Weight Loss Thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Bike is good if you find it fun and want to add it to your weekly routine. But the majority of your effort should be on MFP and logging everything scrupulously. You don't hit a 31 BMI without bad eating habits and you can't bike that off.
I enjoyed it when I did it. Was doing about 15 miles when I was still riding it, 5 years ago haha. And thats my main problem, back when I was 190 my diet was more or less the same, just that I was much more active then than now.


<Gold Donor>
For the past 3 weeks Ive been trying the keto diet (high fat, moderate protein, very low carb). Im stuck at the 195-200 lb mark and just seem to be plateaued there for the past 4 or so weeks. The diet makes you feel great after the initial break in period of 1-2 weeks. The mind is sharp, and I never realy get tired like I did consuming high glycemic carbs. I was already on a low carb regiment anyways, I just cut them out even more. One thing about this diet is that you are never hungry, still consuming low calorie, around 1700-1800kcal/day, because you just cant eat that much. Im probably hovering around the 20% +/- BF right now but would like to get down to the 15% range. Then while still on keto, hit the weights hard this fall/winter to maybe put a few lbs of muscle.

I thnk my problem is the alcohol consumption. But its fucking summer and I like to get fucked up every once in a while. I think thats whats contributing to my stall right now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Your body will not use fat as a source until all the alcohol is gone. So yes, it could be a problem. Even still, plateaus are very normal and sometimes you need a "whoosh." Refeeds are usually the easiest way to do this.

As for hitting the weights, if you want to do that while on keto I'd look into "leangains." From what I remember, you incorporate carbs into your diet on training days, but basically the bare minimum needed to fuel your body through the workout.


Molten Core Raider
It's a major weak point for me both in terms of strength and hypertrophy. My delts seem to have no problem growing, but my chest is just lagging. I also just started incorporating more "iso" chest work like dumbbell bench and flyes instead of just benching and doing bench accessory work (namely CGBP and OHP). I'm currently running Bulgarian method where I squat and bench every single day. The only thing I can say is that I was perhaps not pulling the barbell into my chest enough to fully activate my chest, as my past few sessions have been absolutely insane in terms of "feeling" the chest being activated and I'm beginning to push through my chest and triceps a lot better.

As for strength, I'd say it's comparatively weak to my posterior chain. My current maxs (tested) are 365/250/425. I'm definitely more lower body dominant.

As for not looking 210, you can't see my legs or my fat ass. I'm also pretty thick through my back. Again, my chest is my biggest weakness so looking at me from that angle I could understand thinking I weigh less.
Good ole genetics. I'm the exact opposite. I'll never be good squatting with long ass skinny legs but I walked in to the gym with an upper chest.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Good ole genetics. I'm the exact opposite. I'll never be good squatting with long ass skinny legs but I walked in to the gym with an upper chest.
Pretty much. I play to my strengths but I've been hammering away on the bench press lately. I'm just worried about my elbows and shoulders from the abuse.


Molten Core Raider
You're experienced enough in the gym to know proper technique and recovery. Most people get hurt benching trying to be heroes and using terrible form.

A guy I used to work with powerlifted/bodybuilt for 10 years or so. He was 5'4" and 180ish, so pretty damn stout. He deadlifted somewhere just over 450 squatted 400 and still could never get his bench over 275, even with his trex arms.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah my current goals are 405/275/495. I honestly think the deadlift might be the hardest unless something clicks soon with sumo. The squat I should hit in the coming months and the bench is only 25 more pounds and I really feel my technique is improving with each session, but I've been stalling pretty hard on deadlifts.

Also worth noting it's the summer, I've been partying every weekend and cutting during the week so my body is probably a fucking mess. Hopefully I can dial it all in during the fall/winter months. Dreamer bulk begun last week.


Molten Core Raider
I can state with confidence I'll never hit or even approach those squat or dead numbers, 495 is a lot of weight to pick up. It is amazing how structure affects strength on specific lifts. I don't have a max bench number but I can put up 225 two or three times at 6'3 167lbs.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I knew a guy in HS who ran cross country and track. Mile around 5 minutes, 2 miles in about 11, benched 365 and squatted around 425.

My skinny ass couldn't even bench my body weight, but I could knock out 72 sit ups in a minute.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can state with confidence I'll never hit or even approach those squat or dead numbers, 495 is a lot of weight to pick up. It is amazing how structure affects strength on specific lifts. I don't have a max bench number but I can put up 225 two or three times at6'3 167lbs.
There's your problem. You should be in 200s easily man.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah thats pretty thin for a 6'3" dude. I would say at least 180-190 all cut up. Im 6'2" and at my thinnest, back in the 90s, I got down to like 180 and I was all sorts of cut up. then I got married and lazy, lol.


