Which MMO *DO* you actually play now?


Trakanon Raider
i play rerolled.org the forum game. it's way more fucking entertaining than any other MMO currently on the market...


<Gold Donor>
There's an MMO worth playing right now?

News to me...


Golden Squire
Planning on downloading lotro.. been planning on it for a week when I started reading the Hobbit. Been googling armor sets and stuff and there seems to be a huge variety in that game, plus I like middle earth lore. I think I'll download it tonight and give it a try, something new to me.
LOTRO is a lot of a fun, with a great F2P system. It's standard WoW-style bear-ass questing, and with each expansion the game cares less and less about grouping, but if you are a Tolkien nerd, it's just amazing. They did a great job bringing Middle Earth to life. It's fun just to see what you can see that you remember from the footnotes of LOTR ;-). The F2P model is actually a case of a viable way to play, as opposed to a "annoys you into subbing".


WoW. But I'm logging in less and less. Thinking I may just pick up GW2 again very casually.

Or maybe I'll go back to LOTRO or something. I do like the game.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Not playing any MMORPG right now, but since your title said MMO, I still play PS2 heavily. Sure it has its bad moments, but trying to win an alert at the last minute in a big 100v100 fight can be fun as hell. Plus it's free, not just box price then free.

Especially if you play like I do, cheap and dirty (hi2u noob toob rifle grenade launcher, and vehicle grenade launcher. maybe I can't aim after all...)


Lord Nagafen Raider
I haven't got a steady MMO at the moment, so I have been dipping into a ton of MMOs over the past few months:

Got a return-for-a-week-for-free mail from WoW, so I played that for a week. Had some fun doing the Isle of Time and SoO LFR, but when the week ended I did not have any urge to resub. I'm pretty sure i'll get 6.0 because it's just the most polished game in the market. But at the moment, nah.

Spend some time on LOTRO, got a char to max level but then there is fuck-all to do. I pre-ordered Helm's Deep on a whim, but after playing around in beta for a few hours i'm pretty sure I will only run a char through the story 1 time and then dump the game like a brick. The class revamps are horrible and the new Big Battle system is FUBAR.

Also went back to EQ1 since it went Free to Play, logged into my lvl 90 SK and found out I am naked since I can't wear any of my gear cause it has augs in it. Instant uninstall.

Played EQ2 for a few weeks, till I had 5 hotbars filled with crap skills. Uninstall.

Played Rift, got to lvl 30 or something. everything is so bland and uninspired. Uninstall.

Currently, I am having fun playing a little bit of Vanguard (playing a disciple) and playing some non-MMO games like Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Call of Duty, etc.

There just isn't a MMO on the market atm that is interesting enough for me to spend a lot of time on, so i'm happy with a tidbit of VG and some non-MMO gaming on the side.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Mostly GW2, I picked up SWtoR again to play through a couple stories I missed the first time around. Killing time and stuff. WoW is cool, but I'm really bored of MoP.
Consider that what I do in MMOs today is level alts or do 1 group content. Both gw2 and swtor appeal to me for that reason, WoW not so much anymore.
Waiting for... whatever comes out and is fun enough.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
So, I got to wondering what are you all playing TODAY if anything?
Nothing. I'm in Minecraft, where I indulge in massive projects (the current one began last Feb, and is about... 1/3rd complete) in SMP on my guild's server.

I do pop in GW2 from time to time because it's F2P (so I don't have a sub nagging me to play as much as I can) and was designed as F2P (so it's not a crippled version of a sub-based MMO). But that gigantic Borges Library isn't going to built itself...

(I notice a lot of "casualness" tends to gravitate around GW2. I suspect it's slowly overtaking WoW as the "MMO I fall back to when there's nothing interesting around")


I just went through my MMOs that I play every couple of years, Lord of the Rings, Rift, EQ2, etc. All free to play now and except for LotRs all of them allow pretty much unrestricted access. Thing is, I can't play any of these games for more than a month or two before getting bored.

So I'm playing Grand Theft Auto 5 and it's amazing.


Since quitting WoW in 2009, I've played SWTOR, GW2, and a handful of those f2p ones (Runes of Magic, Forsaken World, LOTRO, etc...). Didn't stick with any of them that long because none of them really caught my interest (SWTOR lasted the longest and I did enjoy the plots of each of the classes). I have zero interest in going back to WoW or EQ (which I played for a long time as well). Unless something really interesting happens by (unlikely, the MMO market has sucked for a while now, or maybe I'm just bored easily), I'll be playing single player stuff via Steam with occasional Payday 2 and Torchlight 2 multiplayer with the family over weekends.


Tera because honestly to me its the best mmo out atm. The content is lacking I grant you that, even with the recent dungeon additions there still needs to be more. But I am completely in love with the combat system and the graphics imo put everyone else to shame and right now that is enough to keep me happy until EQnext.



Trump's Staff
GW2 was the last MMORPG I actually bought and played to max... It disappointed me so much I haven't bothered with any more. Ill log into Vanguard every now and then, get depressed, and go play an FPS. Waiting anxiously for the EQ:N/TESO/Wildstar releases, but I don't have much hope for any of them.


Musty Nester
None atm.

The most recent one I played was DCUO and before that Rift. There's just nothing out there that I feel is worth the time investment. Even as a casual player MMO games are the heaviest time investment computer games there are -- and for me they have to validate that investment. It's not the matter of cost. A basic cable subscription costs what? like 80 bucks a month? I could easily see going half of that for a MMO sub, but that's not the way this market has evolved.

They're still trying to make movies. Maybe in 5-10 years someone will try to make the MMO version of Sopranos/Mad Men/Breaking Bad/House of Cards/Deadwood/Rome... but it ain't yet. I'll have probably lost interest by the time self interested dipshits like McQuaid and Ponytail catch up to the market.


Goonsquad Officer
Logged into shards of dalaya and kited iksar skeletons around feriona vie zone place (prophet's landing?) love old eq style of combat. got killed by an add (really due to arch liching myself to death from not paying attention.

so I guess that's the last mmo I played.


Molten Core Raider
Resubbed to Wow this weekend
Did a lot of 85-89 bgs on a frost mage, so god damn fun.