Whats rustling your jimmies?




Trakanon Raider
Gay bullying and homophobia are two totally different things, that's all I took away from that gem of a picture.


Fat Cunt_sl said:
Ass Hole 2: Yeah. And why do fat people think they're entitled to more spacejust because they were born bigger??
The best part is that the fat cunt slipped and put her own being fat excuse into her made up dialogue for asshole #2.


<Gold Donor>
Proving a point. I need to lose some weight myself, but it bothers me that I do. Still, I have to do this to show how terrible your argument is.
What point are you trying to make? That you can run 10 miles? That somehow, being in shape makes you a better person? Where's your proof? What do you have, other than posturing? That's all you're doing. With all your incensed arguing the only point you prove is that you somehow think being fit is better than being fat. That's a personal belief and a value. It doesn't have anything to do with anyone else. Why take it so far as to put the burden of your inadequacy onto someone else? It makes no sense.

How am I weak minded because I believe what I believe? Because what I believe is wrong? Why is it wrong, because you said so? Because that poster said so? Because the government says so? It's apparently OK to rape a woman in the middle east, but not here. Over there you need four male witnesses to testify, but in America a woman cries rape and the guy goes to prison for ten year in a heartbeat. Which is right, which is wrong? And to clarify, you're the contradictory one. You state how you can't escape the fatties proclaiming their awesomeness on Facebook, yet at the same time you put yourself over them because you can run 10 miles or bench press three plates. That's great and everything, and I'd believe you if you said you didn't care, but for what reason other than your personal belief that one is better than the other are your jimmies in such a rustle?

Get your shit straight, man. These fat people aren't trying to oust you. They're standing up to social stereotypes that you've fallen into. If being in shape makes you happy, great; don't lord your happiness over people. That just shows how petty you really are.

As for athletes: where the fuck did I talk about athletes, or athletics in particular? I used "athletic" as an adjective to describe a physique. I never once said popular athletes or anything akin to that. Fitness models are NOT athletes, they are models, and their physique is FOR ONE PURPOSE: TO SELL STUFF. And the reason being...people buy into it, just like the fat people buy into McDonald's, and Snickers and popcorn and all that shit. So I ask again, why do you have a problem with someone's idea as to how to live their life? Insecure, aren't you?
What point are you trying to make? That you can eat 3 Big Macs? That somehow, being fat makes you a better person? Where's your proof? What do you have, other than posturing? That's all you're doing. With all your incensed arguing the only point you prove is that you somehow think being fat is better than being fit. That's a personal belief and a value. It doesn't have anything to do with anyone else. Why take it so far as to put the burden of your inadequacy onto someone else? It makes no sense.

How am I weak minded because I believe what I believe? Because what I believe is wrong? Why is it wrong, because you said so? Because that poster said so? Because the government says so? It's apparently OK to rape a woman in the middle east, but not here. Over there you need four male witnesses to testify, but in America a woman cries rape and the guy goes to prison for ten year in a heartbeat. Which is right, which is wrong? And to clarify, you're the contradictory one. You state how you can't escape the fitties proclaiming their awesomeness on Facebook, yet at the same time you put yourself over them because you can eat 3 Big Macs or finish an entire pizza. That's great and everything, and I'd believe you if you said you didn't care, but for what reason other than your personal belief that one is better than the other are your jimmies in such a rustle?

Get your shit straight, man. These fit people aren't trying to oust you. They're standing up to social stereotypes that you've fallen into. If being fat makes you happy, great; don't lord your happiness over people. That just shows how petty you really are.

As for fatties: where the fuck did I talk about fatties, or plus sized in particular? I used "plus sized" as an adjective to describe a physique. I never once said obese fatties or anything akin to that. Plus sized models are NOT professional eaters, they are models, and their physique is FOR ONE PURPOSE: TO SELL STUFF. And the reason being...people buy into it, just like the fit people buy into gyms and exercise and health food and all that shit. So I ask again, why do you have a problem with someone's idea as to how to live their life? Insecure, aren't you?


Well, as long as fat people continue to multiply it's easier for me to look good comparatively by eating nearly right and working out (too bad it hasn't done me much good but I still feel better about myself).


Why do you guys assume I'm fat? You're just reinforcing the fact that you have no basis for disliking fat people. Okay, maybe you don't dislike fat people, but you think them being overweight makes them lazy and slob like. That's also not very true, just the same as a jock or fit person being overly egotistical isn't accurate. What is true, is that you're all e-thugs with no validity in your arguments. You stand on selfish ideals and chauvinistic attitudes. None of you have made a single valid point. You're all arguing your preferences, which is retarded. You're not attracted to them...ok? I'm not attracted to most black women, but that doesn't make me a racist, and I don't go around lambasting black women for posting pictures of themselves on facebook and saying they're awesome or beautiful. I also don't get along well with most men, evidenced here, because I tend to side with feminine ideas and equality. (Note, NOT feminism.) It seems you fellows don't want anything to do with it, and would rather enslave the human race to what YOU think is right.

