What was your dream growing up before life kicked you in the nuts/vag?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Cad is a baseball player with 3 kids who retired at 30, maybe envy is the real issue here

I recently found a 10th grade paper that said I wanted to be a civil engineer, so that did work out I guess.


A Mod Real Quick
I wanted to be a computer engineer in 10th grade too, my life plan was to work at Nvidia and design video cards

I guess I didn't land way too far off.


Vyemm Raider
I wanted to be a space fighter pilot but instead science built really fucking amazing phones and enabled old people to get boners.

My entire childhood was a lie.

Arthur C Clarke must be pissed.


<Gold Donor>
I guess there is a trend here. I grew up wanting to know and do everything there was with space. Obviously I don't remember it, but at 3 months old my parents sat me in front of the TV to watch the moon landing, and it has always intrigued me. My "goal" as a kid was to live to at least 131 (so I'd see the year 2100) and to have at least visited, if not be living on, Mars. In the 47 years since then obviously we haven't done a goddamn thing to help me achieve those goals. And other than getting a bachelor's in aeronautical engineering, I didn't do a fucking thing either. Practically since graduation I've worked jobs that were completely unrelated, and for the last 18 I've sat in almost the same fucking chair in the same fucking office with almost the exact same fucking morons (seriously, I've told the same people at least a dozen times how to attach a file to an email, for instance) doing a job that I'm vastly overqualified for, for far less money than I should be making. And then I go home, fuck around, watch TV or game or read a book, go to bed too late, and wake up tired the next day to do it all over again. I've even lost interest in dating much, because even women my age are motherfucking crazy it seems. And then I sit there and realize that only I can change this, it isn't going to magically fall in my lap, and I get disgusted with myself for even beginning to pity myself. But it just seems to creep up on me, year after year, and I wonder where all the time has gone. There is always some reason why I didn't get around to it, right?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Considering I was being recruited coming out of grammar school, I wanted to play basketball. However, my mom was a realist and always told me I wasn't a super natural athlete and that I'd never make it to the NBA (thanks mom) so she sent me to a private school for education. I probably could've used the sport during high school to secure a scholarship at a decent D2 or D3 school and gotten an education then (when it might've actually mattered, does anyone in high school actually care?). Instead I played EQ through HS, got decent grades but not outstanding ones like I would've had I gone to a public school or a shittier private school (I had a full ride to St. Anthony's on the table), and I ended up quitting basketball cause I hated my coach. Keep in mind I had a varsity spot waiting for me at my local school but was kept on the freshman team at my private school. Maybe I was just a spoiled brat who didn't want to play freshman ball at the time, who knows.

In short, fuck you mom.


I joined the Marines to get a degree to join the FBI to then become the director to then move to the Senate to then become POTUS.

I didn't think it would be exactly like that but somewhat along that progression. All I finished out of that was joining the Marines.

My current goal is to get this business idea funded and going and then sell it off for enough money to retire and go work at a non profit or something fun just to fill my time.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I wanted to be a fighter pilot like most kids my age, thanks Top Gun. But by the time I was ready to go to college flight spots were rare and most air force or navy officers did not fly, and especially did not fly fighters. I was also told I was too tall and that if I didn't have better-than-perfect eyesight it wouldn't happen - that they just look for ideal stats for fighter pilots now since they need so few. My cousin went into the ANG so he could get a flight spot, and ended up flying C-130's.

Dream crushed


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Literally anything other than being a cubicle slave.



Still a Music Elitist
I wanted to be a musician - and still do. But hey, at least I'm doing my second favorite thing. Being a sales engineer slinging software! Seriously though, I really do enjoy my job and have no regrets. Almost all of my friends from college went on to pursue music careers and they're all broke as shit. At least one of them can afford to live in Manhattan. But the rest? Not doing things I'm particularly interested in. I look at the things I've been able to do and the places I've traveled and I think I enjoy that more than the musician life. I still play everyday and record stuff in my home studio, but it's a ship that I think has sailed at this point. And I'm OK with that.


Trakanon Raider
When I was super young, I wanted to be a vet but then later years it was pro skateboarder, while I got decently close to that, I had a string of injuries that destroyed that dream. Now I work a job that I enjoy and live comfortably on.

Now I just race bikes for my hobby, I know I'll never be at the pro level but I enjoy it for what it is and still skate when I find the time.

Tl Dr : life still hasn't kicked me in the nuts


Never had a strong inclination to be anything. But if I were to trade places with someone, I'd pick Nacho Vidal.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I remember when I was a kid jerking it to my dad's playboys I vowed to myself when I turned 20 or so I'd move to Southern California and date a playboy model


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I wanted to design MUD dungeons. I have dozens of graph paper designs still in a trunk of useless shit. I also wanted to be the guy that put the stories together for said dungeons.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wanted to design MUD dungeons. I have dozens of graph paper designs still in a trunk of useless shit. I also wanted to be the guy that put the stories together for said dungeons.
You may be able to find a D&D meetup group and play DM


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Wanted to work in programming/tech since I was like 12. Originally video games (lol). Realized how much Video Game dev sucks early on. Now I am just happy solving problems and designing databases and such. Wasn't so hard of a kick in the nuts.


Vyemm Raider
I wanted to be the General Manager of the Vancouver Canucks. Pretty sure I dodged a bullet on that one.


A Mod Real Quick
I wanted to design MUD dungeons. I have dozens of graph paper designs still in a trunk of useless shit. I also wanted to be the guy that put the stories together for said dungeons.
You know dude, if you ever want to play D&D and Pathfinder and don't mind hanging out with a fat white dude you'd be a perfect Dungeon Master


Still a Music Elitist
I remember when I was a kid jerking it to my dad's playboys I vowed to myself when I turned 20 or so I'd move to Southern California and date a playboy model
Is this why you're considering moving to Orange County? It's not too late!