Whats rustling your jimmies?


privileged excrementlord
1. Opening the Door for someone, and they pass by without acknowledging it. Like I was supposed to open it for them.
2. When someone is driving terribly, and I pull up-beside them, and they are an asian woman, on the phone, with a shield over their face, eating dim sum.
3. When people tell me I should do this, this, and this with my movie, yet have never made a movie in their entire life.
your movies should have more oiled up titties

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
The Weather Channel naming every storm with dumbass names, and using the phrase "Hunker Down" every 15 minutes - to the point that people they interview clearing store shelves of milk and bread are telling their "reporters" that they are going to go home after and "Hunker Down".


Fucking women who think being female gives them the excuse for willful ignorance. "Oh, I just let my boyfriend/husband do X; you know how X is a guy thing. Women can't understand it."

Also, the pregnancy-is-a-handicap card. Yes, there are some women who legitimately have high-risk pregnancies, but neither you nor your spawnling will suffer if you have to do cashier-level manual labor when you are only two months pregnant.

I want to punch both these types of women.



Unskippable cutscenes in video games.

Any video game that doesn't have an instant exit button. Games today are like this:

Click on exit
Would you like to exit?
Click on exit again
Are you sure?
Clicks on exit yet again
Exit now?
Clicks on exit with forehead
Game exits.


Trakanon Raider
Fucking people who own a used or 5 year or more luxury car. It seems like 90% of the pain in the ass customers I deal with bitch and moan about the tiniest things on their 06 BMW 325.

Cunts who assume that since im on a bicycle at a four way stop, im clearly gonna blast.through it so I uave to come to a complete stop and put a foot on the ground before they will go.

Any pedestrian who walks blindly through intersections cause they are busy updating their twitter.

My jimmies get rustled quite easily.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Bicyclists who ride with friends in a straight line so I have to wait for a huge opening to pass them.


The Big Mod
it really rustles my jimmies when I spend an hour at a department store and can't find anything in 17.5 36. actually I found one thing but refused to buy it on principle. who the fuck are the assholes out there with the tiny 15 inch necks that are abundantly stocked? hit the gym you pussies.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, everyone in Jacksonville must wear the same pant size that I do, because it's impossible to find any that I would wear. Jimmies rustled.


Saw 2 kids walking across the busiest street in my 'burb. Yeah, both on their phones not paying a damn attention to even the car horns blaring at them, holy fuck did I just wanna go up to them and pound their faces in. All the while the lazy ass cop whos parked in the parking lot near them with his cruiser parked away from traffic sitting there just smoking and talking on his phone. That shit would not fly in the town next to us (Ghetto), people probably would beat those kids ass and the cops would be joining in on it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Groups of people in the mall who walk 3-4 abreast so it takes up the entire width of the walkway. And walk slow as fuck.

You would not believe the thoughts of murder and carnage that flutter through my mine before I politely say, 'excuse me' and walk past them.
Carry a bag of poppers (noise makers) in your pocket.


You can clear a hole real fast.



Carry a bag of poppers (noise makers) in your pocket.


You can clear a hole real fast.
In this day and age of the majority of the population being complete pussies, I wouldnt doubt that shit would land you in jail. If little kids are being suspended from school for playing cops and robbers and using their fingers as guns, this shit will probably get you shot by some crazy cop.



People who slam on brakes when they realize they are going 5 mph over the limit, while going UP a mountain.

People who say the speed limit is handed down directly by GOD.

A 47 year old that says "my mamma says" to get out of doing something.

A 32 year old that acts like a complete slave to their parents.

People that think if they go near the woods, "Indians will drag them off" and "do things" they "won't like" to "their tail-hole".

People who blame their 14 year old child for not getting a job and taking care of them.

People who try to force their 16 year old son to have kids with his cousin and when he doesn't, his mother puts several tubes of lipstick in the bathroom and calls up everybody she knows and asks then not to say anything about his "gayness"

Women who work like hell to have a child with her brother.

People who jack off in a shower stall while telling people "don't be looking at Gerald's fuck face"
People who refer to themselves in the third person.

People that have chicken plucking contests to determine who marries who (most people at said contest are blood relatives).

People who want to go deer hunting but don't because they are afraid the deer is going to butt fuck them.

People who say they are extremely allergic to eggs but suck down french toast by the dozen.
Audible eaters.

Seriously. Think for a fucking second, you low life. No one wants to hear you orally processing food. It's just bloody disgusting. Close your mouth, and chew in a way that doesn't resemble a dog. Same goes for gum. Imagine how pleasant it is to sit beside you on a plane for two hours, and listen to you chew the whole time.

Anyone who does this is incredibly thoughtless and self centered.
I use that shit as a weapon, I snap my gum in the ears of fuckheads who are talking on their cell instead of doing whatever the fuck they are supposed to be and slowing down the world. Shit is fingernails on a chalkboard to most folks.

Rustled by - while in college any dimwit who constantly derails a prof with hypothetical minutia questions, STFU, your blather isn't gonna be on the mid-term, you aren't impressing anyone, go waste the profs time during office hours. And fuck profs who can't handle these people and tell em to STFU.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People who slam on brakes when they realize they are going 5 mph over the limit, while going UP a mountain.

People who say the speed limit is handed down directly by GOD.

A 47 year old that says "my mamma says" to get out of doing something.

A 32 year old that acts like a complete slave to their parents.

People that think if they go near the woods, "Indians will drag them off" and "do things" they "won't like" to "their tail-hole".

People who blame their 14 year old child for not getting a job and taking care of them.

People who try to force their 16 year old son to have kids with his cousin and when he doesn't, his mother puts several tubes of lipstick in the bathroom and calls up everybody she knows and asks then not to say anything about his "gayness"

Women who work like hell to have a child with her brother.

People who jack off in a shower stall while telling people "don't be looking at Gerald's fuck face"
People who refer to themselves in the third person.

People that have chicken plucking contests to determine who marries who (most people at said contest are blood relatives).

People who want to go deer hunting but don't because they are afraid the deer is going to butt fuck them.

People who say they are extremely allergic to eggs but suck down french toast by the dozen.
WTF dude. Move out of the south, or West Virginia.