Tranny Chaser
As for hitting the weights, if you want to do that while on keto I'd look into "leangains." From what I remember, you incorporate carbs into your diet on training days, but basically the bare minimum needed to fuel your body through the workout.
That's not what leangains is, leangains is intermittent fasting with carb cycling. On training days with leangains you lower fats and increase carbs substantially. But yes, I agree the majority of people do not need to go full keto and will also need carbs at specific times to fuel their workouts.


<Gold Donor>
Nahh, you dont need carbs to fuel your workouts. And its not leangains, its ketogains. Also leangains, the dude does not carb load before workouts, he just does some BCAA before the workout and then eats after. But yes, on the workout days, he does consume more carbs.

As for the Keto, Im just hearing all sorts of good shit about it and just basically cutting out all the shitty carbs from my diet altogether. Not from just nutritionists, but all sorts of doctors which are finally dispelling the entire myth of fat=bad, carbs=good that was fed to us since the late 70s. They cut all the fat from food and replaced it with sugar to make it paletable. 80% of the food in the grocery stores now have sugar added to them.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Which is why you don't buy processed garbage. Can't remember the last time I bought something that came in a box or a container, besides oats.

And I must've been thinking of ketogains, sorry. I knew it was something gains lol.

You don't NEED carbs to fuel your workouts, but carbs are more efficient than fats, even when in a keto state. That's just a fact.

I personally take BCAAs in the morning before I workout and that's pretty much it. I don't do IF or anything, I did initially last year when I dropped 30 pounds on keto. Then I hit the gym and started eating everything in sight.

Also, hit a 255 paused bench today for a PR. Felt smooth as shit too, can't wait to hit 275 and then push for 315. Like two weeks into my bulk and already hitting PRs god I have such a boner.


Got something right about marriage
You don't NEED carbs to fuel your workouts, but carbs are more efficient than fats, even when in a keto state. That's just a fact.
Carbs are far less efficient than fats. They just burn quicker and are the first source of energy your body looks for when it needs energy. If it can't find any carbs to fuel itself it goes for fats which burn "cleaner" and don't just turn into sugar for quick spikes of unsustainable energy (like carbs)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Keto is a great framework to start cutting crap out of a diet. Provides simple rules and results with a minimum amount of discomfort. I am still having great success following a mostly Keto diet. I have started introducing good carbs similar to a targeted ketogenic diet and, overall, I don't keep myself as low on the net carb scale as I used to. I still get under 50g most days not including what I take in post bike or workout. All together I am still usually under 100g.

This week I am trying some steel cut oats / PB2 after my ride into work. While I do miss oatmeal, it isn't quite a night and day difference having carbs back. If I were eating a bunch of eggs I would probably feel the same. I keep telling myself it helps my recovery time...or something.


Tranny Chaser
Nahh, you dont need carbs to fuel your workouts. And its not leangains, its ketogains. Also leangains, the dude does not carb load before workouts, he just does some BCAA before the workout and then eats after. But yes, on the workout days, he does consume more carbs.

As for the Keto, Im just hearing all sorts of good shit about it and just basically cutting out all the shitty carbs from my diet altogether. Not from just nutritionists, but all sorts of doctors which are finally dispelling the entire myth of fat=bad, carbs=good that was fed to us since the late 70s. They cut all the fat from food and replaced it with sugar to make it paletable. 80% of the food in the grocery stores now have sugar added to them.
LOL, yes, nobody would deny that fat = bad is nonsense nor would they deny that sugar is bad for you. But the reality is nobody needs to go full keto permanently (which is basically what ketogains is about). At your body fat % then restricting carbs is the right thing to do, but as you get leaner and improve your insulin sensitivity then you can start to reintroduce carbs at specific times (like post workout).

Ketogains is just a sub for people that lost weight by restricting carbs and developed an irrational fear of carbs as a result. All that "good shit" you're hearing is just ketogains nonsense about keto giving people superpowers.

It's also significant that there are very few before/after pics of people that have gained muscle on ketogains.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Carbs are far less efficient than fats.They just burn quicker and are the first source of energy your body looks for when it needs energy.If it can't find any carbs to fuel itself it goes for fats which burn "cleaner" and don't just turn into sugar for quick spikes of unsustainable energy (like carbs)
How is that not more efficient?


<Gold Donor>
Well I dont have an irrational fear of carbs. But there is a ton of medical shit out there, peer reviewed studies how carbs are just fucking bad for you. Im not saying everyone should be on a keto diet. I wasnt until 4 weeks ago when I hit my platou and wanted to try something different. I was on a very restricted carb diet before just eating fresh. and yes I did lose 50 lbs that way. so im not saying keto or death here, bro. But from everything im reading on the subject you can be healthier, live longer, be cancer free if you do restrict your carbs, especially the high glycemic stuff that turns to sugar in a nanosecond when it hits your stomach. we were just not made/evolved for consuming that shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you have a sedentary lifestyle that might apply. But are you going to tell me carbs aren't consumed en masse in East Asian countries? I'm pretty sure Chinese people live until 150 minimum.