Wheel of Time


El Presidente
The showrunners amplify everything positive about the females capabilities. In the books, Nyn did impress Lan when she was able to track them after they left Edmond's Field.
That was actually after shador logoth or are you talking about in baerlon? which they totally skipped.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That was actually after shador logoth or are you talking about in baerlon? which they totally skipped.
I don't recall when it occurred, but in the books Nyn was not part of the group which left EF that night. She tracked them down later.


El Presidente
I don't recall when it occurred, but in the books Nyn was not part of the group which left EF that night. She tracked them down later.
right, but that was her feeling egwene at the inn. i think the tracking thing was later after they got split up after Aridhol.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Ok, major rant about the first episode. I'll spoiler in case anyone cares. My expectations were low, but I think this managed to fall below it.

Stuff that I didn't like about the first episode.

- Dragon can be a boy or a girl. Totally stupid, the entire premise of the book is about whether The dragon Reborn will go mad and break the world again before the last battle. Going mad happens only to male channelers, not females. Also the fact that the dragon is a man is what splits the White Tower between those that want to capture him and hold him shielded until the last battle and those(Moraine) who thinks he needs some freedom to be ready for the last battle.

- Moiraine and Lan getting naked in a tub, if you don't know about the books that strongly suggests they may be a couple or lovers. They never do that in the books, they are not Aiel after all. This also sorta diminish the culture shock of Aiel and the sweat tents having both male and female naked together if it's done elsewhere.

- The scene with Egwene getting her braid and becoming part of the Women's Circle, wtf the Woman's Circle has nothing to do with getting her hair braided, it's a group of women who are leaders of the village. Continuing with that scene, seriously people in Two Rivers push young woman into a river
where they could easily drown as a rite of passage? Again these are not Aiel, they don't do shit like this.

- The people of Edmond's Field being diverse. It's not in the books, each nations are fairly isolated and not intermixed. This is seen by each nation having their own culture, values, government etc. Most being at war with each other, or not totally understanding each other. One of the theme of The Wheel of Time is about acceptance of others and working together for the greater good...even if Rand has to force this on everyone.

- Perrin being married and then killing his wife. Why bother introducing a wife only to kill her, unless it's make him hate the axe as he does in the books, but that happens for a lot of reasons without the need for that. Showing him going into a "berserker/bloodrage" while fight is stupid, that happen due to his link with the wolves and why he fights it for so long. What's the point of fighting it if that is how he is without the link. Unless they plan to totally forget about the wolves which makes you wonder why have Perrin there in the first place.

- Mat, I don't mind him being a gambler and wanting to take care of his sisters. It's pretty in character for him. That said, I don't see why they made him a thief, and the conversation with Padan Fain seems to indicate this wasn't the first time. All in all though not a huge deal, but Mat is many things but not a thief.

- Mat's father is part of the Town Council, and is a big part of organizing the defense of Edmond's Field later on with Tam, he's not a piece of shit, not much about his mother but definitely not the way she was portrayed in the show.

- Rand, not much to say as he does very little in the first episode except FUCK Egwene. Seriously this never happens in the books, it's part of the character development that their path takes them in different direction and they won't be together. Also removes some of the innocence Rand has toward
sex and women in general. Edmond's Field is actually shown to be very conservative place, and later people are shocked that some girls start wearing Ebou Dar dresses.

- Nynaeve, I didn't mind her much to be honest, not how I saw her but they did a good job with the character I think.

- Nynaeve discussion with Moiraine about the Wisdom before her going to the White Tower and being turned away because she was a peasant. Seriously, wtf is this shit, the White Tower actively recruits any girl/woman who can channel to teach them at the very least not to kill themselves using the One
Power. For fuck's sake Siun Sanche, the Amyrlyn Seat is a fisherman's daughter.

- Moiraine being hurt by a spear, and all scenes after that show she is fine, clothes not torn off, or any signs of blood.

- One Power having a cast time, sure it might be easier to follow but will limit what can be done in some major ways. Just the concept of shielding someone is instant. Can be worked around I guess it's not a huge issues, makes Aes Sedai much more vulnerable to being stabbed by a sword while casting these long spells.

- 4 Tav'eren is dumb but doesn't really affect the story so much. A lot of things changed around Egwene so she could easily be considered Ta'veren.

