Whats rustling your jimmies?


What bothers me is when they start using the challenge questions for things other than recovering the password.
At work if you forget your challenge questions for your RSA token we immediately delete your token and make you pay $100 for a new one, it's beautiful.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Google and their +account FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
does anyone know how to make them never bother you with this shit again?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
These people:

For the past year and a half I have had systematic candidiasis. Nobody believes that I have it either, they think I am going insane and the whole world is against me. I have tried EVERYTHING and I mean everything!!! I am so frustrated and tired and I'm only 20, I don't need all this in my life right now! Especially when I'm in college.


I tried 4 months of the candida diet with antifungals, natural antifungals and tons of probiotics such as Kefir and lactobacillius. I felt a little better but didn't cure.

Then I tried Dr. Whiting's Oxy Flush. Didn't work at all.

Then I tried balancing my pH by ingesting baking soda. Felt a little better but no fix.

I tried 2 months of fruit only diet. I felt a lot better but not cured.

Then I tried the master cleanse lemonade diet. I got a lot worse after this. So now, I am back at square one, if I eat anything that's not on the anti-candida diet I get so fatigued and drained, start having horrible incomplete bowel movements and gas/bloating and I just want to die. This disease has taken over my life so much that I just don't care anymore. Life isn't worth living and I just want to die already. I feel horrible because I can't make my girlfriend happy when she sees me. She sees I am constantly in pain, and I don't want her to feel like this. I seriously am just waiting until I wither away and die, I used to weigh 170, now I weigh almost 110.

Currently trying adding Irish Moss and Kangen water to all my meals and I paid a holistic therapist to do a family constellation on me. He said I had blocks of negative energy in my ancestral family that are creating energy blocks in my generation and I need to stick with the diet longer to get past them. But I need a cure now. I hate to sound so demanding but all these stupid websites that want to profit off of me being sick makes me so angry, I am dying here people.
This made my day, especially the holistic therapist. I had to look that disease up.

wiki_sl said:
Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any species from the genus Candida (one genus of yeasts). Candida albicans is the most common agent of Candidiasis in humans. Also commonly referred to as a yeast infection, candidiasis is also technically known as candidosis, moniliasis, and oidiomycosis.

Candidiasis encompasses infections that range from superficial, such as oral thrush and vaginitis, to systemic and potentially life-threatening diseases. Candida infections of the latter category are also referred to as candidemia or invasive candidiasis, and are usually confined to severely immunocompromised persons, such as cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients, as well as nontrauma emergency surgery patients.

Superficial infections of skin and mucosal membranes by Candida causing local inflammation and discomfort are common in many human populations. While clearly attributable to the presence of the opportunistic pathogens of the genus Candida, candidiasis describes a number of different disease syndromes that often differ in their causes and outcomes.
Vaginitis? A yeast infection? I'm betting the real problem here though is that this person is immunocompromised. Even if not an aids patient (and I feel it's highly likely they do have aids), their immune system is probably suffering from the diet.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
These people:

For the past year and a half I have had systematic candidiasis. Nobody believes that I have it either, they think I am going insane and the whole world is against me. I have tried EVERYTHING and I mean everything!!! I am so frustrated and tired and I'm only 20, I don't need all this in my life right now! Especially when I'm in college.


I tried 4 months of the candida diet with antifungals, natural antifungals and tons of probiotics such as Kefir and lactobacillius. I felt a little better but didn't cure.

Then I tried Dr. Whiting's Oxy Flush. Didn't work at all.

Then I tried balancing my pH by ingesting baking soda. Felt a little better but no fix.

I tried 2 months of fruit only diet. I felt a lot better but not cured.

Then I tried the master cleanse lemonade diet. I got a lot worse after this. So now, I am back at square one, if I eat anything that's not on the anti-candida diet I get so fatigued and drained, start having horrible incomplete bowel movements and gas/bloating and I just want to die. This disease has taken over my life so much that I just don't care anymore. Life isn't worth living and I just want to die already. I feel horrible because I can't make my girlfriend happy when she sees me. She sees I am constantly in pain, and I don't want her to feel like this. I seriously am just waiting until I wither away and die, I used to weigh 170, now I weigh almost 110.

