Whats rustling your jimmies?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have a green right turn arrow and a guy makes a fucking u-turn illegaly into my same lane. I lay into my horn on him, he STOPS in front of me for no fucking reason then he honks his horn and waves his arm for me to go around him. Fucking rustled.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Waiting for left turn, three cars in front of me, light turns green. Car in opposite direction who's going straight doesnt move. First three cars in front of me all do their turn right in front of him after waiting a few seconds to gauge if he's going to move or not. Comes my turn and the guy is still staring at his knees so I decide fuck it and go. Dude apparently finishes his text at that moment and slams on the gas when my car is in front of him. Collision avoided by a mere few inches.

Cop turns on his lights and comes after me. Finds my explanation reasonable (he saw the entire thing with his own eyes) and gives me only a warning.

Apparently going after fucknut for distracted driving was never a consideration.


Potato del Grande
I don't think the concept of turning left on a green light is taught anymore. People often can't manage easing into the intersection and then turning when they have the opportunity, or when the light changes yellow. Get a flashing yellow left turn arrow involved and holy shit people cease to be capable of functional thought.

Maybe people are just sheepish over oncoming traffic running red lights? On my 8-10 minute commute through town on main stoplight heavy streets I see 1-3 people run a red light. Like not just late on a yellow, but light is red as they're entering the intersection. And that's not even counting the dumb fucks who go late when traffic is backed up and get stuck in the intersection when it turns red because they're worthless, selfish assholes who should be skull fucked.

The one pissing me off recently that I'm noticing more of is single left turn lane into two lanes or more and people seem to think it advisable to go wide like they're Mario fucking Andretti trying to pull off a pass on the final lap of the Indy 500. Yeah, it's not always feasible to turn into the nearest lane (even though it's the law, at least where I am). I don't always if I have a quick right turn to make. But trying to pass me on the right by trusting I'm going to turn into the nearest lane as you gun it for the far lane? What the actual fuck?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Drove into the small town here today which I never do. Clusterfuck all the way around. They were having a parade and shit for a girl who is on American Idol. Didn't even know that was still on.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Since we're on traffic, they royally fucked an intersection near my office (off the freeway). First, they did an extension, which was good, but the angle of the road coming into the underpass and leaving it are different and they didn't extend any lines to suggest which lane foes where. So it's a free for all. Before the underpass, the road is 3 lanes. Under the freeway it's 4, and on the other side it's 2. If you're in that middle lane before the light, you might have no choice where you go because the fuckheads on either side of you might ... nay likely will do something stupid.

Same intersection coming a different direction, they used to have a turn lane, a u turn lane and 2 straight lanes. They decided to change the u turn lane into a u turn or left turn lane. What this does is fuck over the people who know WTF they're doing because after 2 cars deciding to turn left in the leftmost lane, the u turn is blocked off. The people in that lane pretty much have to turn left again since they're on the inside lane unless they do something stupid under the freeway ... Oh yeah, that's right they do usually do something stupid.

I'm not really explaining it well. Bottom line is whoever made those decisions is a fucking moron and I could probably get out there with a bucket of white paint and fix it if I wasn't so lazy.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Left my car at the bar overnight, didn't pick it up by 10am--got towed to the tune of $240. That rustles the shit out of my jimmies.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't see the bar staying in business for too much longer if it keeps pulling shit like that. A yelp review or getting the local news involved about that nonsense would probably change their tune real fast.

My jimmies are now rustled.


Avatar of War Slayer
Those exist? Sounds like the stupidest thing ever.
Because most* Americans have no clue how they function and most have such an irate disposition and DARE NOT go around 1 or 2 more times to safely and properly move outward and exit their at their desired lane they just don't turn out well so rather than rebuild the intersection they put lights up and make things somehow worse. There is one at a beach where I live and its very popular nice beach- but dealing with that roundabout makes me never go there.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Had my car impounded once in massatwoshits (I think it was baahstahn). They let me get it out without paying the fine, just the impound fee (like $20 I think). I'm pretty sure I'm a wanted man in massatwoshits now.


what Suineg set it to
Pool pump has always been a little obnoxious, not terribly loud but noticeable as it is sitting right on a concrete pad near the master bedroom. Started doing research into what I could do to muffle the sound a while back and all these elaborate sound deadening housings and walls were suggested so I just ignored it because it wasn't worth the price from all these specialty stores/vendors. Finally last week I decided to buy some $3 anti-shock rubber pads like they use on air compressors figuring what the hell.

