What is your opinion on GMO plants and products?


Musty Nester
Fair. But who gets to decide which 2/3 of the population has to die in order for us to adopt zero impact farming AND population sustainability? You really think the cities can feed themselves? Because if you're thinking about zero impact farming concurrent with utopic social reforms you're just not thinking about reality.

You do the best you can with what you have, you know. GMO is more efficient and less wasteful than other alternatives. It is not perfect. It is not "the solution". We're going to be running out of cheap petrol within forseeable generations -- the importance of that fact to modern farming techniques is probably difficult to overstate.


Trakanon Raider
They're generally harmless.

BS in molecular genetics and biochemistry. I used to work in a genetic research lab, so I know that not everyone playing god with genetic codes is evil.

Tinkering with recombinant DNA is a very, very powerful tool though. There are forms of checks and balances, and there is an incredibly steep learning curve to be able to do it correctly.


Registered Hutt
How do you re-arrange the genes in these plants? Tweezers? Is this like Mr. Miyagi?



Bronze Squire
Every time there is a GMO thread I'm thinking, well you shouldn't have an uneducated biased opinion toward "GMO is evil!", you see there is these fellow forum bro with supposedly scientific knowledge in that kind of stuff saying : "GMO is harmless ! Embrace it !" And I'm like well he's got no reason to lie to me he must be a good guy ! And then I'm like, fuck it I don't need it, corporations need it to lower their cost and make bigger profit, third world country may need them because it seems they do, some scientific field may need them I don't know, I'm not the one who's gonna deny science the right to study GMO but fuck it I don't need that shit so don't force it on me.


Bronze Squire
Once asia and south america population will plateau (soon apparently) it might not be that much of a problem, some may even say it couldn't be a problem today. Africa is fucked up anyway.


Molten Core Raider
Whatever feeds the most people at the lowest cost in the safest manner is awesome. Let the 'ban all GMO foods' dipshits choose which 2-3 billion people on this planet get to starve while they circle jerk reading Wheat Belly(Eorkern's choice is Africa it seems).


Bronze Squire
I'm willing to pay the price for non GMO food, I don't care if others or other country need/use them. I just don't see the need for myself or most of Europe for exemple, we have low density with plenty of space. Africa don't have much of a choice atm I guess but me if I can avoid it I will.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm a little dubious about the density claim, but I have no way of easily verifying that. Either way, imagine the price of your non-GMO food when food prices outside of Europe rise high enough to make it profitable for you to export. To a certain extent, you don't get to isolate Europe. Food is a commodity and the demand for it outside will affect your prices, GMO or not.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I'm willing to pay the price for non GMO food, I don't care if others or other country need/use them. I just don't see the need for myself or most of Europe for exemple, we have low density with plenty of space. Africa don't have much of a choice atm I guess but me if I can avoid it I will.
So do you think we have not been genetically modifying food for the past tens of thousands of years?

Jive Turkey

Okay how about Aljazeera and the bbc ?



Also I really don't get what science your referencing in the article about impoverished indian farms killing themselves by the hundreds of thousands
Indian farmers were already killing themselves before Monsanto arrived. Those stories are either intentionally misleading or horribly misinformed



I have no idea. My dad is a farmer and uses roundup ready cotton. Roundup ready wheat is coming. That means we'll all be eating bread made from wheat doused in the stuff.

The rumour is that Monsanto has the capability to do short growing season stuff but doesn't because it would mean they would sell less roundup. They are doing drought resistant stuff which is badly needed. When I was growing up around here there were maybe 4 or 5 center pivots in the area that the really rich farmers had as a sort of luxury. Now there are dozens and dozens of them. The big industrial farmers turn them on in june and leave them on till september. This area seems really screwed but I hear it is worse in texas and kansas. Corn takes a ton of water to grow.

Weeds are already roundup resistant too so you have some farmers falling back to 24d which is cheaper as well. That stuff kills everything, including other people's crops if it drifts. The main thing I've noticed after living in other states and coming back is that alot of the trees have died off, especially near creeks and streams. The popular theory is 24d runoff killed them.

Overwatering is also making the soil's ph so high the farmers are pumping sulferic acid in to try to reduce it. Seems like a bad idea.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The Year the Monarch Didn't Appear

Yeah, GMO are good for human, who gives a shit about other things ?
I just saw a good presentation by a potato farmer from Colorado talking about using alternatives to spraying and he is having good results while still not being "organic". He deals with aphids by planting flowers along with his potatoes to attract predator insects for example. There are a lot of good ideas in all branches of farming, but the organic and anti-GMO people turn it into a religious argument. Because monocultures are detrimental to one kind of insect, then we should conclude that pesticides and GMOs are evil and should be banned? Of course not, but that's what the dialog devolves to, and usually the loudest voices are the most ignorant.

Mainstream agriculture is learning that biodiversity and less reliance on chemicals/tillage can be very beneficial and many of us are moving in that direction, but don't try to tell that to the drooling idiots that love to scream about Monsanto and factory farms and how the evil corporations are poisoning the childrens. I planted 4 hay fields to a mixture of 3 grasses and 3 flowering legumes last spring where we had been doing small grain hay using tillage and chem fallow. Before I planted them, I sprayed them with Roundup to give the stuff I planted a chance vs. the weeds that were already established. This should improve soil health, reduce erosion, provide better environment for wildlife and insects, and hopefully increase forage production. I plan to do the same with 3 more fields next spring. Am I evil or good? Neither one, but people shouldn't assume that there only two kinds of farmers, the benevolent, loving organic farmer and the evil, environment hating factory farming bastards.

The idea that farmers and ranchers don't care about the environment is insane. As a farmer/rancher my land is all I have. If I do damage to it, I am cutting my own paycheck or perhaps putting myself out of business. I am more interested in keeping my land productive in a sustainable way than anyone.

Pesticides and GMOs are technology. It doesn't matter what type of technology you are talking about, it all has positive and negative effects. Some of the negatives you can foresee, some you can't. When an unexpected downside of a new technology becomes evident, you rethink the cost vs. benefit and adjust accordingly. What you don't do is pass an edict that technology will be frozen at 1950s levels and anything newer than that will be declared immoral, which is basically what these organic hippies are advocating. Can you imagine doing that with computers? Or automobiles? That would be retarded. It's the same with farming.


Registered Hutt
I do like the idea of playing host to predators. Dude has style. I hope it's successful. The next step is obviously to GMO corn/wheat/soy to attract these predators.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, but what happens when you need to attract new predators to get rid of the current ones? Soon you'll be waiting for winter to freeze out the gorillas.