Fat people crowd my airplane, raise my health insurance/taxes, look disgusting and take fuckable women out of the game(Cute face but awful body) and they usually smell.
Oh, what is this? Me me me me me me. How selfish and imposing. People are in my way, this guy smells, this guy's fat....hey, people have different lifestyles. They aren't doing it to annoy you. Get over your ego and learn to deal with life in a passive manner instead of confronting every piece of it that shows itself to you. Seriously, it's no wonder all of you are so eager to get into a volatile argument when all you do is point out the things you hate in life and get steamed up about them. Jesus Christ.

Proving a point. I need to lose some weight myself, but it bothers me that I do. Still, I have to do this to show how terrible your argument is.
What point did you prove? Do you even understand where this argument got started from? The picture claimed being fat had to be from "excuses," or better yet rationalization. How is it right for someone to impose on a person that their body is a result of excuses? That's fucking harsh. EVERYONE is rationalizing themselves. That's kind of the whole deal with life: you find something to fulfill yourself. But it goes terribly wrong when you think your way of life is the right way, and someone else lives a certain way because they made up excuses. There's a big difference from using those subversive tactics and declaring someone an invalid because they aren't the same as you, and expressing your opinion that you think fat people are beautiful/ugly whatever. It's propaganda and overt egotism, and it's wrong. Also, why do you think you need to lose weight? Are you unhealthy? Do you wheeze and fail to accomplish the duties in your life? Or do you just want to look sexier, which is a completely subjective thing?

I hope all of you realize this conflict did NOT start because fat people have thin skin and feel ostracized. It started because fat people ARE ostracized. It has nothing to do with how they feel. It's a plain and simple fact they are discriminated against for no good reason, and none of you have provided any substantial evidence as to what makes being fat wrong, or how it hurts YOU. All you have is "it looks gross." Thanks for sharing your non-constructive opinion. Supremely obese people with health problems are totally different than "overweight people," and lumping them both into the "morbidly obese" category is wrong. They are not the same thing. Being a 250lb man contributing to society is totally different than being an 850lb immobilized blob. If you want to argue about blobs, I'd side with you that those people need help. But overweight people? Give me a break.
Why do you guys assume I'm fat? You're just reinforcing the fact that you have no basis for disliking fat people. Okay, maybe you don't dislike fat people, but you think them being overweight makes them lazy and slob like. That's also not very true, just the same as a jock or fit person being overly egotistical isn't accurate. What is true, is that you're all e-thugs with no validity in your arguments. You stand on selfish ideals and chauvinistic attitudes. None of you have made a single valid point. You're all arguing your preferences, which is retarded. You're not attracted to them...ok? I'm not attracted to most black women, but that doesn't make me a racist, and I don't go around lambasting black women for posting pictures of themselves on facebook and saying they're awesome or beautiful. I also don't get along well with most men, evidenced here, because I tend to side with feminine ideas and equality. (Note, NOT feminism.) It seems you fellows don't want anything to do with it, and would rather enslave the human race to what YOU think is right.

Oh, what is this? Me me me me me me. How selfish and imposing. People are in my way, this guy smells, this guy's fat....hey, people have different lifestyles. They aren't doing it to annoy you. Get over your ego and learn to deal with life in a passive manner instead of confronting every piece of it that shows itself to you. Seriously, it's no wonder all of you are so eager to get into a volatile argument when all you do is point out the things you hate in life and get steamed up about them. Jesus Christ.

What point did you prove? Do you even understand where this argument got started from? The picture claimed being fat had to be from "excuses," or better yet rationalization. How is it right for someone to impose on a person that their body is a result of excuses? That's fucking harsh. EVERYONE is rationalizing themselves. That's kind of the whole deal with life: you find something to fulfill yourself. But it goes terribly wrong when you think your way of life is the right way, and someone else lives a certain way because they made up excuses. There's a big difference from using those subversive tactics and declaring someone an invalid because they aren't the same as you, and expressing your opinion that you think fat people are beautiful/ugly whatever. It's propaganda and overt egotism, and it's wrong. Also, why do you think you need to lose weight? Are you unhealthy? Do you wheeze and fail to accomplish the duties in your life? Or do you just want to look sexier, which is a completely subjective thing?

