Why do men keep putting me in the Girlfriend-zone?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
He's just never noticed it because he's fat and/or ugly. Or is too busy updating his livejournal while the train is above ground.

Last time I got laid (which was kind of depressingly long ago) was because I caught a girl blatantly checking me out while outside smoking. Called her on it and everything went better than expected.


And girls do all that shit too, sometimes the form is different(and sometimes it's not...my GF's circle of friends do ALL that shit you're saying), but the objectification is the same.

The fact that you attribute this primarily to men is just incredibly sexist. I don't know how you justify this to yourself.
Ah ha. I see, you've been trolling me. Why, you may not even have your girlfriend there. You might actually be three parakeets eating birdseed off the keyboard.

No, seriously, man, are you high? This whole thread has been been repeating the battle cry over and over that men and women are different, that men look for different things in women than women do in men, that men pursue women while women are pursued by men, that women are sex "sellers" and men are sex "buyers" (check some of Trollface's linked articles), and you're going to tell me, with a straight face, that men and women exhibit the same behavior when checking each other out?

If they're not so full of pride that they have to always disagree with me on principle, even someone who disagrees with me on everything I've said up to this point will jump in and tell you you're off your nut. So no, the objectification (and especially the behavior behind the objectification) is not the same.

EDIT: +1 for your avatar, though.


He's just never noticed it because he's fat and/or ugly. Or is too busy updating his livejournal while the train is above ground.

Last time I got laid (which was kind of depressingly long ago) was because I caught a girl blatantly checking me out while outside smoking. Called her on it and everything went better than expected.
Yeah, you caught a girl looking at you and then you initiated a conversation and took it from there.
When was the last time a girl you didn't know catcalled you?
When was the last time a 45 year old woman who thought you were hot came up to you and started conversing, ignoring your clear discomfort?
When was the last time a stranger started flirting with you in an elevator where you couldn't get away, forcing you to count each awkward second as you try to turn her away as politely as you can?
When was the last time a woman made a comment about your package?

Give me a break, people. Now you guys are clearly trying to spite me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All of those things have happened to me, the 45 year old one just last weekend, not even drunk. The elevator detail not exactly but generally yes.


Tranny Chaser
Half of those are people being assholes and half of those are low value males trying approaches. I don't understand your point.


All of those things have happened to me, the 45 year old one just last weekend, not even drunk. The elevator detail not exactly but generally yes.
So you regularly are made uncomfortable by unwanted advances from females?
Even if this were true (and forgive me if I have trouble believing it), you think this is common for men? You think men regularly feel like they're being "checked out" and creeped on?
To the same extent that women do? Seriously?
Honestly, I can't believe we're even discussing this point. This is completely ridiculous.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Give me a break, people. Now you guys are clearly trying to spite me.


Half of those are people being assholes and half of those are low value males trying approaches. I don't understand your point.
Well, good sir, men don't have to put up with she-assholes and low value females trying approaches. A guy can go outside dressed however he wants with the knowledge and confidence that he will not be made to feel like a piece of meat nor will he be accosted by strangers making him feel uncomfortable.

In an effort to make it seem like this is a two-way street, it's been suggested that women objectify men too, only for "what they can bring to the table" as opposed to what they look like. While I'm more than willing to acknowledge that this is the case, I think it's preposterous to compare a woman's "passive" objectification of a man (that, for all intents and purposes, has no affect on the daily lives of most men) to a man's "active" objectification of a woman, something many women have to deal with every day of their lives. That is my point.


There's nothing creepy about human sexuality. That's girl talk for "guy who's not good enough for me trying to hit on me".
So girls should just suck it up and accept that, for as long as they are considered attractive by society at large, they will be targeted by strangers on a regular basis who will invade their personal space and make them feel uncomfortable. OK, got it.


privileged excrementlord
I'm sure they're crying themselves to sleep at night wishing they were uglier. Just how fat are you?


I think you're confusing "white knighting" with "perspective".


Tranny Chaser
I don't think you understand very well the species you belong to. Almost the entire burden of introduction and approach is on the male side and they take all the risks to their status that are incurred by being rejected. The very idea that you are trying to paint this situation as being disadvantageous to females isridiculous.Oh, I'm so sorry that all of your interactions with human beings are not to your liking but the other side does not live in a world with an endless parade of potential suitors whom you can destroy one after another with a single disgusted look should you find their value not to your standards.