Whats rustling your jimmies?


Got something right about marriage
Smoking cessation help. I went to a walk-in office (it's not a clinic, it has PCPs on staff but also allows walk-ins) 2 minutes from work yesterday to get advice and help choosing a smoking cessation product (patch, gum, whatever). I told the nurse at the desk what I was there for and she said "Oh... I don't know if we do that, let me check". She comes back and says I need a PCP (primary care physician) for that. I told her I don't have one at the moment because when I switched jobs I stopped going to mine because he was now too far away. She says OK and sets me up with one at this office. 20 minutes later she comes back out to tell me that none of the PA's and PCPs at the office that day do this and I need to make an appointment to come back next week. Why the fuck is this so hard?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fucking Verizon not letting me drop a service on the website. Have to call. Get x-fered 3 times before I get to the person who CAN help. Shan-E-Qwa proceeds to try to sell me shit I don't want or care about, instead of dropping the phone I asked to be dropped.

After an hour of this nonsense I keep the phone service and get a monthly discount that saves me more than dropping the phone would have saved me......dafuq is wrong with these companies?


A buddy and his wife, whom I supported financially for 6 months awhile back, are back on their feet and now doing better than I am. I spotted his wife my last $20 days before payday and when I asked for it back days later, not "few hours" as agreed upon, by both of them, and he's currently blasting me in texts right now about not being there for his family because I asked for it back.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Cut all ties with that piece of shit and never speak to him again. You only live once, dont waste your time on worthless assholes like that.


A buddy and his wife, whom I supported financially for 6 months awhile back, are back on their feet and now doing better than I am. I spotted his wife my last $20 days before payday and when I asked for it back days later, not "few hours" as agreed upon, by both of them, and he's currently blasting me in texts right now about not being there for his family because I asked for it back.
I've learned never to lend money to any one. I lent a good friend of mine who I have known for more than 8 years $200, he was also currently my roommate. We agreed he would pay it back when he filed taxes several months down the line but instead he got all pissy when I asked about it and moved out without paying rent and costing me more money.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Being stonewalled by my PS3 needing a WPA key.
Internet doesn't help. I sense that this should be easy, but every time I try to read up and figure it out the concentrated effort opens the floodgates of accumulated repressed tiredness and I put it off for the next day, forgetting about it until I try to open Netflix and ragequit again until the next day.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Printers . . . fucking printers!!!

I could tell my story and have a rant, thing is, I know most people would have gone throu the sort of shit I had today so this is enough:

Fucking printers!!


Molten Core Raider
For those of you who worked or currently work in call centers... Specifically for anyone who has done any sort of collections work... Ten things that rustle my jimmies about customers/debtors.

1. "It's a personal insult to me that I'm being asked to pay my debt." If you owe money, don't be an asshole. If you don't want to pay, just say that. Or hang up. Don't pretend like it's the fault of the person calling you that you didn't pay your damn bill.

2. "I refuse to verify who I am." Listen, dipshit: I can't just call your number and start talking to you about your account because it might be some other dipshit who isn't you. If I ask you for your address and the security code YOU set up, don't pretend like I'm some master criminal that your dumb ass is catching red-handed. Yes. I get that a lot of people don't like to give out personal info on the phone. But for fuck's sake, accept that there are legit businesses you've worked with trying to contact you.

3. "I want to give you a lot of useless information you didn't ask for." If I ask you what city and state you live in, I don't need you telling me your zip code. I am not a walking encyclopedia of zip codes and even if I google it and figure out where it is, the zip codes don't always match up to your account. Just answer the fucking questions I ask you.

4. "I've been on hold for forever, but now I want to talk your ear off." Did it ever occur to you that the reason you were on hold for forever is the asshole before was JUST LIKE YOU? Maybe if everyone just shut the fuck up and got down to business it would be better on everyone. When you get to the front of a long line and there are a lot of people behind you, it's a dick move to take your time. That's still true when you can't see the line.

