Whats rustling your jimmies?


The space between the car in front of me and myself on the freeway is for my safety, not your big ass Expedition with blown out air bags.
this all the fucking time

I was on I-80 tonight and some dude was doing 70 in a 55, and the guy behind him REALLY wanted to go faster, so he keeps flashing his fucking headlights for a good minute before the dude finally gave up and let him pass.

Not that it rustles my jimmies, mainly because it wasn't me getting flashed at. But if I was getting high beamed, I'd just fucking break and do 45, and hopefully see him losing his shit behind me.
if the guy getting flashed at was in the left lane with no good reason (e.g.: exit on the left, passing other traffic, too many other cars to get over...), then they don't belong on the fucking highway. I'm not condoning speeding, but that fuck who wouldn't let him pass are one of the reasons why there are so many unnecessary backups, which in turn, causes people to speed to make up for the time lost in the backup...

i fucking hate traffic...anything related to it rustles me...




Just typing this is going to cause maximum rustle for me but I have to get it out.

My best friend of over 30 years, that I used to hang out with weekly, is absolutely obsessed with Call of Duty on xbox. For the last two years his ONLY topic of conversation has been call of duty, then battlefield 3, and now back to call of duty again.

This 35 year old man spends hours a day sitting in front of a TV SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER and somehow can't get enough of it. It doesn't matter how well the match is going, within seconds of starting a match he is red faced with rage and yelling so much that spit is flying out of his mouth. He's smashed countless controllers.

Whenever we go anywhere, the only thing he talks about is COD. If he's not talking about COD, he's on his smartphone IMing his xbro about COD, or showing me stats or videos of COD. Whenever I get a IM, odds are its another goddamn COD video or blah blah blah holy shit man I don't care anymore. Changing the subject is like stopping the goddamn tide by holding out your hands and pushing.

Sure, I played some BF3 and I have 30 hours or so in BO2. Thankfully I play on PC, right? Except BF3 tracks your stats online for all to see and holy shit he knew all my stats better than I did and WOULD NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THEM. Mostly its, "dude anyone who plays with a mouse and keyboard and doesn't have 90% accuracy with a 10:1 k/d just fucking sucks and should quit. I'd get 200 kills every game without dying if I played on PC." The fact that everyone on PC was playing with a mouse would not register because "dude everyone on pc sucks"

It got to where when I try to play BF3 or COD, I can hear his goddamn voice in my head mocking everything do and I can't enjoy it any more. It's like that goddamn rerolled IRC channel where they blab about Blood Bowl 23 hours a day except I'm out at a bar somewhere and can't escape it. Christ, I'm happy he brings his GF along so I can have someone to talk to except all SHE talks about is how fucking sick she is of him and her son sitting side by side screaming at the TV. I hardly ever hang out with the guy anymore because why fucking bother.
"Adults" with kids who play video games all day instead of raise their kids or interact with their wife. That dude's kid is gonna grow up to be a massive loser because of his dad. You should tell him that.
Just typing this is going to cause maximum rustle for me but I have to get it out.

My best friend of over 30 years, that I used to hang out with weekly, is absolutely obsessed with Call of Duty on xbox. For the last two years his ONLY topic of conversation has been call of duty, then battlefield 3, and now back to call of duty again.

This 35 year old man spends hours a day sitting in front of a TV SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER and somehow can't get enough of it. It doesn't matter how well the match is going, within seconds of starting a match he is red faced with rage and yelling so much that spit is flying out of his mouth. He's smashed countless controllers.

Whenever we go anywhere, the only thing he talks about is COD. If he's not talking about COD, he's on his smartphone IMing his xbro about COD, or showing me stats or videos of COD. Whenever I get a IM, odds are its another goddamn COD video or blah blah blah holy shit man I don't care anymore. Changing the subject is like stopping the goddamn tide by holding out your hands and pushing.

Sure, I played some BF3 and I have 30 hours or so in BO2. Thankfully I play on PC, right? Except BF3 tracks your stats online for all to see and holy shit he knew all my stats better than I did and WOULD NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT THEM. Mostly its, "dude anyone who plays with a mouse and keyboard and doesn't have 90% accuracy with a 10:1 k/d just fucking sucks and should quit. I'd get 200 kills every game without dying if I played on PC." The fact that everyone on PC was playing with a mouse would not register because "dude everyone on pc sucks"

It got to where when I try to play BF3 or COD, I can hear his goddamn voice in my head mocking everything do and I can't enjoy it any more. It's like that goddamn rerolled IRC channel where they blab about Blood Bowl 23 hours a day except I'm out at a bar somewhere and can't escape it. Christ, I'm happy he brings his GF along so I can have someone to talk to except all SHE talks about is how fucking sick she is of him and her son sitting side by side screaming at the TV. I hardly ever hang out with the guy anymore because why fucking bother.
If he doesn't play Hardcore mode, he's got nothing to brag about. Find out if he does, then have him justify why he needs a map to locate his opponents.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Vatos that get in the carpool lane and aren't carpooling. It rustles my jimmies because I know if -I- get in there, CHP will catch me.


Trump's Staff
if the guy getting flashed at was in the left lane with no good reason, then they don't belong on the fucking highway. I'm not condoning speeding, but that fuck who wouldn't let him pass are one of the reasons why there are so many unnecessary backups, which in turn, causes people to speed to make up for the time lost in the backup...
People that don't know how to read really rustle my jimmies. Really? The dude doing 70 in a 55 is the cause of unnecessary backups?


<Gold Donor>
People that don't know how to read really rustle my jimmies. Really? The dude doing 70 in a 55 is the cause of unnecessary backups?
If he's on I-80 in California he is!

I get your point, just had to toss that in there. I think I might get shot here in California if my car didn't go over 70. Middle of Sacramento shit is always going faster than that, let alone outside of town with less traffic. Speed limit is 65 most places now, but same was true at 55. If you aren't doing 10 over, you aren't trying.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When you're descending into a sitting position over the toilet and meet the arc of release before touchdown only to realize the person before you put the lid down.


Being a victim of a hit and run accident really rustles my jimmies.
Saw that happen to a guy in a truck earlier, felt bad for him cause the guy that hauled ass outta there pushed him into the middle of an busy intersection during rush hour.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Hired a guy this week to do general shop cleanup, sweep the office, and wash the trucks of guys in the office one day a week. He said he was really excited about going back to work after being laid off and already had passed our drug test. Didn't show up the first or second day and when the HR guy called him he said he had a change of heart and didn't really want to go to work. I told the HR guy to send him a bill for the drug test. Moderately rustled.


When you're descending into a sitting position over the toilet and meet the arc of release before touchdown only to realize the person before you put the lid down.
I have never in my life understood people that sit without looking first. Even if the seat is down, it could still be covered in piss, shit, blood, AIDS, snot, spiders, or god knows what. You always check that shit first. People that complain about toilet seats or lids rustle my jimmies.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When you have to no-time-to-waste shit and haveanythingin the way - too many buttons, a clasp on pants in addition to zipper, dirty seat, seat cover dispenser not cooperating, tp coming in only quarter-inch rippets

When a direction form instructs you to go to a specific web address and click "Something in quotes" and nothing on the directed page says what's in quotes so you have to search all over and follow links of everything that looks similar, especially so if not just like website.com but website/click-here.here.com.

Not being able to ctrl+f when reading in rl