What do you do?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Sometimes you people scare me. Serioulsly.

I ask very few questions in an invterview. We go over basic stuff. Have lunch and determine their ability to fit in. Tour the shop and talk while doing so. Hopefully in that time frame they talk about stuff they have done in the past that fit with what we do etc....

My 11 o'clock didn't show. The boss called the police and I called his cell phone and left a message. No idea.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Also my idea of paying 100% of their insurance was deemed "illegal and subject to fines" under the ACA or some such. Oh well.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
That's what I was told by the HR lady. We're running it thru our parent company which is much larger and basically deals with all the legal issues.

One thing mentioned was spinning off the engineering department as a subsidary. The first place I worked "engineering" which is a loose term and doesn't mean all engineers or even having engineers - anyway it was a separate business under the same roof and we billed them per job lump sum. We had different insurance and different bonus structues etc....

The last place I worked the company paid 100% of insurance for guys in the office and a less amount of shop guys, and even then some of the shop guys got 100%. Of course that was a different company on many different levels. They did $300 million a year gross and had 9 people in the office and 35 in the shop. The owner at times paid guys house notes and bills for 6 months if they got sick etc...One guy in the shop he got his bills paid for a year when he had to have kidney stones removed the old fashioned way - cut out.

When I left there the Cobra amount was like $2,500 a month or something like that for just myself. Copay was real low and it only kicked in for the first XX amount and then after that they covered 100% up to a max amount of really large number.

I guess all that has gone away now. I read where a company can't subsidize your own insurance if they don't offer any because they are <50 workers which aren't required to provide it. So they can subsidize if you go to work there, but the company pays a penalty.

Anyway, just looking for more stuff I can throw out there other than just money. We're an island. I'm asking people to relocate to an area that if it doesn't work out they have to move back 8 hours away to find "a" job.

I mentioned country club membership dues and hunting club membership dues but it got a lukewarm reception from the HR lady. Considering people come from all over the country to pay $20k or more to hunt an hour away from here it sounded like a good idea when trying to recruit rednecks and coon asses.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I know I'm wordy but

1. I'm bored, my interview didn't show up as of yet 4 hours late.
2. I'm not cut out for this crap. I rather climb up a 200' pressure vessel when it's 100F outside in a cloud of steam and measure something that can be FIXED rather than meet, argue, meet, and argue some more over shit that seems pretty minor in the grand sheme of things.
3. Did I mention I'm bored as shit? They look at me funny at work and talk about how busy they are....yeah you scheduled a meeting a week from now. I'm used to having a meeting by phone on the way to an "oops" an hour away. Seeing what needs doing, order material on the phone on the way back. Manage it, throw money at it left and right. Work 16 hour days for 3 days. Take a week off. Get a nice letter saying "nice job" when you spent money like there's no tomorrowm but it got done.

Bored lol.


Trakanon Raider
I can assume said interview will not be getting a follow-up unless he shows up with a provable story about alien abduction or falling down a mineshaft.


Buzzfeed Editor
Honestly. My wife and I (both Software Architect level in our career) both gripe when we see a resume that goes beyond 1 page.

Much like other marketing documents it should be short and to the point.
I want to know A. What you can bring to the table and B. What you did for at most the last 5 years and you can bet C. Questions I can ask to see if you are lying.

Anything else is useless information and makes me tl;dr. I am not an exception.

Please keep in mind that this is within the Tech Industry. Other industries may have different expectations (The people Borzak is interviewing with probably have their ego fed by having people deliver large documents detailing their life stories.)

In the immortal words of Benjamin Franklin. "Time is money, bitches"

//Yes, this is not the context of his quote and he totally put bitches at the end.
Yeah i probably need to take a class, because I just don't know how to do that. I work in IT but I have a pretty broad background. Which is cool, it plays into the infosec shit I do now, I just feel like I would be tanking myself if I cut out that much of my resume. Maybe in December I'll just give it a shot.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Thankfully next Friday hell or high water I'm out of this.

Guy who I was supposed to come in for an interview, lunch and spend some time looking around at the town etc...called me just now.

He got a flight this afternoon and flew back home. He wanted to know if he sent his receipt for his flight, hotel, and car rental if we would reimburse him.


what Suineg set it to
MS Office experience isn't necessarily a given. There are a lot of things people can do with Office that aren't standard. You'd be amazed how many people can't do a pivot table in Excel.
Holy shit, this is my life. I mean interviews sometimes go like this:

"OK how familiar are you with Office suite?"
"Pretty advanced I'd say, I really use Word and Powerpoint a lot in my current job"
"OK, Excel?"
"Yes, I would say I'm very proficient."
"OK, so pivot tables/charts, index/match, VBA, what do those mean to you?"
"Well I would say I don't really know pivot tables as I'm not a programmer"
"Actually it's just a button, you pretty much just select data and click it to aggregate it. I mean it's pretty much a point and click quick analysis tool."
"Yea, I mean again I'm not a computer geek or anything like that"


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I was asked about Excel in my current job interview. I told him upfront. Normally the only time I use it is to enter some data into an existing worksheet. That's pretty much what everyone here does. We get preformatted worksheets we enter shipping data, completion data etc..for the customer. I said I can do that but you wouldn't want me to do a complete package for the entire company from the ground up. He seemed OK with it.

I was up for taking a course on it but apparently I knew as much as anyone else who uses it.

He did ask how do I know how much ahead/behind of schedule or making a profit without it. That was a 2 hour discussion lol. The president of the company sits in his office and plays with Excel 10 hours a day, but he's good at looking at numbers and enjoys it.

Computer geek? I would never say that to anyone. The scary part is I'm probably the computer geek here and I shun most major advances in computer stuff lol.

Don't like you immediately talk about that person after they leave for the rest of the day don't you?

Don't tell my boss but I copy shipping piece marks, total tons and shit off their old jobs and put them into the sheets we submit and make up my own total complete percentage at the end. The customer told me flat out they don't look at them, so why spend 4 hours inputing shit when I could make it all up.


Trakanon Raider
He got a flight this afternoon and flew back home. He wanted to know if he sent his receipt for his flight, hotel, and car rental if we would reimburse him.
ROFL, what the hell? Why not even interview since he was already there? Was it an emergency or something?


Trakanon Raider
One day turnaround for being declined at a local job. I even had an internal recommendation, but they didn't bother to consult him before sending me a no thank you. I'm sorta stunned. :/


Bronze Baron of the Realm
One day turnaround for being declined at a local job. I even had an internal recommendation, but they didn't bother to consult him before sending me a no thank you. I'm sorta stunned. :/
That sucks. Any chance the person that sent you the notice of decline didn't know what else was going on?


Trakanon Raider
Very likely. My internal guy never had a chance to talk to him. The email address the decline came from is a big hash tag that looks computer generated, so maybe I was just filtered out. In any case, the guy I know there is going to follow up Tuesday when he returns from some travel.

I also have a 1st degree contact with the recruiter on LinkedIn via one of the center directors here on campus, so I requested an introduction that way. Every little bit helps just in case they take a second look.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I've heard from many people on the "inside" that many times they advertise a job when they know who they are going to hire before they take the ad out. CYA. I had to fill out an application to have it on record when I was hired here at my current job.