5. "I WANT TO TELL YOU MY LIFE'S STORY." See number 4 above. Also, and let me be utterly clear on this... I. DO NOT. GIVE. A SHIT. ABOUT YOUR LIFE. Please do not mistake my pleasant professional tone for friendship. I am not your pal. I don't actually enjoy talking to you and wouldn't do it unless I was getting paid. Stick to the business at hand. If I'm calling about your house loan, I don't want to hear about your dumb dog. If I'm calling about your credit card, I don't give a shit about horrible nasty disease. Call center reps are not social workers. Don't treat us like one.

6. "*sound of static/child crying/train going by/people talking*". Get somewhere quiet. Don't be an asshole. Your kid isn't going to fucking EVAPORATE if you put them down and walk into the other room while they're crying. And god forbid you tell junior to sit down and shut up while you're on your ghetto-fabulous Obamaphone.

7. "No. There's nothing else you can do for me today but now let me tell you about all the things I need for you to do for me today." If I ask you "Is there anything else I can do for you today" that means "We're done talking, but I'll get fired if I hang up on your dumb ass." If you ask people this about 80% of the time they will knee-jerk out a reply of "no" and then go RIGHT INTO what they need for you to do. Fucking annoying.

8. "You're being rude to me!" No, you blood-beltching vagina-faced afterbirth... THIS is being rude to you. Calling you a rotten-cunt and explaining to you that you have the I.Q. lower than my mouse pad is rude. Explaining to you that you're the lowest form of life shy of people who willingly commit felonies is rude. Telling you that the best career path you could choose is choking to death on your own vomit is rude. Addressing you as "sir" or "ma'am" and calmly informing you that you need to pay a bill that you owe isn't rude.

9. "I want to do the thing that you just told me isn't an option because I am a beautiful and unique snowflake." No. You're not. And if it meant getting off the phone with you now, I'd seriously punch myself in the nuts. If I give you options A, B, and C and you want to do none of them, then I CAN'T HELP YOU. No. You can't pay 5 dollars a month on your $10,000.00 credit card debt. Fuck yourself. With something rusty.

10. "I want to talk to your supervisor." Excellent. Now you can not only ruin my day, but you can also ruin HIS day too. Spoiler alert, jackhole: if I'm calling you to collect money for a delinquent bill that you owe, my supervisor doesn't give a shit about you. They don't care. Did you actually think they don't know what I say on my calls??? Do you think you're going to get on the phone and say, "Do you know that Zhavric told me I had to pay my bill!?!?" and get anything other than them laughing behind your back? You're a tattle tale. You're a moron. You've gotten larger, but you're still that kid in the cafeteria who wants to yell "I'M TELLING" and run to the lunch lady when shit doesn't go your way.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm going to hang that up in the call centers associated with my job as the new credo/mission statement.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to put that by my phone for inspiration on how to rustle the jimmes of you fucking fucks.

Though, to be clear, I don't owe anyone money. So when you assholes call me, you have a wrong number and refuse to believe it.

Also, anyone who would give the secret password out to someone that called them is pretty dumb. Probably dumb enough that they owe 10 grand to some shiesty credit agency.


Trump's Staff
People for whom "cover my ass" is apparently their most important job responsibility, and who fail to understand why anyone would be annoyed by this.

Lady, when a doctor from the receiving hospital calls you at fucking 1:30 AM saying his test wasn't done properly, he looked at the computer and it says that you did the test, and that he urgently needs the results, that means youdo the test again immediately. It does not mean that you instead spend the next two hours going around the lab taking cell phone pictures of equipment and digging up/photocopying problem/repair reports on the testing equipment in order to put together a comprehensive argument that the poor test results were not your fault.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Alcohol websites. Nothing is stopping you from entering a fake date of birth! There's a bajillion hardcore porn sites that don't bother doing this shit, but we must make sure no minors read about the latest craft beer from our brewery!