Weight Loss Thread


A Mod Real Quick
This is why you're a diabetic... you took it too far man.
It's definitely one of the main reasons. My father has it and it runs in the family.. with my diet I was destined to get it. I went through some depression for a long time. It just happened that way. You think as a kid that you are invincible, you can eat whatever you want, fuck bitches all night, and drive 75 mph down back roads and you'll be fine.. we all learn that is not the case. I'm working on adjusting my daily diet so that soon I won't need to be on medicine anymore. My blood glucose levels were running 250-300 before I was diagnosed (and I didn't know), with medicine it dropped to around ~125 which still isn't good but better. It's getting much lower now, so soon I believe i can drop it.

It's a shitty situation, but I just have to make the best of it.

Never again will I go on the Wendy's diet. GOD DAMN YOU WENDYS!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Papa john's large pizza (the works), 2 liter of soda, chicken poppers, (around 6K calories) was my staple diet for about two years. And I'd still be hungry again a couple hours later.


So we get outside and he starts talking.

?For breakfast you need to eat four of those breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds. I don?t care which ones you get, but make sure to get four. Order four hash browns, too. Now grab two packs of mayonnaise and put them on the hash browns and then slip them into the sandwiches. Squish that shit down and eat. That?s your breakfast.?

At this point I?m thinking this guy is nuts. But he?s completely serious.

?For lunch you?re gonna eat Chinese food. Now I don?t want you eating that crappy stuff. You wanna get the stuff with MSG. None of that non-MSG bullshit. I don?t care what you eat but you have to sit down and eat for at least 45 minutes straight. You can?t let go of the fork. Eat until your eyes swell up and become slits and you start to look like the woman behind the counter.?

?For dinner you?re gonna order an extra-large pizza with everything on it. Literally everything. If you don?t like sardines, don?t put ?em on, but anything else that you like you have to load it on there. After you pay the delivery guy, I want you to take the pie to your coffee table, open that fucker up, and grab a bottle of oil. It can be olive oil, canola oil, whatever. Anything but motor oil. And I want you to pour that shit over the pie until half of the bottle is gone. Just soak the shit out of it.?

?Now before you lay into it, I want you to sit on your couch and just stare at that fucker. I want you to understand that that pizza right there is keeping you from your goals.?

This guy is in a zen-like state when he?s talking about this.

?Now you?re on the clock,? he continues. ?After 20 minutes your brain is going to tell you you?re full. Don?t listen to that shit. You have to try and eat as much of the pizza as you can before that 20-minute mark. Double up pieces if you have to. I?m telling you now, you?re going to get three or four pieces in and you?re gonna want to quit. You fucking can?t quit. You have to sit on that couch until every piece is done.

And if you can?t finish it, don?t you ever come back to me and tell me you can?t gain weight. ?Cause I?m gonna tell you that you don?t give a fuck about getting bigger and you don?t care how much you lift!?


A Mod Real Quick
No chaos... this is what this thread needed. It's stories like these that next time you order a pizza you go "yeah, maybe not eat the whole thing.. I remember that 400 pound guy on rerolled".. or maybe you'll downsize to a double cheeseburger and not a triple at wendy's.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's definitely one of the main reasons. My father has it and it runs in the family.. with my diet I was destined to get it. I went through some depression for a long time. It just happened that way. You think as a kid that you are invincible, you can eat whatever you want, fuck bitches all night, and drive 75 mph down back roads and you'll be fine.. we all learn that is not the case. I'm working on adjusting my daily diet so that soon I won't need to be on medicine anymore. My blood glucose levels were running 250-300 before I was diagnosed (and I didn't know), with medicine it dropped to around ~125 which still isn't good but better. It's getting much lower now, so soon I believe i can drop it.

It's a shitty situation, but I just have to make the best of it.

Never again will I go on the Wendy's diet. GOD DAMN YOU WENDYS!
Are you talking about type 2 diabetes? I didn't realize that there was a genetic component to it. My dad died of type 1 diabetes and I figured that was the only case where you had a genetic disposition to diabetes (I got tested every year until about 16 or 17).


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I want to "research" a 90-count bag of pizza rolls and a family size bag of doritos.


<Bronze Donator>
New challenge: can you eat a 90-count bag of pizza rolls before they go cold? You can't start when they're burning hot either. You can drink the dipping sauce if it helps.

Somewhat unrelated: can we make this Himeo's avatar? I won't place the episode, but I want to see if someone gets it first.



Blackwing Lair Raider
I think I could.

Shitty fucking diet past two days, mainly lots of liquor (went to a concert last night).

Gonna have to correct this!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
New challenge: can you eat a 90-count bag of pizza rolls before they go cold? You can't start when they're burning hot either. You can drink the dipping sauce if it helps.
I've eaten a 90-count bag of pizza rolls without cooking them (i.e took them out of the freezer for a few hours until they were soft enough to eat, and ate them like a bag of chips).

Also, no one eats pizza rolls when they're burning hot because the burst of boiling sauce gives 3rd degree burns to the roof of your mouth. And dipping sauce? Do you mean ranch dressing? Because that's the only thing you should be dipping pizza rolls in. The cooling effect of the ranch also allows you to begin eating pizza rolls much sooner without having to worry about the explosion of pure, burning pain when you bite into them.

Pizza roll newbs up in hur.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I always ate pizza rolls hot as fuck, don't care. I also made sure they were crispy on the outside, cause the worst thing in the world is soggy pizza rolls. I've never had them with a dipping sauce... does it come with one now or something? I just ate those fuckers straight up, and like entire bags of them. They weren't 90 in a bag, though... might've been like 30 or 45, no way 90.

Also, pizza bagels > pizza rolls.