Whats rustling your jimmies?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Whoa there. Don't you worry your little bleedin' heart. Nobody went hungry. Turns out little Johnny's mom was able to make him a lunch after all and she still had money left over to replenish his account.

And who called the news and told them there was a story here?

And thanks for the neg.

do you like writing down your name down with every post?


Got a new system at work for accessing paychecks and whatnot. It requiredSIXdifferent security questions to set it up the first time. Why? >_<

Jimmies rustled for sure.
We have a similar system at my work, plus we have to change our password every 90 days. When you do not need to use it often and let the password expire, its a pain in the ass to get it reset. Can only reset it at work, call a call center in India and attempt to get the first half of your new password. Then you have to try and remember who the fuck they are sending the other part of the password to in HR. I also found out the passwords are case sensitive, was not told this by the Indian bitch and had to go through the process again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fucking performance shop charging me 14 hours of labor for a job that should have taken 4-6. Don't even want to go get my car now and won't enjoy it, because I'm fucking pissed.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My mom gave me a weekly allowance of $5 for cleaning the bathrooms every Saturday morning. I could spend it on lunch during the week or save it and spend it on action figures and go hungry.


People that are terrible with money.

My old room mate and I made about the same money, split rent and utilities 50/50, and he was ALWAYS broke. He's one of those people that go to the store every day, to buy 1 day worth of whatever at a time. He'd run out of money a day before getting paid just about every week and the slightest thing goes wrong and it crippled him financially(Car battery died? GUESS I CAN'T DRIVE FOR A WEEK). Guy would drive to a 7-11 every single day, buy a pack of smokes, 2 tallboys of bud ice and 2 cans of cat food.


<Bronze Donator>
My mom gave me a weekly allowance of $5 for cleaning the bathrooms every Saturday morning. I could spend it on lunch during the week or save it and spend it on action figures and go hungry.
Your binge-like eating habits make much more sense in light of this.


Mr. Poopybutthole
People that are terrible with money.

My old room mate and I made about the same money, split rent and utilities 50/50, and he was ALWAYS broke. He's one of those people that go to the store every day, to buy 1 day worth of whatever at a time. He'd run out of money a day before getting paid just about every week and the slightest thing goes wrong and it crippled him financially(Car battery died? GUESS I CAN'T DRIVE FOR A WEEK). Guy would drive to a 7-11 every single day, buy a pack of smokes, 2 tallboys of bud ice and 2 cans of cat food.
There's a girl I work with like that. She's 23 and a single mom. She's currently a GS-7 and makes $38,000 a year. Bitch complains to me almost every week about how she's got no money in her bank account. And yet, it seems like every 2 months she has a new tattoo. She just interviewed for a part time job as a cashier at K-Mart. So I guess that's responsible, but she wouldn't need to take some shit job if she wasn't such an idiot.


That guy
People that are terrible with money.

My old room mate and I made about the same money, split rent and utilities 50/50, and he was ALWAYS broke. He's one of those people that go to the store every day, to buy 1 day worth of whatever at a time. He'd run out of money a day before getting paid just about every week and the slightest thing goes wrong and it crippled him financially(Car battery died? GUESS I CAN'T DRIVE FOR A WEEK). Guy would drive to a 7-11 every single day, buy a pack of smokes, 2 tallboys of bud ice and 2 cans of cat food.
This oh so much. Especially being in the military in a town that has a very low cost of living. How the fuck anyone can go broke in god damn Goldsboro, North Carolina... I haven't a clue. I bank at least half of my monthly income without even trying, and that's with the normal round of bills: car, rent, cable/internet, power, water, gas (for heating/stove).

Got a friend who's same rank and been in the exact same amount of time as me (came in to the AF the same day) and unmarried. Somehow he's out of money 5 or 6 days of being paid. I just do not get how people are so terrible with money.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
When I owned a business at least 50% of the guys in the shop were broke before payday. Many of them were making pretty good money for not living in an expensive area to live. $25-$35/hour plus overtime and that was 10 years ago. Payday was Friday and by noon Thursday they were asking for advances on their next check to pay some bills. Guys would bring in stuff like guns and want to sell them for pennies on the dollar to raise cash during the week as well. We would work a long stretch of overtime and the first week or two without it they were all broke as shit all over again.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
My mom gave me a weekly allowance of $5 for cleaning the bathrooms every Saturday morning. I could spend it on lunch during the week or save it and spend it on action figures and go hungry.
Privileged mother fuckers.
This oh so much. Especially being in the military in a town that has a very low cost of living. How the fuck anyone can go broke in god damn Goldsboro, North Carolina... I haven't a clue. I bank at least half of my monthly income without even trying, and that's with the normal round of bills: car, rent, cable/internet, power, water, gas (for heating/stove).
Well cant be too hard on a lot of people in the military. On the one hand most are fucking idiots when it comes to managing finances and on the other, the government more or less encourages bad financial behavior. When I got back from Iraq we got a brand new guy into our shop who didnt exactly come from a sound financial background. What does he do? Proceeds to marry his gf, move into a $1500 a month apartment and finance a car from fucking Enterprise. I personally talked to the kid, as did every other NCO in our section and it was useless. That whole ordeal was also a case of severe jimmy rustling.