I hope all of you realize this conflict did NOT start because fat people have thin skin and feel ostracized. It started because fat people ARE ostracized. It has nothing to do with how they feel. It's a plain and simple fact they are discriminated against for no good reason, and none of you have provided any substantial evidence as to what makes being fat wrong, or how it hurts YOU. All you have is "it looks gross." Thanks for sharing your non-constructive opinion. Supremely obese people with health problems are totally different than "overweight people," and lumping them both into the "morbidly obese" category is wrong. They are not the same thing. Being a 250lb man contributing to society is totally different than being an 850lb immobilized blob. If you want to argue about blobs, I'd side with you that those people need help. But overweight people? Give me a break.
Jesus fucking Christ, so holier than thou. You talk about personal preference and then you come in here to change the majority ruling viewpoint. Practice what you preach and get the fuck out of here, you dumb twat. You make it like we're going out murdering fat people. It's called the Rustled Jimmies Thread because we come here to vent about what pisses us off. FOR GOD'S SAKE WE HAVE A CURVY GIRL THREAD, YOU STUPID FUCK. DO YOU SEE ANY OF US IN THERE BASHING THE CURVY BITCHES?

We presented plenty of reasonable counter-points, you're just being a sore bitch and would rather get all wet and emotional over it. We've said it repeatedly: WE DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH FAT FUCKS UNTIL........ It's when they open their fat fucking mouths and cry about the world being unfair and not cattering to their feelings. They see something that hurts their feelings and suddenly we're supposed hold the fuck up and have a group therapy session over it?

"The picture claimed being fat had to be from "excuses," or better yet rationalization. How is it right for someone to impose on a person that their body is a result of excuses? That's fucking harsh."

Holy fucking moses, how could anyone possibly interpret that from a poster with like three fucking words on it? Ever hear of Nick Vujicic? Some dude born with no arms and legs. Does motivational speaking about how he's happy with his life even though he can't do a cartwheel or some shit like that. So when I get depressed I think of that mother fucker and I say: Damn if that nugget can be happy, then what's my excuse?

But from your applied point of view, I think I'll write him an angry bitch letter instead about how he hurt my soggy feelings and how I don't have an excuse to be sad anymore.


Molten Core Raider
Fat people have thin skin because they HAVE to have thin skin to survive.

Think about it. The heavier you are, the less you can do for yourself. A fit person can do anything a fat person can do, but it doesn't work the other way around. So they have to act entitled when they get passed a certain weight, its human nature.

Need to walk up some stairs to get groceries to eat to stay alive? Past a certain weight you better have a fucking ramp or a elevator or a fucking scooter. Its eating, same goes for making a living or shopping or whatever the fuck your doing. If you don't make a stink and get a ramp, scooter, elevator, hip replacement, diabetes medication you will not live life long. Life gets to harder the fatter you get, the harder it gets the more help you need, the more help you need the more you effect the people around you.


Molten Core Raider
When I think about how valuable a person is I like to put them in a hunter gatherer situation in my head.

So a fat dude needs to be out hunting to get his food, but he cant run. Can't move quietly. Can't use a bow and arrow properly because of body make up and lack of strength. If fat dude does go try and hunt he gets killed by a predator. So he doesn't hunt, he has to sit in camp. When the fit hunters come back from a hunt the fat dude has to cry and bitch or be manipulative enough to get fed.

So a fat chic needs to gather to provide for her family. But due to her size has a larger caloric need. She would also not be strong enough to carry a big enough load back to camp. So she would bring less back and also eat more than her share.

This is what happens in today's society, just on a much larger and more intricate scale.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
So an overall increase in our healthcare costs due to the obesity of other people doesn't affect us?
Wasn't the case till a month ago. Thank 0 that you have to foot the medical bill for fatties now.

Fat people have thin skin because they HAVE to have thin skin to survive.

Think about it. The heavier you are, the less you can do for yourself. A fit person can do anything a fat person can do, but it doesn't work the other way around. So they have to act entitled when they get passed a certain weight, its human nature.

Need to walk up some stairs to get groceries to eat to stay alive? Past a certain weight you better have a fucking ramp or a elevator or a fucking scooter. Its eating, same goes for making a living or shopping or whatever the fuck your doing. If you don't make a stink and get a ramp, scooter, elevator, hip replacement, diabetes medication you will not live life long. Life gets to harder the fatter you get, the harder it gets the more help you need, the more help you need the more you effect the people around you.
You think that only happens with fat people, and that it happens with all of them?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
No you didn't. They paid for themselves, or they didn't get care.


<Bronze Donator>
Ok, you are that dumb or you're sorta kinda trolling.

Try again, you're stuck in somewhere in the middle.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Ok, you are that dumb or you're sorta kinda trolling.
Isn't this the guy who sits on the toilet rim instead of the toilet seat? If so, I'm going with "that dumb".