Whats rustling your jimmies?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I pay her and and instead of giving me my change she takes it and holds it over the fucking donation box, and says "would you like to help out the children and donate your change today?". I say "No, Thank you" again politely and put my hand under hers so she drops my change into my hand, and walk out.
I used to work in a convenience store. We only had one cashier who ever tried to hard sell the donation box (and the give a penny take a penny box before that). He was pocketing the money from them. He was also pocketing the money from concession sales. So keep an eye on that chick, she's probably up to something. Does she have the LCD screen turned around so customers can't see the prices as she rings things up?

Side note she also fucks like a tiger that's a tale best left for TGWBYHT.
It's been an hour and a half and I still haven't seen an update to that thread. You had better be composing that story right now.

Your life is weird if you are sitting down for 60 minutes and answering questions on a piece of paper every day. Perhaps you are mentally ill
How is having a white collar job weird? Life is an open book test, but no one tells you which is the right book to use.


<Gold Donor>
Upselling has pretty much always been around. When I worked at Taco Bell 25 years ago they still required us to ask if they wanted Cinnamon Crispas with that (not Twists you lazy fucks, we had Crispas!), or an extra taco, etc.

I pretty much just say "No, thank you" and brush it aside, because I know they fucking hate it too. The only way we'd ever come close to getting rid of it was if every time it happened we called corporate and complained, or filled out the complaint card, etc. We all know that the employees would love more than anything not to have to do it, so I don't blame them.

Hell, my dad used to be a real prick when I was a kid and he'd get a Quarter Pounder, and they'd ask if he wanted cheese, every time he'd reply, "If I wanted cheese, I'd have said so." When I finally worked fast food I explained how it was and told him to lay off. His jimmies were certainly rustled until then.


How is having a white collar job weird? Life is an open book test, but no one tells you which is the right book to use.
Alright if you're gonna use a fuckin metaphor to argue then this becomes meaningless and let's just agree that everything is everything


what Suineg set it to
Alright if you're gonna use a fuckin metaphor to argue then this becomes meaningless and let's just agree that everything is everything
Saying a test is only a piece of paper with written questions and a time limit is just as retarded, so what?
Your reaction to being tested is more important than the results I think.

Unless it's some menial job of course.

edit.. (and just responding to this one comment.. I don't know wtf is going on in this thread)


Golden Squire
It rustles my jimmies that every grocery store/pharmacy has its own card now if you want to actually get a decent price for shopping there.

*edit* another rustle just occurred so I'll tack it on here: head of HR at my company just edited something I wrote. She changed "in which all employees participated" to "which all employees participated in".

*edit* and another: people who say "libary".
Rite Aid is the absolute worst for the card thing. I don't want a keyring full of mini-cards, so I always tell them no. Instead of accepting that, they always insist on me having a new one. I have probably thrown away 10.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Bookstores used to be really bad about the card and you almost couldn't get out of the store without having to say no 4 times. They may still be like that but I rarely go in them now.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It's hard to go into a bookstore when they're all out of business. Fuck them (the big ones, at least) because having to decline signing up for various cards and magazines 20 times doesn't make me want to return.


I use cash probably like 0.0001% of the time when I purchase stuff. AmEx, yo. AmEx.
This, although I started working in a "hip" part of NYC and every store around the area is cash only. Really rustles my jimmies needing cash in my wallet almost every day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Most places now you just sign up once and then use your phone number every time after that. You don't need to carry a bunch of discount cards. Its still kind of silly how many places are doing discount cards, but some of them offer bonuses and shit if you shop there frequently and use your card.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Snapped this pic earlier;



Assholes who abuse handicap tags and stickers piss me off to no end. My mother is paralyzed on one side form a stroke, so when taking her places I have to use handicap spots. Countless times there has been some fat fucking assholes taking up spaces so I have to help her out at the curb and then park and run back to her. I swear the only time the spots are taken up is when I am with her. Seriously rustles my jimmies when people do that shit.


Assholes who abuse handicap tags and stickers piss me off to no end. My mother is paralyzed on one side form a stroke, so when taking her places I have to use handicap spots. Countless times there has been some fat fucking assholes taking up spaces so I have to help her out at the curb and then park and run back to her. I swear the only time the spots are taken up is when I am with her. Seriously rustles my jimmies when people do that shit.
People who make assumptions. My moms partner got a handicap tag last year after god knows how long of harassment from the two of us. She has massive issues with her left ankle, her knee's, and frankly every joint in her body from her arthritis which is unrelated to the previous two issues which are a result of her military service. She should have had a tag years ago but was much too proud to get one or use her cane in public. What lead to her decision to finally apply was being in so much pain she had issues breathing after a trip to the hardware store because she is still a motherfucking boss who works harder than half the construction workers in America.

Just because you can't see someones disability doesn't mean they don't have one and being overweight is just as likely, possible more likely to be a side effect of depression and reduced mobility resulting from their initial disability rather than the only cause. Are their people who are simply fat fucks who are too lazy and worthless to walk fifteen feet farther? Of course this is fucking America. How about you give people the benefit of the doubt instead of being a self righteous ignorant fuck though?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Sorry but handicap tags and handicap privileges in general are bullshit. The fact that someone can get a handicap license plate for a fucking motorcycle should tell you that.



Molten Core Raider
When my doctor calls back with my pregnancy results and my 16 year old boyfriend answers and now it's awkward for all 3 of us