- The big battle, trollocs everywhere fight Edmond's Field people until at some point they are all grouped up together ready for Moiraine to used big magic to kill them all.

- Minor thing although technically accurate, when Moiraine heals Tam she mentions the poison from the Trolloc weapon. The issue I have is that the poison has no impact in this story, we don't see Tam delirious, or how close to death he is, or weak he is. They could have just skipped mentioning the poison as its pointless and just heal him to show Aes Sedai can heal.

- Mat finding his 2 sisters extremely well hidden and taking them out and telling them to go hide elsewhere? Why bother? They were well hidden. :)

- Moiraine telling the 4 they might be the Dragon Reborn, and none of them having any sort of reaction. They don't know much about the Dragon Reborn, but they know he's going to be crazy and possibly break the world again, but they seem just fine. Perrin doesn't look like he just killed his wife a few minutes earlier.

There might be more but that's what I remember for now, the biggest issue with all of these changes is that nothing improves the story, nothing really helps the pacing of the show. A lot of these character changes actually go against what the character are about, or put the characters as they are in the middle of their arc. Like where do they go with Perrin, him killing Whitecloaks will not be very shocking after he has killed his wife.

It does feel 100% hubris of the part of the showrunners that they can tell a better story than Robert Jordan did. It doesn't feel like an adaptation, so much as a loose retelling of the story which personally isn't what I was looking for. I saw some people mentioned they actually liked that because it's probably as close as we're ever going to get new material in The Wheel of Time setting which is some twisted way I can understand, but it's not for me.
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Trakanon Raider
How the fuck did any of you even last 10 minutes on this shit?

Did you just have it playing in the background while doing something else?


El Presidente
Ok, major rant about the first episode. I'll spoiler in case anyone cares. My expectations were low, but I think this managed to fall below it.

Stuff that I didn't like about the first episode.

- Dragon can be a boy or a girl. Totally stupid, the entire premise of the book is about whether The dragon Reborn will go mad and break the world again before the last battle. Going mad happens only to male channelers, not females. Also the fact that the dragon is a man is what splits the White Tower between those that want to capture him and hold him shielded until the last battle and those(Moraine) who thinks he needs some freedom to be ready for the last battle.

- Moiraine and Lan getting naked in a tub, if you don't know about the books that strongly suggests they may be a couple or lovers. They never do that in the books, they are not Aiel after all. This also sorta diminish the culture shock of Aiel and the sweat tents having both male and female naked together if it's done elsewhere.

- The scene with Egwene getting her braid and becoming part of the Women's Circle, wtf the Woman's Circle has nothing to do with getting her hair braided, it's a group of women who are leaders of the village. Continuing with that scene, seriously people in Two Rivers push young woman into a river
where they could easily drown as a rite of passage? Again these are not Aiel, they don't do shit like this.

- The people of Edmond's Field being diverse. It's not in the books, each nations are fairly isolated and not intermixed. This is seen by each nation having their own culture, values, government etc. Most being at war with each other, or not totally understanding each other. One of the theme of The Wheel of Time is about acceptance of others and working together for the greater good...even if Rand has to force this on everyone.

- Perrin being married and then killing his wife. Why bother introducing a wife only to kill her, unless it's make him hate the axe as he does in the books, but that happens for a lot of reasons without the need for that. Showing him going into a "berserker/bloodrage" while fight is stupid, that happen due to his link with the wolves and why he fights it for so long. What's the point of fighting it if that is how he is without the link. Unless they plan to totally forget about the wolves which makes you wonder why have Perrin there in the first place.

- Mat, I don't mind him being a gambler and wanting to take care of his sisters. It's pretty in character for him. That said, I don't see why they made him a thief, and the conversation with Padan Fain seems to indicate this wasn't the first time. All in all though not a huge deal, but Mat is many things but not a thief.

- Mat's father is part of the Town Council, and is a big part of organizing the defense of Edmond's Field later on with Tam, he's not a piece of shit, not much about his mother but definitely not the way she was portrayed in the show.