Currently trying adding Irish Moss and Kangen water to all my meals and I paid a holistic therapist to do a family constellation on me. He said I had blocks of negative energy in my ancestral family that are creating energy blocks in my generation and I need to stick with the diet longer to get past them. But I need a cure now. I hate to sound so demanding but all these stupid websites that want to profit off of me being sick makes me so angry, I am dying here people.
This made my day, especially the holistic therapist. I had to look that disease up.

wiki_sl said:
Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any species from the genus Candida (one genus of yeasts). Candida albicans is the most common agent of Candidiasis in humans. Also commonly referred to as a yeast infection, candidiasis is also technically known as candidosis, moniliasis, and oidiomycosis.

Candidiasis encompasses infections that range from superficial, such as oral thrush and vaginitis, to systemic and potentially life-threatening diseases. Candida infections of the latter category are also referred to as candidemia or invasive candidiasis, and are usually confined to severely immunocompromised persons, such as cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients, as well as nontrauma emergency surgery patients.

Superficial infections of skin and mucosal membranes by Candida causing local inflammation and discomfort are common in many human populations. While clearly attributable to the presence of the opportunistic pathogens of the genus Candida, candidiasis describes a number of different disease syndromes that often differ in their causes and outcomes.
Vaginitis? A yeast infection? I'm betting the real problem here though is that this person is immunocompromised. Even if not an aids patient (and I feel it's highly likely they do have aids), their immune system is probably suffering from the diet.


Got a new system at work for accessing paychecks and whatnot. It requiredSIXdifferent security questions to set it up the first time. Why? >_<

Jimmies rustled for sure.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Vaginitis? A yeast infection? I'm betting the real problem here though is that this person is immunocompromised. Even if not an aids patient (and I feel it's highly likely they do have aids), their immune system is probably suffering from the diet.
I'm betting its a run of the mill sort of voluntary hypochondriac who loves the sound of their own voice and spouting their knowledge of pseudoscience.
Got a new system at work for accessing paychecks and whatnot. It requiredSIXdifferent security questions to set it up the first time. Why? >_<

Jimmies rustled for sure.
Every system that has made me do this never checks if my answers are the same. No matter the questions I just pick from the top down and answer using the same answer. Changes it to the equivalent of a password.

City of birth? Soda
Mother's maiden name? Soda
Favorite animal? Soda


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's genius violentsalad.

I was trying to recover a password and my security question was "Who was the first girl you ever kissed?" and I couldn't remember her name. I called like 3 people trying to rack their brains and they knew who I was talking about but couldn't remember her name.


The fact I have to be faithful to my GF and I can't root as many sluts as I possibly can while she's not allowed to look at other guys. Why can't my double standards be acceptable ffs..

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The fact I have to be faithful to my GF and I can't root as many sluts as I possibly can while she's not allowed to look at other guys. Why can't my double standards be acceptable ffs..

BF4 servers that ban without warning for things said in squad speak.


Trakanon Raider
Somehow I crushed one of my balls last night and now I can't do anything, just standing hurts. Rustled to the max.
Update on my rustled jimmies : I have epididymitis and my left nut has swollen up twice it's size and I'm just stuck walking. Luckily I don't have the major causes of it (The clap) but unluckily it could be a reappearing thing. Testicles are fucking useless minus the occasional booya moment.

I also don't have my healthcare kicking in till Dec 1st so I've spent 800~ bucks so far with doctor visits.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
new youtube comment section and hashtags


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
That's true. I will add that I'm talking about typical white, suburban American kids.


Phank 2002
Like those kids will work after they finish college.

Jimmies rustled by: Automatic phone systems companies like to use


Bronze Squire
Barber Middle School throws 12-year-olds breakfast away due to lack of funds

Jimmy Rustling to a whole new level. There is never a reason to humiliate and send a kid to class hungry, no matter how stupid or poor their parents may be. And I only add that caveat because the school claimed to send a written warning. DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. Feed that kid. We feed everyone in our fucking prisons. Feed the kids. FUCK.
I feel your rustling, and add my own. That's fucked.