Welcome to retrolled


Mr. Poopybutthole
I know this was its own thread on MoreNutz, but have the admins/mods put anything into place to keep out Tyen/Trexxy from shitting up this forum? The consensus from some was to let them post so that we could fuck with them, but it sounded like a terrible idea.
FoH has never really been censored (at least, not heavily). I see no reason they shouldn't be allowed to post. That said, they likely never will. They know they're hated. They put up a big front, but you can't tell me that literally hundreds of people saying that they're the worst thing to ever happen doesn't hit deep.

It's why when column comes over, he'll likely get some shit for a while, but there's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to post.


Requiem is/was in a weird position where he has personally hosted and done upkeep on a website that he A) doesn't have a real emotional/personal connection to and B) is not financially dependent upon. Normally in that situation the admin is dependent or attached to the site in some way and is going to be playing serious damage control, apologizing for the issues, and doing whatever it takes to make the community pleased so the website will stay alive. Instead he just spoke his mind and his honest feelings are that if the community stays he doesn't care and if the comminity moves he doesn't care, because either way it doesn't have a real major impact on him.

And honestly in the end it doesn't matter that he dissed the community, the upset people ultimately got what they were asking for. Tyen is no longer a moderator and the site is no longer tagged as having malware and the warnings are gone, yet everyone is still moving over here anyway because people want a fresh start. I'm not saying the community is wrong, just that this site was inevitable regardless of what Requiem or Tyen did or did not do in the day after morenetz.org was discarded.
Well, it made sense to move. The more Req posted, the more it showed he didn't care anymore and lets the two T's fuck things up for his amusement.
Hell, I only lurked over there and was insulted by the bullshit he spouted about the community chasing the donkey off while giving her powers most wouldn't get so she could continue fucking up those boards.
And I'm a pats fan who lives in NY, to be insulted normally i need to be lit on fire and pushed into a cesspool.
The community is what makes these boards worth coming to daily, and he willingly let someone destroy them for his amusement.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Adam is apparently writing a novel right now. All will be cleared up~
I just learned today (right after I fell off the turnip truck) that here on the internet people always tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tyen wasn't running those bot accounts for nothing.
This. From the sounds of it, Req had Tyen using FoH as a test ground for other shit. But Tyen kind of took it to crazy land with all the bots and shit. I guess at some point there were also invisible ads. He had that whole Facebook thing going for a while, which was definitely unethical, if not outright illegal. Honestly, Tyen was doing some shit with the site that was super shady.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wow, what an exhausting day. So glad to see everyone here though, and thank you to everyone who got this board set up. So.... When's the next board?


<Gold Donor>
I've mentioned this before. Despite posting since noows and having a day one reg date I have no idea who the fuck most of you are. No connection of names with posters. I just don't care. I know Adam is the chargers fan, most of the people I can identify are from the NFL thread really. Fedor posts dicks and everything from the front page of Reddit that people love. Kruegen was in FoH. Astro likes bad stuff.

That's about as deep as it goes. People reference some drama that happens and I have no idea what the fuck they're going on about. Does that make me an e-sociopath?
You can't fool us, we know you're just a big squishy teddy bear, full of love and hugs for all of us! Come on, let it out!

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
I love you all. I have no idea who the fuck you are, but I am an unending font of good will and love.

Wanna cyber?
I genuinely enjoyed reading most of your posts on the old site. You have no idea who I am but I appreciate your contributions to the forums

