Whats rustling your jimmies?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Anyone that seems to be sick all the time. Either you are a lying whiner who wants attention, or you are genetically defective and really do get sick all the time. Either way, die before breeding.
I have a friend who sighs and groans constantly (between sneezes) when he's sick or his allergies are bothering him. He married one of those sick all the time genetic defects. They're great people but I hope like fuck they never produce offspring.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Crossfit cultists.
JFC, this plus a lot. I can't stand these fuckers. I'm on Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan and they have a Crossfit "gym" here. Anywhere you walk, you can here some fag talking about what WOD they did or how they just love it. I and the slightly plump civilian female contractor not paying attention to you don't fucking care.

It's not that I hate Crossfit (I was doing it before it was cool). I just hate Crossfitters.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Losing fantasy football, by a missed field goal. I fucking hate this game...


Needs to be looked at car noises in other folks vehicles.
Invariable the conversation went something like this . Sounds like a <insert car part> going to me , if not fixed it leads too this catastrophic failure. Sort of fix it now for 75 bucks + labor or ignore it and fix it for 750 in parts + labor.
The reactions range from my mechanic said it is fine , to enraged mind your own fucking business or even better can you fix it ? Er no I am not doing some involved repair in my driveway in the rain for 10 bucks and a thank you , go fuck yourselves.

Needless to say these days I can hear your CV joints clicking , water pump bearing going , rear end howling , U joints clunking , struts going or transmission slipping all at the same time. Will not say a word just smile n wave as you motor on by.


<Bronze Donator>
My dad mowing my lawn for me(I didn't ask) and doing a really good job at it. So good, he mowed the long tufts of grass I was using the mark things like the water main cap. Now I have no easy-to-spot markers for "don't mow here" and a bent crankshaft


Got something right about marriage
Why don't you go to Home Depot and spend the 15 cents on those little marker flags.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
My dad mowing my lawn for me(I didn't ask) and doing a really good job at it. So good, he mowed the long tufts of grass I was using the mark things like the water main cap. Now I have no easy-to-spot markers for "don't mow here" and a bent crankshaft


Riddle me this...
Got a new mailman, actually its some bull dyke looking chick and she refuses to deliver to my house when the dogs are out. No one else that comes to my fucking house, not the UPS guy, pizza guy, the old mailman, no one has a problem with these dogs. I mean for fucks sake two of my neighbors let their kids come over to play with them. But oh no super dykes kryptonite is apparently dogs. Haven't been getting my mail the last couple of days so I call the post office, come to find out she isn't delivering to any house that has a dog out. She feels threatened. Seriously what the fuck. Its no god damn wonder the shitty fucking postal service is going bankrupt. Fuck you post office, fuck you hard.
Jimmies are at maximum rustle.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Didnt know it was race day so instead of a slow sunday we get slammed and run out of an entire shift's worth of beef in an hour and out completely for 2 hours. because it takes 3hrs to cook.
A note would have been nice. Verbally telling me the next day that "Everybody knew" rustled my jimmies.
If everybody knew, including yourself, why didnt you schedule me two more workers you shit? +$200 per hour over projected and you give me two workers that are both tired from working doubles the day before?

drunk nascar fans
drunk nascar fans stealing the nozzles on my fountain machine at the peak of rush hour.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It rustles my jimmies that everything is so god damned expensive. Someone find me a job in bumfuck Montana. I'll do pretty much anything as long as I don't have to castrate sheep with my teeth.