About 2/3rds reduction in noise just by putting a $3 piece of rubber underneath the rear feet where the motor is. Apparently most of the sound was the motor vibration being transmitted to the foundation through the concrete pad.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, turns out some of our traffic concepts are tough to grasp for the average masses. Sometimes we forget that this forum's average IQ is probably 10-30 higher than the average idiots in their surrounding areas. Oh, and it's not linearly proportional. Bell curves are a bitch.

This roundabout discussion is particularly hilarious to me, because my commute to work involves 3 4-way stop signs. NOT ONE SINGLE FUCKING DAY has gone by that someone doesn't understand the fucking right-of-way for a 4-way stop. STOP FUCKING WAVING ME TO GO, YOU IGNORANT FUCK, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. FUCKING RUSTLED.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pool pump has always been a little obnoxious, not terribly loud but noticeable.
My laser printer has a high pitched electrical whine when idle. I leave it turned off unless I need to print something. Bothers me to no end.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I have a green right turn arrow and a guy makes a fucking u-turn illegally into my same lane. I lay into my horn on him, he STOPS in front of me for no fucking reason then he honks his horn and waves his arm for me to go around him. Fucking rustled.
mspaint pls


Not Smrt
<Gold Donor>
Pool pump has always been a little obnoxious, not terribly loud but noticeable as it is sitting right on a concrete pad near the master bedroom. Started doing research into what I could do to muffle the sound a while back and all these elaborate sound deadening housings and walls were suggested so I just ignored it because it wasn't worth the price from all these specialty stores/vendors. Finally last week I decided to buy some $3 anti-shock rubber pads like they use on air compressors figuring what the hell.

About 2/3rds reduction in noise just by putting a $3 piece of rubber underneath the rear feet where the motor is. Apparently most of the sound was the motor vibration being transmitted to the foundation through the concrete pad.
Be careful. Could also be a sign of the bearings starting to go out if it has them.


Potato del Grande
Since we're on a traffic rustle lately, the one that gets my jimmies rustling is fucking morons who can't comprehend the fact that there are pedestrians in this world. Sit at a light waiting for the crosswalk so I can cross, car sitting directly beside me at the same fucking red light. Light turns green, I start walking, fucking car that was sitting right beside me for 3 minutes at the light decides to accelerate at top speed into the turn and then slam on their brakes when they realize that yes, in fact, the fucking guy standing beside you at the crosswalk did indeed want to cross the street and they have to slam on their brakes.

The other one that I like is when i'm crossing from the far side of cars who would be making right turns through the crosswalk and I can see a line of 20+ cars waiting to turn and not a single one can take the 2 seconds out of their day to let me finish crossing as I stand in the middle of the road. Nope, instead they speed up through the turn if there ends up being a gap between them and the car in front of them and it looks like I might actually finish crossing in front of them.

I seriously consider bringing 3-5 decent sized rocks with me some days just so I can break some windows when people want to act retarded (aka the ones who do this shit then get madat mefor trying to cross the street the legal way).


what Suineg set it to
Since we're on a traffic rustle lately, the one that gets my jimmies rustling is fucking morons who can't comprehend the fact that there are pedestrians in this world. Sit at a light waiting for the crosswalk so I can cross, car sitting directly beside me at the same fucking red light. Light turns green, I start walking, fucking car that was sitting right beside me for 3 minutes at the light decides to accelerate at top speed into the turn and then slam on their brakes when they realize that yes, in fact, the fucking guy standing beside you at the crosswalk did indeed want to cross the street and they have to slam on their brakes.

The other one that I like is when i'm crossing from the far side of cars who would be making right turns through the crosswalk and I can see a line of 20+ cars waiting to turn and not a single one can take the 2 seconds out of their day to let me finish crossing as I stand in the middle of the road. Nope, instead they speed up through the turn if there ends up being a gap between them and the car in front of them and it looks like I might actually finish crossing in front of them.

I seriously consider bringing 3-5 decent sized rocks with me some days just so I can break some windows when people want to act retarded (aka the ones who do this shit then get madat mefor trying to cross the street the legal way).
Out here unfortunately the crosswalks are often set during green lights as opposed to all red, so during busy times of day you can't turn right without running over some slow asshole in a crosswalk. I can appreciate not having to wait in some intersections but there's some pretty major ones that are just idiotic without separate pedestrian crossing time.