- Rand, not much to say as he does very little in the first episode except FUCK Egwene. Seriously this never happens in the books, it's part of the character development that their path takes them in different direction and they won't be together. Also removes some of the innocence Rand has toward
sex and women in general. Edmond's Field is actually shown to be very conservative place, and later people are shocked that some girls start wearing Ebou Dar dresses.

- Nynaeve, I didn't mind her much to be honest, not how I saw her but they did a good job with the character I think.

- Nynaeve discussion with Moiraine about the Wisdom before her going to the White Tower and being turned away because she was a peasant. Seriously, wtf is this shit, the White Tower actively recruits any girl/woman who can channel to teach them at the very least not to kill themselves using the One
Power. For fuck's sake Siun Sanche, the Amyrlyn Seat is a fisherman's daughter.

- Moiraine being hurt by a spear, and all scenes after that show she is fine, clothes not torn off, or any signs of blood.

- One Power having a cast time, sure it might be easier to follow but will limit what can be done in some major ways. Just the concept of shielding someone is instant. Can be worked around I guess it's not a huge issues, makes Aes Sedai much more vulnerable to being stabbed by a sword while casting these long spells.

- 4 Tav'eren is dumb but doesn't really affect the story so much. A lot of things changed around Egwene so she could easily be considered Ta'veren.

- The big battle, trollocs everywhere fight Edmond's Field people until at some point they are all grouped up together ready for Moiraine to used big magic to kill them all.

- Minor thing although technically accurate, when Moiraine heals Tam she mentions the poison from the Trolloc weapon. The issue I have is that the poison has no impact in this story, we don't see Tam delirious, or how close to death he is, or weak he is. They could have just skipped mentioning the poison as its pointless and just heal him to show Aes Sedai can heal.

- Mat finding his 2 sisters extremely well hidden and taking them out and telling them to go hide elsewhere? Why bother? They were well hidden. :)

- Moiraine telling the 4 they might be the Dragon Reborn, and none of them having any sort of reaction. They don't know much about the Dragon Reborn, but they know he's going to be crazy and possibly break the world again, but they seem just fine. Perrin doesn't look like he just killed his wife a few minutes earlier.

There might be more but that's what I remember for now, the biggest issue with all of these changes is that nothing improves the story, nothing really helps the pacing of the show. A lot of these character changes actually go against what the character are about, or put the characters as they are in the middle of their arc. Like where do they go with Perrin, him killing Whitecloaks will not be very shocking after he has killed his wife.

It does feel 100% hubris of the part of the showrunners that they can tell a better story than Robert Jordan did. It doesn't feel like an adaptation, so much as a loose retelling of the story which personally isn't what I was looking for. I saw some people mentioned they actually liked that because it's probably as close as we're ever going to get new material in The Wheel of Time setting which is some twisted way I can understand, but it's not for me.

Your first point I agree with.
The Moiraine/Lan in the tub thing isn't that weird. That was a normal thing in the Borderlands too, not just with the Aiel. It was brought up several times while they were in Fal Dara.
The whole thing was that the Two Rivers was an inbred backwood. Like there was probably a whole lot of marrying your 4th cousin on your father's side who was also your 6th cousin on your mom's happening.
I'm not going to go point for point, I agree with a lot of what you're saying.
Egwene being Ta'veren is kind of whatever although her potentially being the Dragon Reborn is real, real stupid.
The thing about Nynaeve being an outlander and raised by the the previous wisdom was real dumb.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
How the fuck did any of you even last 10 minutes on this shit?

Did you just have it playing in the background while doing something else?
Yes. While I worked and on breaks. I promised I’d power through it and I did. It’s not legend of the seeker bad but it’s still bad. If you’re starving for fantasy it’s fine. The first episode was the worst of the three.

I looked at some of the actors and the woman who plays nynaeve biggest role is she was a Power Ranger. That’s the tier of actors they went for. If they wouldn’t have butchered the story and got better actors this could have been pretty decent.

Also regarding casting. It’s dumb they added cast times to the magic, there is so much that happens later that is instant back and forth. Coupled with adding hand and arm motions for some reason it’s just going to look stupid. There were several times in the books where they were having intense battles but any non-power user onlooker would just see two women staring at each other, not know anything was happening. Now they’re going to see two women dancing at each other lol
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El Presidente
Yes. While I worked and on breaks. I promised I’d power through it and I did. It’s not legend of the seeker bad but it’s still bad. If you’re starving for fantasy it’s fine. The first episode was the worst of the three.

