Weird Dream Sharing


<Charitable Administrator>
So I woke up this morning having this odd dream right before.

I was brushing my teeth in some bathroom I didn't recognize and I was completely naked. My wife's friends would come in one by one wearing boy short panties and holding an arm over their naked tits. They would see me brushing my teeth and glance down and see my naked dick. They would then say "glad to see you are brushing your teeth, you can come to my bed when you are done" and then they would walk off. I would nod and keep brushing my teeth. This happened with three of her friends and then I woke up.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I have been having some real fucked up dreams lately. I don't know if these stem from some deep-rooted psychological issues I have, or me doing something before I go to sleep or what. The crux of them vary from dream to dream, but some recurring themes include me punching someone in the face (was my wife today, 3 punches, my brother a few weeks back...those are the only ones where I can remember it being someone I know) and my teeth feel like they are growing into huge horse teeth inside my mouth. I generally don't put too much stock into dreams, but some of these occurrences are a bit too frequent for my liking.

Oh, and I'm generally always with some woman who is infinitely hotter than my wife.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm always amazed when people remember their dreams vividly and they sound... normal. Like things that could happen.

Mine are always a weird combination of random shit and completely non-nonsensical conversations. Example: I'll dream that I'm on an airplane, and the stewardess will come up and ask me if I want fries with that. I'm so confused by the question that I would open a trapdoor that leads to some cavern, where Lancelot (from Monty Python's "The Holy Grail") would be holding a torch and looking for clues. I then respond that the way out isn't up, so I immediately start digging through the nearest wall with my hands, which proves incredibly effective, as I am jettisoned into a modern day park-like area with skateboard ramps etc. Some guy walks up to me and asks me if I'm going to fly. I respond, flippantly, "well no shit Sherlock, why else would I be standing in a park?" and then I start to prepare for flight. It all appears very Dragonball Z-esque, right up until I blast off and only end up hovering a few feet above the ground. Looking around in dismay, I notice that the guy is gone and there's instead some little kid holding an ice cream cone and looking at me, and he tells me "You know, my mom could fly on her first try." I flip the kid off and then the dream ends.

I should maybe start to regret doing 'shrooms on the regular in the early 2000s.

I have intense dreams during allergy season(s), also chocolate and nicotine. praise be unto science
i've had a lot of tooth dreams...swelling, growing larger until hey crack and crumble. they fucking suck. supposed to be self-confidence related but i never really thought that was a thing with me. also: lots of dreams of just being in a normal situation then suddenly i'm on a toilet shitting in front of everyone, trying to figure out how i'm going to finish up. horrible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
I had a dream that I was on the Internet for hours and found a post that just seemed to be in the wrong place. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it seemed like it should have been on a forum about a mode of human-powered transport by which a runner draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two people.
  • 1Worf
  • 1Picard
  • 1Salty
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I'm always amazed when people remember their dreams vividly and they sound... normal. Like things that could happen.
So you're telling me there's a chance!!

I had a dream that I was on the Internet for hours and found a post that just seemed to be in the wrong place. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it seemed like it should have been on a forum about a mode of human-powered transport by which a runner draws a two-wheeled cart which seats one or two people.
Quit being a party pooper. This subforum is fine for fun posts like this.


Mr. Poopybutthole
i've had a lot of tooth dreams...swelling, growing larger until hey crack and crumble. they fucking suck
I had a dream where my mouth basically turned into a snake's mouth, so now that my gums could flex and move my teeth just fell right out. Creepy as fuck.


Boner Donor
The 2 times I've quit smoking pot lately (stupid randoms) I've noticed I have very vivid dreams. Nothing particularly interesting that I can recall off-hand but I do know I have woken up on more that one occasion & had to make sure I wasn't still dreaming. A friend of mine also had the same experience when he quit smoking as well.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Last Night: Cheshire Cats the size of horses with their heads attached to their necks upside-down, and syringes for teeth, stalking and mauling people in an apartment complex during a blizzard with snow-wrapped tornadoes wending around forcing people into the buildings where the cats were.

Wiping on Archimonde for 4 hours leads to weird dreams.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I had a dream where an American nuclear submarine encounters an alien species, which coincidentally causes massive electrical and hydraulic malfunctions, causing the sub to crash into an underwater cliff and sink. The navy asks the workers of a nearby underwater oil rig who are joined by a number of navy SEALS to locate and investigate the cause of the crash. As the crew embark on their mission, they encounter a number of difficulties and discover that they may not be alone. There is something else down there.


I had a dream where an American nuclear submarine encounters an alien species, which coincidentally causes massive electrical and hydraulic malfunctions, causing the sub to crash into an underwater cliff and sink. The navy asks the workers of a nearby underwater oil rig who are joined by a number of navy SEALS to locate and investigate the cause of the crash. As the crew embark on their mission, they encounter a number of difficulties and discover that they may not be alone. There is something else down there.
This sounds like that movie Prometheus.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I love dreaming, even nightmares. But recently I've encountered a major problem: All my sexy dreams end with me walking away from sexy time. I've been in a committed relationship for over 5 years and just recently got married, and I experience guilt in my 'effin dreams. Just the other night I dreamed I was about to get laid by this smoking hot black chick. Tall, young, skinny, well-spoken. A fantasy of mine, as I've only been with your typical white chicks. She just straight up bends over in the shower. It's so vivid I can see the goosebumps on her tight ass. And she begs me to fuck her. But I don't. Because I have a wife IRL. I woke up and had to fire one off immediately.

