Weight Loss Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
Pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my forearm. Sucks ass getting an injury right when I was making some good progress and ready to step it up. Setbacks are not what I need right now.


Vyemm Raider
Three months so far on Keto. Started back in May, and I've lost 37 pounds.

God I miss carbs.

Cool thing about Keto is I'm never hungry. I stuff myself like it's my mission from Jesus three times a day on bacon, steak, chicken, and saturated fat. Feels good man.


Vyemm Raider
Thanks for the concern. I'll get my blood checked when I hit my goal weight and we'll se if you're right about that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dude, I gained 7 pounds today pre-dinner and post-dinner. Tell your girlfriend that. And when I got home, I shit out like 4 logs. I'm probably lighter than pre-dinner!



Mr. Poopybutthole
I like that it says you should start out with a very low body fat level. And then says 12-15% for males. Jesus, 15% is low body fat? And a whopping 6 months of training under the belt. Holy fuck, this must be for the most advanced of athletes.

Other than that, I can't tell a whole shit load about what this diet actually is. Apparently you have to pay $30 to see. But based on this Lyle guy's other diet, I expect this one to be pretty terrible.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lmao, 15% is pretty low for the average American, surely even you can admit that.

I don't think I'm even 15% to be honest, but I spent a large portion of college dirty bulking. I put on about 40 pounds, literally ate anything and everything in sight. Worst thing I ever did, besides go to college.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What happened to Paleo? 48 page thread and all. Not being a dick, why the 180?
I dont see it as a 180 really. Paleo is great for me for maintenance, completely effortless to keep lean on it, great for a quick weight loss if you have a lot to lose and then it gets slow and steady. It's more of a lifestyle thing. A great basic foundation to work off of. So for me I do Paleo but I drink milk, eat potatoes, oatmeal for breakfast sometimes. Works for me so it's all good.

UD2 is to get shredded bro. Seriously though it's a quick get cut plan imo. I was bulked up to over 200 lbs after Starting Strength plus Smashburger diet. Cut down to 185ish with Paleo, hovering around there for a while and now just want to get a bit leaner for my beach trip. In any event I've always wanted to try it. So it's actually a lot like Paleo for me in that I'm gonna see if it works.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm going to trademark this new diet. It's called "The man's diet". Basically every meal is going to consist of grilled steak and potatoes and a beer. You hit the weights hard and if you're hungry in between you just eat some chicken breast or a dead baby. Shit is gonna be great.

Seems like you are going on various name brand diets, and if it works for you that's great. I've always been a fan of just eating good and seeing results. Most of us know that pasta, muffins, cookies, and soda are terrible for you and lean meats and vegetables are great. I don't need some diet dictating what I eat everyday though.


Buzzfeed Editor
There are even jarred sauces that are decent enough, but yeah, made from scratch if you don't like Alfredo sauce you are just wrong.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Speaking of pasta, alfredo and weight loss... I ate pasta every day on vacation in Italy and lost weight. Presumably from walking around all day and climbing the stairs of all the Duomos.

Most of us know that pasta, muffins, cookies, and soda are terrible for you and lean meats and vegetables are great. I don't need some diet dictating what I eat everyday though.
Everyone knows squats, deads, bench and press make you strong but you still need a good program. Just dicking around gets you lesser results. I get your point, it's not overly complicated, but it's still good to have a framework for when the less obvious stuff comes up.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pasta isn't bad for you. Ugh, blanket statements like that are just so fucking dumb.


A Mod Real Quick
I wouldn't eat pasta if I was trying to lose weight, as we are in the weight loss thread and all. This has nothing to do with the fact that a rogue noodle murdered my family when I was 3 and I am on a path of righteous vengeance against it.