I looked at some of the actors and the woman who plays nynaeve biggest role is she was a Power Ranger. That’s the tier of actors they went for. If they wouldn’t have butchered the story and got better actors this could have been pretty decent.

Also regarding casting. It’s dumb they added cast times to the magic, there is so much that happens later that is instant back and forth. Coupled with adding hand and arm motions for some reason it’s just going to look stupid. There were several times in the books where they were having intense battles but any non-power user onlooker would just see two women staring at each other, not know anything was happening. Now they’re going to see two women dancing at each other lol
They talk about it in the books that the gestures and stuff people use aren't really necessary in theory but people rely on them so they kind of become part of it. Some non Aes Sedai channelers don't really use them.
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Molten Core Raider
Rand casting is good. I like it so far, minus the wool blouse, that was shit.
Mat and Perrin are too old. Moraine is good.
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Vyemm Raider
Yeah sorry. I should have said he’s the only one of his kind that’s a warder and samurai like. There’s a small village of his people left of his once huge empire.

I also should have said the strongest of the old ones would manhandle the 12 linked ones now, since they did have weak ones back in the day. The current strongest ones are referenced as children who have no idea what they’re doing with the power. I think they said the current strong ones would barely qualify for training back then.

Remember the old ones not only were able to use a lot more power but also had a massive amount of knowledge of possible things they could do that current ones have no idea of. So when the old ones return and get attacked by new ones it’s not even an effort for them to swat the attacks away.

Also have to keep in mind that, other than Asmodean, the Forsaken were considered pretty damn strong in the Age of Legends too.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
They talk about it in the books that the gestures and stuff people use aren't really necessary in theory but people rely on them so they kind of become part of it. Some non Aes Sedai channelers don't really use them.
I only remember a few did it for like the first things they learned or something. Like they thought they had to do it for it to work so it was like a tic kind of. Especially if they were wilders or whatever it was they called non-tower trained women that were using it knowingly or unknowingly.

I do not remember shit like moraine swinging her arms around wildly and making all kinds of shapes like she was doing in the two rivers fight.

I would like to add although I’ve read the series a lot in the 90s, I haven’t read it in the past 8 years since MoL released and I did a final read. I very well may be misremembering shit about details.


Vyemm Raider
Ok, major rant about the first episode. I'll spoiler in case anyone cares. My expectations were low, but I think this managed to fall below it.

Stuff that I didn't like about the first episode.

- Dragon can be a boy or a girl. Totally stupid, the entire premise of the book is about whether The dragon Reborn will go mad and break the world again before the last battle. Going mad happens only to male channelers, not females. Also the fact that the dragon is a man is what splits the White Tower between those that want to capture him and hold him shielded until the last battle and those(Moraine) who thinks he needs some freedom to be ready for the last battle.

- Moiraine and Lan getting naked in a tub, if you don't know about the books that strongly suggests they may be a couple or lovers. They never do that in the books, they are not Aiel after all. This also sorta diminish the culture shock of Aiel and the sweat tents having both male and female naked together if it's done elsewhere.

- The scene with Egwene getting her braid and becoming part of the Women's Circle, wtf the Woman's Circle has nothing to do with getting her hair braided, it's a group of women who are leaders of the village. Continuing with that scene, seriously people in Two Rivers push young woman into a river
where they could easily drown as a rite of passage? Again these are not Aiel, they don't do shit like this.

- The people of Edmond's Field being diverse. It's not in the books, each nations are fairly isolated and not intermixed. This is seen by each nation having their own culture, values, government etc. Most being at war with each other, or not totally understanding each other. One of the theme of The Wheel of Time is about acceptance of others and working together for the greater good...even if Rand has to force this on everyone.

- Perrin being married and then killing his wife. Why bother introducing a wife only to kill her, unless it's make him hate the axe as he does in the books, but that happens for a lot of reasons without the need for that. Showing him going into a "berserker/bloodrage" while fight is stupid, that happen due to his link with the wolves and why he fights it for so long. What's the point of fighting it if that is how he is without the link. Unless they plan to totally forget about the wolves which makes you wonder why have Perrin there in the first place.

