Whats rustling your jimmies?


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Spending a few hours on 4 job apps? Shit I apped to 4 jobs in a minute and managed to accidentally get a new job 3 weeks later.
Yeah, not every job is the same, man. Last job I applied for was a solid week of work, and involved many hundreds of pages of writing. The Humanities are a whole different ball o wax.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah no shit, if theys only a few you're a fit for its better to not rapid fire out without adjusting resume to fit their posting at minimum


what Suineg set it to
But I just hit 'apply instantly thru Indeed' a lot but never got no interviews!!!!11


I have a job, but it's dangerous, stressful, and only pays 12.30/hr.
I work 6 days a week and every first monday. This day of nuggets was my first day off in 12.
I've been looking to upgrade/advance

Honestly stumped on the nugget hate though
What's dangerous and pays $12.30 if you don't mind me asking?


Vyemm Raider
I have a job, but it's dangerous, stressful, and only pays 12.30/hr.
I work 6 days a week and every first monday. This day of nuggets was my first day off in 12.
I've been looking to upgrade/advance

Honestly stumped on the nugget hate though
love nuggets.....just not the proper food for a 2 year old
capri loves chik-fil-a


Trakanon Raider
4 for $4 is filling and cheap. You try making that for $4.
I know this isn't the weight loss thread but there are plenty of options.

Sliced avocado, cup of brown rice, black beans and you still have like 2 dollars left over to buy a soda.


Time it takes to shop and do meal prep. Meal planning so you're not throwing shit out. The give a shit to do those things in the first place. Hell knowing how and what to cook is something a lot of folks don't know these days.

I haven't cooked since late February or so myself. Throw in a picky kid and an unhappy wife making things even harder and we'd have nuggets for every meal.

It's terrible for you an expensive as hell but I spend $500 a month on smokes anyway. The fuck do I care?


Vyemm Raider
if the kid wants nuggets, go to the supermarket, by precooked frozen nuggets from tyson or perdue, throw them in the oven and save yourself some money, gas, time...
while there cooking you can bend over your chain smoking gem of a wife and show her who the man is, can't be more dangerous then your $12.20 per hour job


Avatar of War Slayer
if the kid wants nuggets, go to the supermarket, by precooked frozen nuggets from tyson or perdue, throw them in the oven and save yourself some money, gas, time...
while there cooking you can bend over your chain smoking gem of a wife and show her who the man is, can't be more dangerous then your $12.20 per hour job
And you can eventually scam them into eating the whole grain breaded nuggets! and the dino shaped ones as treats! However chik-fi-la is not that bad in the health land of nuggets comparatively...its just expensive, you can do a sit-down restaurant for the same- cheaper if you go on a kids eat free night... But I eco the thing about soda... my brother gives his kids soda... mine have never had soda outside a sip or 2 of gingerale when they have upset tummys once or twice and another few sips of sparkling apple juice on new years my wife had, never have they sat down with a cup of soda... heck even fruit juice and gatoraid we water down. But I think the chain smoking wife needs some, encouraging redirection.


Mental Health Counselor - get attacked every day, shit on pissed on
Yeah, better man than I for sure. Any certifications or just otj training? Seems low for that level of interaction... fucks sake they pay LTC CNAS 11-12/h locally in Florida and for the most part those people are retarded, lazy, absolute scum of the earth.

If you were an electrician with a comp Sci degree I'd have pointed you to my company. Good luck with the search though man. I know how hard that shit can be and the people who deal with it deserve a lot more than they get.

Seriously though, if that kind of behavior from the wife is new or unusual try to find out what's going on. Things don't just get better or work themselves out. If she's unhappy you've got a finite time frame to address whatever's going on.


Trakanon Raider
Rustled some ladies jimmies today, she tried to "pay it forward" and buy my lunch and I told her no. My lunch spot is now blown up since the weather has turned nice and people actually go outside.


I'd refuse unless they had a reason for doing so. Especially in a busy lunch spot, ain't nobody got time for that fuckery during lunch. I say that while being lucky enough to take as long of a lunch I feel like taking.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Sounds like the dude needs some help. Do we have any mental health professionals in the house?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
How much fuckry is it? If anything it takes you less time because now you don't have to pull out the wallet. Only reasonable objection I can think of is if you get offended because you think the other person thinks you're indigent or something. If that's the case, be offended at yourself and maybe try bathing and wearing nicer clothes.