Weight Loss Thread


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Boil chicken?
Yeah, it's become one of my staples when I don't feel like cooking anything complicated. I often put 2 - 3 pounds of chicken in a big pot on Sunday afternoons and boil enough for the entire week. Sometimes I season it with salt/pepper/other spices, but sometimes I'll just leave it plain. Like I said, it is pretty spartan, but it tastes fine (imo) and is perfectly healthy.


Trump's Staff
Yeah, it's become one of my staples when I don't feel like cooking anything complicated. I often put 2 - 3 pounds of chicken in a big pot on Sunday afternoons and boil enough for the entire week. Sometimes I season it with salt/pepper/other spices, but sometimes I'll just leave it plain. Like I said, it is pretty spartan, but it tastes fine (imo) and is perfectly healthy.
I've honestly never heard of that, I guess I always just stuck it in the oven instead.


Golden Squire
Boiling chicken is fucking stupid as shit. Don't listen to that dumb faggot fucking advice.

For ease and starting out, buy a George Foreman grill. Season your chicken with some adobo and pepper, and set on the grill for however long it takes to cook it (7 - 8 minutes?) Cut into strips, throw into a prepared salad with no dressing (oil/vinegar if you must). Do the same with 93-96% ground beef. Make enough for 3-5 servings, and eat that daily. Fuck boredom, just do it until you lose 80lbs+. In the morning, the best thing for you is eggs, and oatmeal. 2 eggs, omelete style with salt+pepper. Oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder(flavor of your choice). Eat fruit about 3 times a day. Higher content of sugar early, less at night (for example Banana in the morning but berries in the evening.) If you're having a problem with still being hungry, use green vegetables as a filler. Sauteing a ton of broccoli will fill you up and be very nutritious for you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Seriously, who boils a chicken? I want to boil your scrotum for saying such retarded fucking things.


Tranny Chaser
boiling a chicken is funny because it's not like it's difficult to cook a chicken normally


FPS noob
One week in to my new diet.
Starting weight 400lbs.
Current weight 385.

Feeling a lot better already. I could really use some advice about starting to cook food for myself. That would make the diet I'm on much cheaper and sustainable long term.
grats on losing 15 lbs. I assume you must be doing keto to lose that much in 1 week, i suggesthttp://www.reddit.com/r/ketonot as many retard trolls as on rr. There is a good keto recipe subreddit there too, I started keto recently to lose 15-20 lbs of beer gut I've gained and cook a lot of chicken, fish, eggs, steak, bacon and always mix in spinach, kale, broccoli, cucumber, or brussel sprouts for some veggies. Its also cool seeing all the pics people post on there of the weight they've lost to stick to the diet. A george foreman is great for bacon/chicken, a cast iron for steaks and burgers, a wok for most everything else, and a nice stainless steel small pan for eggs.

also getting some piss testing strips (ketostix or just any uranalysis strips) is a good way to make sure your body has entered ketosis, took me about 4 days.


Trakanon Raider
The only time you should ever boil chicken is for easier shredding for pot pies, soups and things of the such. Even then it isnt particularly necessary.

As posted above, george foreman grill and boneless skinless chicken breast is the way to go. If you have access to a bbq, I either marinate with low sodium terriake and sliced garlic or worsheshire. Birdseye makes a great steamfresh veggi that you can just throw in the microwave for a few minutes.

Super cheap and takes about 10 minutes. I usually throw a lil franks red hot on my veggies for a little extra kick.


<Gold Donor>
Not necessary, but I used to boil it occasionally as well for stuff like chicken rollups. My slow cooker has made that redundant though, and like others have said the GF grill is even easier/tastier.


<Bronze Donator>
Has their been some improvement to foreman grills recently? I had one when I moved into my first apartment(2005), while convenient, would never get hot enough. The amount of cooking time needed to get a nice crust on the chicken(i.e. flavor), would leave the rest of the breast overcooked.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Has their been some improvement to foreman grills recently? I had one when I moved into my first apartment(2005), while convenient, would never get hot enough. The amount of cooking time needed to get a nice crust on the chicken(i.e. flavor), would leave the rest of the breast overcooked.
Foremans are the shit man, mine definitely got hot enough during my college days. Used to cook chicken and burgers on that shit.


Has their been some improvement to foreman grills recently? I had one when I moved into my first apartment(2005), while convenient, would never get hot enough. The amount of cooking time needed to get a nice crust on the chicken(i.e. flavor), would leave the rest of the breast overcooked.
That does seem like a valid point. Why are we bothering with a Foreman's grill when actual grilling, roasting, or sauteing are options? Modicum of oil + salt + pepper + adequate heat element = profit. If the technique and/or tools are sufficient, it should result in something palatable. I could understand boiling chicken if you want a more subtle chicken flavor and/or are afraid of tasty/flavorful food.


Buzzfeed Editor
I just don't want another appliance. I'd rather either use the grill outside or roast/skillet that shit.

I guess it is different when you're not just cooking for one or two people also. If you have to good for like 5 people, you want something more formidable. I've never actually had a Foreman, I just assume they are sub-par and small, but also take up a lot of counter-space.


Musty Nester
You guys never boil chickens? What the christ. That's how you make chicken and dumplings. That's how you make a lot of things.

Of course, on account of the fact that boiled chicken tastes slightly like ass, those things are usually only partially chicken dishes. But if i'm gonna make some chicken salad or breaded chicken why the fuck am I gonna bother to fry or bake the chicken. Parts is parts!


Buzzfeed Editor
You can make chicken and dumpling with roasted or grilled or whatever chicken. Roasted chicken doesn't take more effort and it has way more taste. Less effort I think, the cleanup on boiled meats is atrocious.


A Mod Real Quick
You know who eats boiled chicken? My dog, and she fucking loves it. She also eats poops, either hers or other dogs.

Edit: And she has eaten cigarettes, rocks, string, sticks, a button off a jacket, paper, half of a mountain dew bottle, and an entire small bone whole.


<Bronze Donator>
There's a reason you've never heard of chicken tartare. Chicken needs flavor via cooking, and boiling adds none.

Salmonella might be a factor too.