That guy
Privileged mother fuckers.

Well cant be too hard on a lot of people in the military. On the one hand most are fucking idiots when it comes to managing finances and on the other, the government more or less encourages bad financial behavior. When I got back from Iraq we got a brand new guy into our shop who didnt exactly come from a sound financial background. What does he do? Proceeds to marry his gf, move into a $1500 a month apartment and finance a car from fucking Enterprise. I personally talked to the kid, as did every other NCO in our section and it was useless. That whole ordeal was also a case of severe jimmy rustling.
Oh man the joys of young idiots getting married in the military. Could have an entire thread of jimmy rustling stories on that one.


Molten Core Raider
I am astounded how many adults have terrible money habits. Most of the guys (almost all) I used to work with would go to the 7 day store for both breaks, Mcdonalds for lunch/dinner depending on what shift, and come to work with some sort of morning meal. They would easily spend 5 dollars a trip to the 7 day store. By the end of the first week they were complaining about being broke.

The company starts a fairly decent matching plan with our 401s, I do some math for one of the other guys there. Show him by contributing a little more, (allowing the company to match more) he actually loses 5 dollars a paycheck (tax brackets I guess it was) but is in reality making more now. First couple of paychecks, sure enough, hes actually losing 5 dollars a paycheck but contributing MORE to his 401k. He comes to work tells me he has to stop the 401k because he cannot afford to lose the money. I tried to explain that if he couldnt afford to give up 5 dollars for his future then maybe he should quit smoking, or wasting so much on junk food and stuff, but he assured me the 5 dollars a week was killing him and cancelled his entire contribution to his plan. /sigh I guess it was karma we lost the contract, too many stupid mother fuckers there anyways.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Oh man, I can relate to this. I remember back yonder about 12-3 years ago when I was working a summer job to pay for Uni. I only worked summers in a shitty manual labour job, but managed to earn enough to pay for all I needed (I did live with my mother, so that helped). And not only did I have enough to see me through the winter, but also to set some aside. I did it by not fucking spending it on every new shiny gimmick that I saw, or eating fastfood every day or shit like that. I budgeted myself $50 per week on odds and ends and almost always had some left over. One day, during that period, this 17 year old I worked with came up to me with a brand new debit card he'd got from the bank with about $400 overdraft on it. He held it up to me proudly and said "There's $400 on this!" I tried to point out to him that $400 overdraft is not the equivalent of $400 in the bank. That he'd have to pay that shit back with sky high interest too, but to no avail.

Now I'm in a good job, saving up for an apartment and banking about 50% of all in spite of all the bills and (for me) living pretty sweet. Sometimes I go to friends houses, people who are always complaining about not having any money, and their homes are completely filled with shit. Gizmo's, gadgets, clothes, shoes games and shit they've only used once or twice.

The best financial lesson I have to tell anyone is if you're in a store and see some shit that you think you need: Put it down and walk out. A couple of days later, if you still think you need it, then you can buy it. You'll save yourself a fortune.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My mom gave me a weekly allowance of $5 for cleaning the bathrooms every Saturday morning. I could spend it on lunch during the week or save it and spend it on action figures and go hungry.
Lucky ass. I would get paid 25 cents every tuesday night to go around the house and gather all the trash cans, put them in a trash bag and put the trash out by the street. Family of 6, so we had 2 smaller trash cans upstairs for my older brother/sister. 1 in our main floor bathroom and 1 in the basement bathroom and then our main trash can in the kitchen. Sometimes I'd skip the basement trash can (me and my other brother lived in the basement) just so I didn't have to gather as much. I always thought I was pretty sly when I'd get away with it as well.

I even had this sweet ass Bunny Bank (fuck the piggy pank!) that I'd store all my change in. Was really badass too because it was made out of real bunny fur.