- Mat, I don't mind him being a gambler and wanting to take care of his sisters. It's pretty in character for him. That said, I don't see why they made him a thief, and the conversation with Padan Fain seems to indicate this wasn't the first time. All in all though not a huge deal, but Mat is many things but not a thief.

- Mat's father is part of the Town Council, and is a big part of organizing the defense of Edmond's Field later on with Tam, he's not a piece of shit, not much about his mother but definitely not the way she was portrayed in the show.

- Rand, not much to say as he does very little in the first episode except FUCK Egwene. Seriously this never happens in the books, it's part of the character development that their path takes them in different direction and they won't be together. Also removes some of the innocence Rand has toward
sex and women in general. Edmond's Field is actually shown to be very conservative place, and later people are shocked that some girls start wearing Ebou Dar dresses.

- Nynaeve, I didn't mind her much to be honest, not how I saw her but they did a good job with the character I think.

- Nynaeve discussion with Moiraine about the Wisdom before her going to the White Tower and being turned away because she was a peasant. Seriously, wtf is this shit, the White Tower actively recruits any girl/woman who can channel to teach them at the very least not to kill themselves using the One
Power. For fuck's sake Siun Sanche, the Amyrlyn Seat is a fisherman's daughter.

- Moiraine being hurt by a spear, and all scenes after that show she is fine, clothes not torn off, or any signs of blood.

- One Power having a cast time, sure it might be easier to follow but will limit what can be done in some major ways. Just the concept of shielding someone is instant. Can be worked around I guess it's not a huge issues, makes Aes Sedai much more vulnerable to being stabbed by a sword while casting these long spells.

- 4 Tav'eren is dumb but doesn't really affect the story so much. A lot of things changed around Egwene so she could easily be considered Ta'veren.

- The big battle, trollocs everywhere fight Edmond's Field people until at some point they are all grouped up together ready for Moiraine to used big magic to kill them all.

- Minor thing although technically accurate, when Moiraine heals Tam she mentions the poison from the Trolloc weapon. The issue I have is that the poison has no impact in this story, we don't see Tam delirious, or how close to death he is, or weak he is. They could have just skipped mentioning the poison as its pointless and just heal him to show Aes Sedai can heal.

- Mat finding his 2 sisters extremely well hidden and taking them out and telling them to go hide elsewhere? Why bother? They were well hidden. :)

- Moiraine telling the 4 they might be the Dragon Reborn, and none of them having any sort of reaction. They don't know much about the Dragon Reborn, but they know he's going to be crazy and possibly break the world again, but they seem just fine. Perrin doesn't look like he just killed his wife a few minutes earlier.

There might be more but that's what I remember for now, the biggest issue with all of these changes is that nothing improves the story, nothing really helps the pacing of the show. A lot of these character changes actually go against what the character are about, or put the characters as they are in the middle of their arc. Like where do they go with Perrin, him killing Whitecloaks will not be very shocking after he has killed his wife.

It does feel 100% hubris of the part of the showrunners that they can tell a better story than Robert Jordan did. It doesn't feel like an adaptation, so much as a loose retelling of the story which personally isn't what I was looking for. I saw some people mentioned they actually liked that because it's probably as close as we're ever going to get new material in The Wheel of Time setting which is some twisted way I can understand, but it's not for me.

Tam being delirious from Trolloc poison was retarded to leave out, that's when he lets slip that he's not Rand's father.

A lot of the other Two Rivers changes seem to me to be desperate edgelord shit trying to grimdark it up to be more like GoT.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its like they did indeed read the books, or a pretty good synopsis, and then knew they had to crunch it. So the changes they've made which we've seen will play out later on. Like Edmond's Field, much later in the story it does become diverse, but due to refugees fleeing Seanchan and shit.
Having Mat be shown as a thief / gambler is most likely to make his seduction by the Shadar Logoth dagger understood by smooth brains. Perrin killing his wife (lol) is probably to allow them to skip a lot of his story, and if the leaks are true Elyas isn't in Season 1 at all, but Hopper is at least. Again, if the leaks of Season 1 are true, a LOT was skipped.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What are the season one leaks? Share a link!

