Whats rustling your jimmies?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
The fact I never fucking plug in a USB cable right the first time ever.
I know how you feel. Pisses me off, especially since I don't have any USB extension so I have to bend down and twist sideways to get to the back of pc and plug it in.



Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm pretty sure that if he's going to ask the community for assistance, we need tits up front. Just sayin'... Rules are rules.
I could deliver the tits but really it would cost more than $1.35. I mean come on I know I was diagnosed as having massive brain damage but give me some credit.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This new condo im living in. It seriously has to be the most backwards ass horribly designed building in the history of human habitation. I honestly think someone took a design from a school that is meant as a "this is what you dont do when building something" and actually built it for living in.

The Nozz_sl

The term "Global Climate Change Denier" or any derivation thereof.

The only other type of "denial" I know of is "Holocaust Denial," sickens me to have the debate on climate change equated to the genocide of 6 million people.

Shit, even creationists dont get called "Evolution Deniers"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The term "Global Climate Change Denier" or any derivation thereof.

The only other type of "denial" I know of is "Holocaust Denial," sickens me to have the debate on climate change equated to the genocide of 6 million people.

Shit, even creationists dont get called "Evolution Deniers"
That's because creationists actually have an opposing theory. They aren't just going "lalala, fingers in ears, DIDN'T HAPPEN!" or in the case of climate change "isn't happening". That's called denial, they don't have an -ism just don't believe in something.


Vyemm Raider
That's because people who deny that human activity is having an effect on our planet's climate are morons that don't deserve to be taken seriously.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
What human activity was happening to our climate during the period bewteen the 4 ice ages? I'm not saying we do or do not have a problem but apparently people who quote, publish these articles have never heard of he mathematical study of statistics and try to use 120 years of data to apply it to geological time.

Of course I am biased because I design refineries for a living so people can get to work or play using a car. I also have been diagnosed as having massive brain damage so it's ok. I guess I'm a rare find. A person with a triple major BS in wildlife management, enviromental science, biology, has a MS in wildlife management who desiigns evil refineries. Oh the irony.


Vyemm Raider
I don't want to shatter what remains of your broken mind but have you considered the possibility that humans can (slowly) contribute to climate change on top of the regular, run of the mill climate shifts that happen over the course of the earth's development?


In other news, why do military people lose their fucking shit every time someone does something that is labeled heroic or simply gets a lot of media attention? "Gay man in the NFL, who the fuck cares, what about this guy who was in the army who was drafted by the NFL! Why is nobody talking about that?" ... repeat for every story about anyone doing anything.


@Kreugen From my experience with the military (4 years in the Army) most people who stay in, and thus make the above comments, are FUCKING RETARDED! Like no common sense retarded. They stay in the military because it is the only way they are listened too because people below them have no other choice. Stick that same person in an office and you just found "that office person" (insert picture of Dwight from The Office).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
T-mobile customer service. So I'm having this problem with my phone not recognizing my simcard and having to restart at random. I researched the problem and even looked at the tmobile tech forums. Switched simcards, tried simcard in different phone and different simcard in my phone. Everything proves that it's the phone and not the simcard. I explain all this to customer service and how I did all the steps including factory reset etc. So do they say ok and start the warranty process to ship me a new phone? FUCK NO! I still have to waste 40 fucking minutes on the phone doing the SAME FUCKING SHIT I ALREADY SAID I DID. Is it asking too much to have someone be able to use common fucking sense and know the product they are providing tech support for instead of just reading off a fucking checklist?


Karazhan Raider
Somebody scraped against my car in the parking lot while I was at the dentist. Scraped the back end and damaged the bumper, and of course just left.


People who start Facebook accounts for their babies, or otherwise document every single thing that involves their babies, continuing so once they're children. It's not the fact that I resent them posting pictures of their children, it's the fact that this poor little bastard will have its entire life documented on social media (at least up to a certain point), without any consent on its part. I don't know about you, but I'd be pissed if I came to find that there were hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures of me plastered across the digital world for all to see.


NeoGaf Donator
People who start Facebook accounts for their babies, or otherwise document every single thing that involves their babies, continuing so once they're children. It's not the fact that I resent them posting pictures of their children, it's the fact that this poor little bastard will have its entire life documented on social media (at least up to a certain point), without any consent on its part. I don't know about you, but I'd be pissed if I came to find that there were hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures of me plastered across the digital world for all to see.
My mom has facebook accounts for both of her dogs. Uhg. Certainly not as bad but still annoying.


At least the dogs won't know enough, or live long enough, to be humiliated later in life when their friends discover their infant diaper pics and daily updates on the progress of their toilet training.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The term "Global Climate Change Denier" or any derivation thereof.
Hey, its climate disruption now. They've finally just about given in to the fact that the climate has always been changing, so they're shifting gears again.

Can't wait for the next hockey stick graph.