Whats rustling your jimmies?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't get why they get to skip the line. I understand taking them to the front so they don't have to go through the actual line itself, but they should sit in a little waiting area for however long the estimated wait is. Your disability is physical, not temporal! At least you have a seat.
I wish someone would make a theme park with notjusta "you must be this tall" sign, but also with a "you must be this thing" gap. If your wasteband or scooter doesnt fit, then go fuck yourself. There arent new rules for everything. If you eat cake until you live in a Rascal, then fuck you, you dont get to do certain things anymore.

If your own decisions make your bed, fucking sleep in it.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, but how do you know? We went to disney world for our senior trip in high school and a friend of ours just had surgery on his leg so he couldn't walk it (his doctor didn't even want him to go, but it was already booked and paid for). Did we use his handicap pass to avoid long lines?, sure. And I'm sure to people on the outside looking in we looked like a bunch of teenagers abusing the system, but our friend did have a legitimate reason to be in a wheelchair.
How does a person with a legit broken leg ride a rollercoaster?


Blackwing Lair Raider
When you see the same person person faking a leg injury get up from the chair and start dancing when the parade goes by, the jig is up.
What did you do stalk these kids around the park? Just as in my example, my friend could get up, walk, and probably do a little dance, doesn't mean he should be on his feet 12 hours. And they are fucking kids, they aren't thinking well maybe I should act somber and not enjoy skipping to the front of lines because some dude is creeping on me.

I don't get why they get to skip the line. I understand taking them to the front so they don't have to go through the actual line itself, but they should sit in a little waiting area for however long the estimated wait is. Your disability is physical, not temporal! At least you have a seat.
The parks are obviously aware how hot of an issue it is. Most attractions at the parks these days you still have to wait in line, you may get to skip the last like 5 minute wait, but you still wait in the bulk of the line until you get up front where the handicap access is.
I don't get why they get to skip the line. I understand taking them to the front so they don't have to go through the actual line itself, but they should sit in a little waiting area for however long the estimated wait is. Your disability is physical, not temporal! At least you have a seat.
bro wtf? you're basically saying all disabilities have the same limitations.. in one fell comment.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This talk of abusing the system reminds me of when I worked in conventions. There was this one lady that asked/made myself and the staff do everything for her from pull out her chairs to get her plates of food at a self-serve buffet. Hours later when the event was over and everybody was shufflingout, we started breaking down the offerings she saw this across the build and ran faster than I ever could so she could get one more plate. /rustled. Months later she pulled the same "I just got out of surgery" gag in a store I just happened to be in. She asked me if I could help her load her rascal-shopping cart. I told her "no" and she unphased asked a different person using the same line. /rustled. I wanted to dump her cart out and throw all her shit in random directions; I even paused to consider it.


Unelected Mod
Students who come to me BEGGING for anything extra they could do to increase their grade, who also did not even attempt the extra credit homework I assigned a week before the final.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The fact that parents can get an exemption from giving their children vaccines and be admited to school.


Tranny Chaser
Students who come to me BEGGING for anything extra they could do to increase their grade, who also did not even attempt the extra credit homework I assigned a week before the final.
How does it feel making a difference?


Tranny Chaser
The fact that parents can get an exemption from giving their children vaccines and be admited to school.
You realize we don't administer each and every vaccine ever made, right? We don't even have the same vaccination programs as adjacent countries, different risk assessment.


<Gold Donor>
You realize we don't administer each and every vaccine ever made, right? We don't even have the same vaccination programs as adjacent countries, different risk assessment.
I get your point, but so? If your country has decided that a particular vaccine is not worth giving (for whatever reason, likelihood of contraction, cost, side effects, whatever), that's an entirely different situation than letting a couple of kids get exemptions because of "celebrity science" from things they HAVE determined as necessary. That is putting everyone else that comes in contact with that kid at risk simply because their parents are dipshits, versus everyone in the country being at risk equally from something else.


You realize we don't administer each and every vaccine ever made, right? We don't even have the same vaccination programs as adjacent countries, different risk assessment.
Pretty sure what he is referring to involves dumbass parents getting an exemption for a vaccine required for a child to attend public schools.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
If you're going to get rustled by people exercising freedom and doing what they think is best for their family, then I sincerely hope you stay rustled 24/7

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
If you're going to get rustled by people exercising freedom and doing what they think is best for their family, then I sincerely hope you stay rustled 24/7
So you dont get rustled at dumbass jehovahs witnesses who refused blood transfusions and the like?
Who said anything about him breaking his leg? And its not like disney world has intense roller coasters.
Lol for some reason I read that as broken leg. Either way, it just doesnt make sense to me. Either youre truly injured/disabled and in which case you shouldnt be on a damn roller coaster or youre not and in that case youre just abusing a system built upon political correctness/guilt.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
So you dont get rustled at dumbass jehovahs witnesses who refused blood transfusions and the like?
Not even a little bit. What business is it of yours? I'm much more rustled by buttinskies who try to force them to take transfusions.

Where does it stop? Would you also force me to take the HARP refinance that my mortgage company won't stop bugging me about?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Not even a little bit. What business is it of yours? I'm much more rustled by buttinskies who try to force them to take transfusions.

Where does it stop? Would you also force me to take the HARP refinance that my mortgage company won't stop bugging me about?
It depends. If its a parent who refuses to let their child have a life saving transfusion/operation then yes that rustles my jimmies. If its just an adult I could care less and hope they die so they stop stealing oxygen.

Jive Turkey

If you're going to get rustled by people exercising freedom and doing what they think is best for their family, then I sincerely hope you stay rustled 24/7
Vaccination programs rely on a large segment of the population to be vaccinated in order for the programs to be effective. It'severybody'sbusiness when idiots don't get their kids vaccinated