it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm really happy with where the masturbation conversation was going, and then some asshole comes in here talking about WEIGHTLOSS and FASTING. The fucking nerve.

Anyway, yes, I too enjoy the full body, slamming against walls, deep breathing masturbation. It's like HIIT with the potential of breaking your dick.


FPS noob
for those into keto, an interesting video on some of the science and data behind one persons experiment with it, I thought some of the stuff he did with the MRI was pretty interesting. N=1 is not data enough to establish something as fact, I agree in advance.



Tranny Chaser
so last night after my largest meal at the end of the feed window (290g ribeye, 200g sweet potato, protein shake and protein flapjack) I had constant rumbling from my bowels and a few dashes to the toilet, this lasted until 2-3am and I also couldn't sleep. Normally I fall asleep quickly but last night was ridiculous.

Seems there's some anecdotal accounts of IF causing diarrhea and insomnia, I won't be trying that again!


Blackwing Lair Raider
so last night after my largest meal at the end of the feed window (290g ribeye, 200g sweet potato, protein shake and protein flapjack) I had constant rumbling from my bowels and a few dashes to the toilet, this lasted until 2-3am and I also couldn't sleep. Normally I fall asleep quickly but last night was ridiculous.

Seems there's some anecdotal accounts of IF causing diarrhea and insomnia, I won't be trying that again!
How was that ribeye man?! Did you cook it black and blue? Only way to eat a steak.