Anyone else get wet dream blue balls because they're in serious relationships/married?
  • 1Worf
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Everything below COPYRIGHT MIST INC. No stealing it, Hollywood:

I had this dream where I had a spaceship and I was searching through all these systems for the lost battlefleet of Jesus Christ. I found a battlecruiser from the derelict fleet, and, after analyzing the navigational computer, computer had information on the location of a world where Jesus was king. I went there, and when I arrived there was like a city with wooden walls, like a warrior type tribal city. The guards took me up to the palace, a wooden pyramid-like building, and into a modest throne room. Jesus was there on the throne, but he looked more like Conan than Jesus. (Conan the Barbarian, not the late night talk show host.) That's where the dream ended. (I blame Battlestar Galactica and Conan.)

I had another dream where these aliens were taking all these humans around in space ships, basically showing us all how awesome the galaxy was. They were giving us technology and all their works of art and poetry and stuff. It was a bunch of different alien races, all highly evolved and peaceful. But then after snooping around I figured out what they were really up to. See, it turns out all these advanced races had culled their numbers down to a few hundred thousand each, in order to travel the stars rather than support large, sustaining civilizations. And then these giant crab people aliens were like rampaging the galaxy, and they were really trying to recruit humans into fighting the crab people for them. (I blame Mass Effect)

In this other dream, I was a psychologist/inventor, and I had this weird TARDIS-like time machine. I used it to have conversations with these three people: a young evangelical preacher who was about to kill himself over his struggles with his homosexuality, a veteran who was about to go on a clocktower style shooting spree, and a teenage girl who was about to attempt to perform a self abortion. But I was really like a mad scientist, because my time machine was powered by the madness and torment these people were experiencing. And so I couldn't really help them, I could only study what drove their madness. (No fucking clue where this one came from.)

I had this other really intense, detailed dream that was kinda like Fringe meets Half Life meets Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. It was like an underground lab at a university where these two weird people, who were either aliens or government agents (or both) gave a select group of students some weird, non-Euclidean/Newtonian technologies to attempt to reverse engineer, in order to train them to fight aliens from another dimension. Then the aliens from the other dimension opened a portal, or maybe it accidentally opened ala Half Life, and they attacked the school. I got put in isolation after the attack, and then when I got out a few months later they were building a new school, only now it was overtly to fight the aliens instead of just some cover lab.

In this other dream I was trying to infiltrate this mansion where Mitt Romney was speaking, and I ran away from these guards in suits (secret service looking types) who were chasing me down some hallways. I stole a golf cart and drove it all around the perimeter. But the guards were actually these weird evil Mormon robots who spoke this weird language with only two words but different tonal inflections.

Oh, I had this dream about this weird survival type video game, sorta like a DayZ clone but with an actual fucking point, where there were these 3 flying sanctuary cities, and you had to parachute off the edge of the flying cities onto the continent below. You used a scanner to mark supplies and resource locations like mines, and then these cool flying drones would come and pick up the supplies and take them back to the cities. You would get paid with credits for the stuff you marked, which you could use to buy better guns and equipment to survive on the ground longer, and you could also just find loot. The surface had some animals and some renegade robots trying to kill you. Obviously the 3 cities were at war, and the city that got more supplies eventually could buy vehicles that let them assault the enemy cities. Then the game ended.

I love dreaming, even nightmares. But recently I've encountered a major problem: All my sexy dreams end with me walking away from sexy time. I've been in a committed relationship for over 5 years and just recently got married, and I experience guilt in my 'effin dreams. Just the other night I dreamed I was about to get laid by this smoking hot black chick. Tall, young, skinny, well-spoken. A fantasy of mine, as I've only been with your typical white chicks. She just straight up bends over in the shower. It's so vivid I can see the goosebumps on her tight ass. And she begs me to fuck her. But I don't. Because I have a wife IRL. I woke up and had to fire one off immediately.

Anyone else get wet dream blue balls because they're in serious relationships/married?
gd, your wife is high level
  • 1Worf
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Two nights ago I dreamed that I was looking for an escort in a hotel. I'm walk into this hallway and all the doors are open, girls walking in and out of rooms, some topless. I see the girl I'm looking for and she leads me into her room where there are at least 4 other girls, all of them minding their own cellphones or watching tv but one. The girl I was looking for and this other girl start making conversation, and it's all very friendly, the other girl asks for a bottle of champagne and opens it and serves everyone a glass (I barely get a sip). At this point I start wondering how much this is going to cost me since I only brought enough money for the one girl. The three of us lay in bed and keep chatting and laughing as they both cuddle with me. My mind is still thinking "Crap, how much is this going to cost me?" that's when I woke up.
  • 1Worf
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Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Sometimes I'll have a dream where something good but relatively mundane happens like I'll find a $100 bill in my pocket or have some delicious food and later in the day I'll find myself absent mindedly thinking, "can't wait to get home and eat that left over Indian food". Then five seconds later I realize I don't have any leftovers and I'll think this little loop to myself like five or six times throughout the day.

Fucking sucks man.