They have said plenty of times that the first two seasons are going to be a mix of the first 2 and possibly 3 books, so you might see stuff from Great Hunt show up in this season, and some stuff from Eye of the World show up in Season 2. Who knows how they make that work, probably just traveling stuff or things somehow not related to the main story I guess.

Tam not being Rand's father could easily be revealed later when he meets the Aiel or goes to Rhuidean.

I agree with a lot of what Valderen spoilered but some of it and other complaints are just pointless either this early in the story or in a TV show compared to a book, and yeah I've made a lot of the same ones. Sure its awesome and intense when two aes sedai are staring at each other blocking weaves and shit but how do you make that work on tv? The weaves will hopefully become more instant cast but you really have to show some sort of animation to have it connect with viewers, at least at the start, and who knows maybe with other Aes Sedai they will do the non-motion weaves and figure out a way to make it look great on TV.

God I sound like such a fucking homer for this show, I'm sorry.


Molten Core Raider
Why didnt they used the intro of the books for the show?

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the great mountainous island of Tremalking. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”​


OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Why didnt they used the intro of the books for the show?

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the great mountainous island of Tremalking. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”​

Because it sucks and was never about adapting the books?


Vyemm Raider
Its like they did indeed read the books, or a pretty good synopsis, and then knew they had to crunch it. So the changes they've made which we've seen will play out later on. Like Edmond's Field, much later in the story it does become diverse, but due to refugees fleeing Seanchan and shit.
Having Mat be shown as a thief / gambler is most likely to make his seduction by the Shadar Logoth dagger understood by smooth brains. Perrin killing his wife (lol) is probably to allow them to skip a lot of his story, and if the leaks are true Elyas isn't in Season 1 at all, but Hopper is at least. Again, if the leaks of Season 1 are true, a LOT was skipped.

The problem is those stupid changes fuck up the characters. In the books, Rand is not a coward who runs from fat girls with swords (even in this show he doesn't hesitate to tackle a Trolloc, but oh no, fat girl, let me slam myself into a locked ironwood door over and over like a cartoon character), and all three are honorable. Mat is not a thief and Perrin wouldn't accidentally kill his wife and not say a word about it. They were good kids raised by good people. These dumb additions fundamentally change who they are.

One of the main problems I have with them skipping shit, is what we get instead, boring, pointless conversations. The pacing is fucking terrible.

Why didnt they used the intro of the books for the show?

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the great mountainous island of Tremalking. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”​

They did use it, once. As for the actual "intro", just more "gotta be like GoT."
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Potato del Grande
Wheel of Time
Season: 1
Episode: 1
Air date: 2021-11-18

Guest stars: Jan Petřina, Roman Dvorak, Lolita Chakrabarti, Michael McElhatton, Naana Agyei-Ampadu, Mandi Symonds, Juliet Howland, Christopher Sciueref, Litiana Biutanaseva, Lilibet Biutanaseva, Michael Tuahine, Johann Myers, Petr Šimčák, Barney Harris, Marcus Rutherford, Helena Westerman
A strange noblewoman arrives in a remote mountain village, claiming one of five youths is the reincarnation of an ancient power who once destroyed the world – and will do so again, if she’s not able to discover which of them it is. But they all have less time than they think.

Its very rushed. In every way. I get it, lots of books to cover. But its super rushed.
  1. Trollocs didn't look bad at all.
  2. Myrddraal looked great.
  3. Lan should have been bigger, but overall not bad
  4. Tam not revealing Rands parentage issue stinks
  5. Sets are nice. Shadar Logoth was well done.
  6. Casting for Padan Fain was good.
  7. Not crazy about Egewene or Nynaeve casting. At. All.
  8. Moiraine looks too old, but otherwise is fine.
  9. White Cloaks were great, especially the Questioner.
  10. Rand casting choice is fine, but there are issues (at times)
  11. Matt is actually pretty solid, but an actor switch is coming S2 which sucks
  12. Perrin...not sure how I feel about this yet.
  13. Some scenes are a bit too over-dramatic
  14. Thom was great.

Overall, I am not unhappy, or even dissapointed. Its not bad, but a solid 'could have been'. Worth a watch if your a fan.
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Potato del Grande
Not sure how many seasons are planned, but my assumption is they want to do all the books.